Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Patridiots get their coup d'etat on!


Nothing like a good old fashioned constitutional coup d'etat (does that phrase make me look French?) to give a patridiot a thrill running down his leg, is there?

Tomorrow, if Colonel Klink retired army Colonel Harry Riley gets his way, 10 to 30 million 'merikans will march on Washington D.C., surround its government buildings, and DEMAND! that President Obama (as well as other federal officials) give himself up for committing the treasonous act of being elected twice by a majority of American citizens.  Colonel Riley and his band of brave Strict Constitutionalists will put Obummer on trial; and after testimony by Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin, the Marxist Commie Kenyan Usurper will be found guilty and frog-marched off to the firing squad.

At last!  Constitutional FREEDOM!  and LIBERTY!  and JUSTICE! restored and rescued from Obummer The Bloody Marxist Tyrant!!!!!111!!!

Go read Infidel753'sSquatlo-Rant's, and Green Eagle's posts on what promises to be an astoundingly massive Second American Revolution!  Or something.

Here's a sampling of the brilliant minds who support this grandiose and patridiot idea:

Sharon Hey
Sharon HeyMay 09, 22:03

Jeff Jeffers
Jeff JeffersMay 09, 23:10
I hope it will do something to restore this nation back to having some sense in a place of leadership.

And my favorite comes from a fine fellow, John Brickhead, who, in his best patridiot fervor trumpets, "...LET THERE BE JUSTICE ON THOSE WHO PERPERTRATED OUR LIBERTIES!"

Yes, John!  You said a mouthful!  Now go defend liberty and get your coup d'etat on!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!

John Birckhead
John BirckheadMay 10, 03:35
I am not opposed to this Tea Party, a move our colonists perpertrated on the Crown, King George III, fed up Americans with a failed lying President and corrupt politicians that led to the similar Ukraine uprising as well. . I would support them and they would gain collaboration as well from our citizens. Will foreign nations support us as well. The voice of the people may not always come as votes but brute force. The U S Constitution cannot depend upon the judicial system, to defend her. The people have an obligation to our founding fathers and GOD as well. For GOD blessed America as we could have easliy lost to King George. Then we would be under the United Kingdom today. How far are u willing to go to maintain a way of life and ideas that have policed the world, stopped tyranny and mass murder, led the world as exceptional people and allowed u to sleep in peace. Obama and his cronies need to go. If this be so, let there be justice on those who perpertrated our liberties.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Well, the Arab Spring worked... so I guess that means Obama's presidency will be ending soon? I wonder if that means that Biden will become president, or maybe he'll be forced out as well and we'll end up with a president Bohener? If only we knew these "spring" things worked back when George bush lied us into two illegal wars. Surely more than 30 million would have occupied Washington to get rid of him.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

I prefer this spelling: Colonel Klinke or simply Klinke for short, or maybe even this - Kinke with all associated undertones intended. This spelling connotes not only the grandstanding idgits in the news, but recalls the often abusive and always offensive idgits who escape the insane asylum of comment moderation and troll these waters.

Rightwing trolls are not harmless. Years ago, one self-styled rightwing troll stalked and harassed readers of my blogging community and sent threatening email to me - dated early morning on Christmas Day. Let me repeat: Christmas Day!

Dutifully, I reported this incident to law enforcement and will not hesitate to report any such incidents in the future. This experience accounts for my impatience with idgits and why I avoid forums that continue to tolerate such abuse.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have to laugh, but as a republican now, be sad also, since George Washington led an army to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791.

Not that that will keep me and other republicans and kooks from invoking Founding Father stuff into arguments for our deluded ideas. Facts will never be allowed to influence arguments that keep bigots, religious kooks and idiots in my party's base.

Les Carpenter said...

This "glorious" Patridiot cause is also to remove Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office.

Nation approaching the Bring of Insanity,.

Infidel753 said...

John Brickhead, who, in his best patridiot fervor trumpets, "...LET THERE BE JUSTICE ON THOSE WHO PERPERTRATED OUR LIBERTIES!".

Yep, these guys' awful command of English sometimes lets them perpetrate more truth than they know.

You'd think they would at least try to spell "Constitution" correctly, but I suppose it's a really hard word.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Derv, the Arab Spring is JUST LIKE what's happening here. Think of it: Obama arrested, jailed, and tortured all those who opposed him. And he confiscated all their gunz!!!!! No wonder we need the same "Spring" here.

(O)CT(O)PUS, does this Colonel Klinke resemble any other "Colonel Klinke" that you've written about? Just wondering. This "gathering" will be an awesome collection of real patrIDIOTS. Just read their comments to understand.

Joe, now that you're a Republican, can you tell us how it feels to be on the stupid side of history? Thanks.

RN, did you write Bring of Insanity on purpose? Because it's brilliant!

Infidel753, it's supposed to be bad manners to make fun of people's ignorance. But, seriously, it is also hard not to laugh at "ConSITution" and dear John Brickhead's "...LET THERE BE JUSTICE ON THOSE WHO PERPERTRATED OUR LIBERTIES!".

I'm still worrying about the Port-a-Potties!

Ducky's here said...

I recommend the link which Shaw thoughtfully provided.

"Terry Trussell, Operation American Spring’s chief of staff, and far-right radio host Mark Hoffmann are warning attendees to prepare for violence and possibly even a drone strike to “destroy the capital just to get rid of us.”"
Good stuff.

He's guaranteeing 20 million but I hear the over/under is 500 and I'm betting the under.

Dave Miller said...

