Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, April 7, 2022


 Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson


Dave Miller said...

Day by day the barriers continue to come down.

Anonymous said...

As barriers fall resistance always increases. Republiscums and conservatives will simply find more insidious means to discriminate.

Dave Dubya said...

First Obama. Then Kamala. Now Ketanji Brown Jackson!

White nationalists, racists, and Republicans hate the American dream of equality and justice for all.

But it gets worse for them. The NY attorney general has asked a judge to hold Trump in contempt.

They're seeing their worst American nightmare come true.

These fascists will want revenge, I'm afraid.

BluebullAmerica said...

Welcome Justice Jackson. We've been waiting for someone of your intellectual heights, your educational peaks and your judicial legacies which, as always, prove the rabid right to be nothing more than liars. Not even good liars, at that. We will enjoy watching your expertise shine through the mealy brained wing nuts and the beer drinking rapists currently infesting the bench.

Dave Miller said...

In 1981, then President Reagan signaled his desire to name a woman to the SCOTUS. We heard no flak from ppl about whether Reagan was appointing an affirmative action candidate.

Because his nominee, Sandra Day O'Conner had previously done her jobs well as a lawyer, judge, Atty General and Senate Leader of the GOP in Arizona. Just as Justice Brown, previously approved by a number of members of the GOP, had done her job.

While O'Conner refused to say where she stood on Roe, and some conservatives, like Jerry Falwell, opposed her, her nomination sailed through the Senate on a 99-0 vote.

All were aware of the historic significance of the first woman approved to serve on the SCOTUS and happy to have played a part in her new position.

Yesterday was another historic day in the US. the first black woman to ever be approved to serve on the SCOTUS. But despite her views of the originalism of the Constitution and despite her stated views that it is not a living document, the GOP by and large could not approve her.

But worse, two members were openly disdainful of her. Sen Lindsey Graham came to the vote without a tie, and voted from the Senate cloakroom. He couldn't even bother to enter the room and vote no. Sen Rand Paul arrived late, and held up the entire proceeding, rather than treat Judge brown with respect.

And then, after the vote, the GOP en masse, walked out rather than celebrate what was a historic moment.

While much has changed, there are still many who will only suffer African American women in positions of power if they toe the line.

Something I doubt Justice brown will ever do.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lindsey Graham & Rand Paul voted from the cloakroom because they were too cowardly to oppose Judge Jackson in the light of day

Rand kept the entire nation waiting for his NO vote for over 20 minutes!

Republicans walked out during the applause.

A party of hateful sore losers.

PS The best part of this is that Judge Jackson will be on the SCOTUS long after those two sore loser adolescents are gone from the Senate.

Anonymous said...

And the republiscum vermin will continue to be what they've become. Flaming as*h*les.

Teddy said...

A black woman is now a justice of the Supreme Court. Appointed by Americans, yet we Americans are still racist?
Go Figure!

Dave Dubya said...

Teddy's one clever dude.

He would wonder, "How can Americans be racists after we abolished slavery?"

"We Americans" didn't appoint her. Biden did. Thanks to the Teddy's of America, racist Republicans voted against her and suggested she coddled child pornographers and would defend Nazis.

Anonymous said...

So, what we can say about Justice Jackson is, she was the most qualified Justice? Or JUST the most qualified BLACK woman.?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Abraham Lincoln is responsible for the Emancipation Proclamation and suffrage for African-American men, and yet African-Americans continued to be tortured, maimed, and murdered with impunity in certain parts of this country as they exercised their Constitutional rights.

African-Americans were denied the right to vote with punitive poll taxes and exams that were set up to deny them those rights, and the Supreme Court just recently ruled that the Voting Rights Act is no longer needed, even as Red States across this country make it more and more difficult for minorities to access their voting rights.

Go figure!

You, Teddy, need to examine American history, and take your ignorant blinders off.

BluebullAmerica said...

No Teddy, not all Americans are racist. Just the GQP for the most part. They prove it by asking questions like yours. Imagine that?

Dave Dubya said...

Has anyone else noticed how racism isn't racism to racists?

Shaw Kenawe said...

And "Teddy" explain how this can happen in a "post-racist" country:

Virginia GOP official calls Biden’s Pentagon chief a ‘stinking’ N-word – and calls for a ‘good public lynching’

Teddy said...

I can’t, thats why Im complaining about the Leftists calling us “Racist “.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anon @10:12

You either didn't pay any attention to the hearings or are being deliberately obtuse.

