Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, August 13, 2021





Anonymous said...

Donald Trump: “I want to see Biden in prison!”
Joe Biden: “Why does Trump think I would visit him in prison?”


Shaw Kenawe said...

Jeff Tiedrich
Reinstatement Day is a good day to take down your Trump flag, because Trump is never going to reinstated and you look like a sad idiot

Mike said...

So what's going to be the next date that tRUMP will be collecting money for from his sheep? He should put the new date all the way out to April 1st, 2022. Hmmmmm. There's something about that date that seems to be totally trumpian.

skudrunner said...

No way he is going to be reinstated or ever run associated with a major party again.
He became part of the swamp that he said he was going to eliminate. Problem is it the political swamp is like a growing organism, it just keeps getting bigger and is consuming everyone in it's path.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... perhaps that's the most cogent thing you've ever said here. Which begs the question... Given that Trump seems hellbent on destroying centuries long democratic norms, what can we do about him and his followers?

Anonymous said...

... what can we do about tRump and his folloers?

Hm,the dwindling body of swamp creatures and their leader?

What would it cost to send then to Mars?

skudrunner said...

Rev, It is the left that gives trump all this supposed power because it fits their agenda and narrative. If trump was not the focus of the left they may have to acknowledge the disasters created by the current administration. High inflation, high gas prices, the open border issue, de-fund police, huge increases of crime in all major cities, and of course totally mishandling the withdrawal in Afghanistan.

He won because the orange hair downplayed covid but now it is poor joey who is in charge and the increase falls to him. Now I will acknowledge the poor decisions made by the Texas and Florida governors. Why they would ban mask mandates instead of making it a school district choice is beyond reason. To blame trump for the non-vaccinated is absurd because he doesn't have that influences especially among minorities in large cities in the east.

LMFAO said...

Today is August 14th, and Joe Biden is not only still your President, but he’s still Donald Trump’s President too.

Anonymous said...

Donald J. Trump has never experienced a mindfulness day in his entire blighted miserable life.

His hate, anger, selfishness, lying, and self loathing (and trumpy boy does indeed loath himself) destroyed the Trump presidency. Ang ultimately it WILL destroy him.

Good Riddance!

Shaw Kenawe said...

We all agree, Trump’s GOP and the MAGA faithful are deeply enthralled in a ‘mysterious’ and lethal mass hysteria.