A lot of these folks are eerily similar to the perpertraitor of this fine quote... "If God didn't want us to hunt, He wouldn't have given us plaid shirts; I only kill in self defense—what would you do if a rabbit pulled a knife on you?"

A great patriot... Floyd R Turbo...

Dave Miller said...

Smart people keep saying that the MSM is not covering this, but the Washington Times is all over this in print and video...

They're mainstream right?

okjimm said...

//10 to 30 million 'merikans will march on Washington D.C.,//

boy and howdy, does that sound like a swell time! and and and, will Ted Nugent play at half-time?

Will Sarah Palin have a wardrobe malfunction while singing the Star Banner Spangle?

Guest appearance by.....Putin!!!

go go go Red Sox!

Infidel753 said...

I'm still wondering if anybody took the trouble to buy enough Cheetos for 30 million people.....

Ema Nymton said...


Ya. Go laugh.

You'll see. ...

(I'd laugh except for the real danger.)


You know. It really is funny. But the great danger is that these Patriotrators have guns. And are a danger to themselves.

Ema Nymton

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

… does this Colonel Klinke resemble any other "Colonel Klinke" that you've written about?

Who can turn spit into spite,
Or fashion any hat into hate?
It's elementary:
Don't add x, y or z:
Just end your words in silent e.

A quaint, anachronistic affectation cannot disguise the obvious when a commenter is brazenly and relentlessly disrespectful, betrays every courtesy and trust, and treats people in a manner more consistent with a garden-variety rapist, for whom “no” means continuous assaults upon your boundaries and personhood. There are times when online exchanges force us to make ethical and moral choices. Let’s just say I prefer not to consort with self-styled racists, white supremacists, misogynists, anti-Semites, and partisan Jihadists from the Fringe.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Circumstances dictate our actions Shaw. There's talk of running me for something. I speak good republican.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rachel Maddow did a piece on this last night. She also did not seem to take the "American Spring" seriously... although I've read that Harry Reily vows, "my knees will not touch the surface as a result of some pissant occupant of the White House... I will fall to my death standing if necessary"... Also, the Obama administration may use drones to kill protesters.

Sarah Michael Palin said...

Nonsense! Even though the Great Silent Majority has proven more intractably silent than expected, tens of millions turned out. The lack of coverage is just further proof of the grip that this tyrannical, lawless usurper has on the lamestream media.

Anonymous said...

Poor benighted idiots screaming at the top of their tonsils that Obama is a dictator, then they marched with no one stopping them on DC, accusing the president of being a tyrant.

It's really not funny when one witnesses such embarrassing stupidity from these people.

Poor, demented souls.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No, Anon, it really isn't funny. The people who joined the crowds that believed they were protecting the Constitution by suggesting they force the president out of office and set up some sort of tribunal of all conservatives have no idea of how foolish and stupid they really are. These are the folks who continue to call President Obama a Communist, Marxist, Fascist and say he's the one who's shredding the Constiution, when it is they who are acting like a mob of malcontents. These are the same sort of people you can read on the conservative blogs every day. They believe they're the true patriots, when everything they claim is exactly the same as the nutters who descended on Washington DC today to "take back their country" by mob rule.

Dave Miller said...

I'm almost wetting my pants... they were about 20 million short of their goal of 20 million...

I really loved them getting the national anthem wrong... such true patriots...

Maybe the others were killed in a secret drone strike launched from the White House...

Paula said...

Literally tens of patriots converged on the Mall.

Ducky's here said...

One of the better articles


“I’m so fed up with the tyranny I sold my jet ski,” the caller said. “I’m so fed up with the way the government is manipulating the water with the chemtrails, I’m afraid I can’t even use my jet ski.”

A woman in her 60s compared the demonstration to the wars she had lived through, going back to the Korean War.
“I didn’t see the Civil War,” she said. “But I’m from the South, and we’re still fighting it.”

Teabags on parade.

Les Carpenter said...

Poor turnout, it's the weather Don'tcha know?

Lets hope this is an ongoing operation. Nothing like a great laugh now and again.

Real patriotic conservatives are finding it more difficult because of loons like these dudes.

Bring of Insanity indeed.

Ronald Greenberg said...

There's another lunatic rally going on in Michigan this weekend. Tens of patriots will show up for that too.

"Kerry Bentivolio, a Republican congressman who thinks Obama should be killed for treason and retired general Paul Vallely, who thinks military coups are as constitutional as tea party coups. Other right wing lunatics will be present as well, enough so that an untimely outbreak of Ebola – or maybe just severe food poisoning – would pretty much end America’s problem with mass-uprising fantasists."

A wonderful representation of the lunatic right.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

After reading some comments on The Blaze, it looks like the rally failed thanks to the anti-patriot Glenn Beck. As one commenter says "Operation American Spring was BECKSTABBED and then TheBlaze has the nerve to mock them for low turnout". Apparently The Blaze employes a lot of left-wing writers.

Oliver Darcy is a left-wing writer for The Blaze who lies in his article which says there were "only a few dozen protesters", as (a commenter points out) "even fox news reported... tens of thousands".

The only reason Obama wasn't ousted is because of the media blackout. People who would have gone but just didn't know about it. Another commenter says there were "no news choppers conveniently, but let me tell you, there was in fact a black helicopter".

So, OAS would have worked, but "the government is on its toes now. The Obama crime syndicate has had time to organize and record everything and everyone who dares attend another such rally. In 2009, they were caught by surprise, they never expected what they saw and the media was complicit in keeping the lid on it so the nation would not see it". (actual quotes from commenters at The Blaze website).

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Counting bacteria ... that's how they arrived at the number.