The ABA gave her the highest rating they have -- same as the one they gave Amy Coney Barrett. And legal minds who actually know and understand her rulings, conservative AND liberal, consider her a sharp, thorough, neutral legal mind. Her personal and professional background are impeccable.

No matter how hard chuckleheads like you try to assail Justice Jackson, nothing can change the fact that she is the creme dela creme, and without a doubt earned and deserved her nomination and acceptance to the SCOTUS.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Teddy said...
I can’t, thats why Im complaining about the Leftists calling us “Racist “.

Please note:

Shaw Kenawe said...
And "Teddy" explain how this can happen in a "post-racist" country:

Virginia GOP official calls Biden’s Pentagon chief a ‘stinking’ N-word – and calls for a ‘good public lynching’

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. "Teddy" is a sock puppet. He's either "Joe Conservative," "Minus Eff Jay," or "Thersites."

possumlady said...

It saddens me to no end. I have a sister and brother in law who are full on Fox and Tucker Carlson followers. She and my other sister get into phone arguments about issues and she told my other sister that a couple friend of theirs suggested they may be racist in their thinking (believe me, they are). Well, my sister was outraged at the suggestion and they have stopped communicating with these people (who have been their friends for over 30 years).

My brother in law has always been the Fox disciple (it was always on whenever I would go visit). But obviously, it has worn my sister down to where she now believes everything on Fox and believes she is the victim. While I do blame Fox for their incessant brand of being angry over EVERYTHING that even hints that whites have always had it easier in this country. The brainwashing can't happen unless you have a spark of that mindset already ingrained.

Proud I Voted for Trump said...

The 17 worst countries in the world are all African. The worst of the worst is the Central African Republic, where everyone’s last name is either Brown or Jackson. But America can take pride in being the world’s DUMBEST country — a nation that’s developed the overwhelming compunction toward self-castration by choosing the worst possible crap-heads to serve in the highest positions in the government. Well, at least we’re consistent and Ketanji should be around for another 30 years to guarantee gross stupidity from the Supreme Court of the United States. I’m feeling really positive about America right now … rah.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To my readers:

The above comment was left in Comment Moderation. Normally I delete such racist garbage, but since this post is addressing, in part, that subject, I though I'd include it so that we understand how deeply rooted racism is in our culture.

PIVfT is just one example among many that I get, daily, in that folder.

Anonymous said...

The profound stupidity, abject ignorance, and extreme hatred towards "so called others" as expressed by PIVFT is typical of those totally lacking in self awareness.

The only gross stupidity lies in those like PIVFT.

Fed Up said...

"The 17 worst countries in the world are all African."

The Proud Trump voter ignores a country that recently invaded its neighbor, unprovoked, and is raping and slaughtering innocent civilians. But that renegade country is a white country, so that's not so "worst" in that racist's opinion.

The more they express their rancid opinions the more we understand about how racist they are.

Self Satisfied Trumpanzee said...

Biden raved about Jackson's judicial temperament, too……..I don’t see someone grimacing, pouting, telling people she’s answered that before good as judicial temperament AT ALL.

I think a guy who cried, pouted, and screamed "I like beer OKAY! and who was credibly accused of sexually abusing a woman is way more qualified than Jackson who has no marks against her personally or prof.

I'm a Trumper, and I approve this message!

Dave Miller said...

The comment from "Proud I Voted for Trump" is a cut and paste from the HMS Mothership of Denial. Clearly someone wants others to see the views of some typical trumpers.

The people that leave comments like that, and this one too...

"On Monday Senator Scott [who is, BTW, completely black] announced he will not vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

Completely black??? What the heck is that?

Those commenters know those types of comments are offensive to POC. And yet they persist. Why? Because they must not care about their fellow man. Mocking people because of their race is the very definition of a racist act.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... as for Judge Brown's judicial temperament, let's look to the Judge's own words...

On Originalism, a favorite judicial philosophy of conservatives first pushed by Robert Bork, Ed Meese and Antonin Scalia, here's what she said...

"Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, told senators that her judicial philosophy centered on adhering to the text of the Constitution at the “time of the founding and what the meaning was then,” looking for the “original public meaning,” and trying to determine what the text “meant to those who drafted it.”

Why would conservatives be troubled by this? Unless they just want to be divisive.

Anonymous said...

Those people certainly want to be divisive. Whether or not they know it or will admit it. They thrive on creating reasons to support their "otherism" and the joy they get in perpetuating it. Racism runs deep in white America and the lions load of it rests with republiscum tRumpers and deluded conservatives.