Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, June 22, 2023


I suppose lots of people have forgotten about this January 6 Secret Service scandal:

According to reporting from NBC News’ Pete Williams and Julia Ainsley, the inspector general’s probe into the Department of Homeland Security regarding missing Secret Service text messages hailing from January 5th and 6th, 2021, has now officially turned into a criminal investigation, after reports revealed the text messages being sought by the J6 House Select Committee were conveniently deleted after their request for the evidence was already made.


Dave Dubya said...

It's frightening how many Secret Servicemen are loyal to Trump over the Constitution and their duty. They were in on the coup and need to fired and tried.

In MY Honest Opinion said...

Anyone who may be thinking of Voting for Joe Biden again, please remember that you’ll be voting for the same Guy who said Hunter Biden is the smartest person that he knows.

Shaw Kenawe said...


It must sting some folks to their core to know that in this world there are fathers who unconditionally love their children and who stand by them even when those children get into trouble.

If you don't/didn't have a loving, supporting father like Joe Biden, I can imagine the jealousy and envy one would carry in one's heart for those who do.

That Joe Biden stood by his son through this terrible time in his life shows a tender and gentleness of spirit that is too often rare in human beings.

If Joe Biden did nothing else in his life, his humanity toward his son would be reason enough for us to admire and emulate him.

Be like Joe.

In MY Honest Opinion said...

"That Joe Biden stood by his son through this terrible time in his life shows a tender and gentleness of spirit that is too often rare in human beings.

If Joe Biden did nothing else in his life, his humanity toward his son would be reason enough for us to admire and emulate him."

Oh so "Standing by" a Lying, Cheating person who betrays his country by committing treason: turning against his own government, and even perhaps by selling secret information is something to be Proud of?
WOW, I guess you thing that being Proud of a Atrocious Gangster if he was your son is also a thing to be Proud of?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... we tell our kids and have been told by our parents for generations, things that were probably not really fact based, or as some say untrue.

You can do anything, you're the smartest person I've ever met, no one is as beautiful as you, you're the best player on the team and more.

Whether parents believe all the words they say to their kids or not, who knows.

Sadly, rather than show grace, some would rather brutal honesty...

Yes, honey, that dress is nice, but it would look better on you if you lost 20 pounds. Don't bother aiming for one of those big jobs, you're not smart enough anyway. Of course you're on the bench, you suck at baseball.

I'm with you, wondering why anyone would be critical of a father who expresses love for a child, in the face of adversity and tragedy.

skudrunner said...

Dube, It is not Secret Servicemen it is just Secret Service. You do sound like you are anti women by classifying them as servicemen.

I do agree with you on IMHO post. Saint joey is proud of his son as he should be. Jeffery dahmer's father was proud of his so pride in your child is an honorable. You shouldn't vote for saint joey because he is incapable of leading the country and wouldn't be if we had an honest media, forget honest politicians because that won't happen.

You last statement about if saint joey did nothing else about sums up his accomplishments, he has done nothing in 40+ years as a political hack.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "I do agree with you on IMHO post. Saint joey is proud of his son as he should be. Jeffery dahmer's father was proud of his so pride in your child is an honorable."

Really skud? Really? I've always thought you were better than that.

I never mentioned pride in my post on Hunter and Joe Biden. What I talked about is a father's love and support for a very damaged and troubled son, and how that love and support may lead to Hunter Biden's rehabilitation and courage to set himself straight and become mentally and physically healthy again.

I know of families who disown their children for lesser transgressions than what Hunter Biden did in his life.

In my own family, we dealt with a loved one who, for 20 years, had addiction problems. We never, never, never gave up on this person whom we dearly love. After 20 years of fighting against the horror of addiction, we and this person got through it, with counseling, rehab, and other interventions. Happily, this person is now a very successful human being, holding down an important, high-paying job, taking care of family, and living a clean and contented life. I never stopped loving and supporting this very dear person. Ever.

Maybe that's why I'm empathetic toward what the Biden family struggled with. Addiction is ugly, destructive, heartbreaking, and frightening. I know.

Count yourself lucky that you, or anyone close to you, never had to face this struggle.

The only pride someone may feel when a loved one conquers this menace is when that person succeeds in turning his or her life around for the better.

It wasn't really pride I felt for my loved one, but rather gratitude and deep empathy for anyone who overcomes this.

Do yourself a favor, and try to be better about understanding addiction.

BTW, people and their families who've dealt with it don't think of those who overcome it as murderers.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You're full of hate.

You know what they say about carrying so much hatred in one's heart?

It's like drinking poison and hoping the one you hate dies.

Try being better than that.

Les Carpenter said...

You've accurately described the Trump IMHO


Anonymous said...

"Oh so "Standing by" a Lying, Cheating person who betrays his country by committing treason: turning against his own government, and even perhaps by selling secret information is something to be Proud of?"

Well the MAGAts voted for him, Trump, and they're proud of him!

Anonymous said...

Are YOU Sick of Pride Month? I am. Pride Day, or Week, or Month is Prideful this year. And I know that many of us, incliding ME is really SICK of the entire thing!
Last year was a FREAK SHOW. And I thought that we got rid of that. But NO, This year nothing has changed. And if anything it got much WORSE!
We are seeing that Damned LGBQT Rainbow everywhere...
Even our Kids in Pre-K, and Elementary Students are being Forced to Celebrate “Pride Month” With NO approval from the Parents

Shaw Kenawe said...

For skud:

"When Biden was vice president and trailed by Secret Service agents, he once tracked down Hunter when he was on a bender and refused to leave until his son committed to entering treatment. Biden then gave his son a tight hug and promised to return to make sure he followed through.

'Dad saved me,' Hunter wrote in his memoir, “Beautiful Things,” adding: 'Left on my own, I’m certain I would not have survived.'

On another occasion, the Biden family staged an intervention, and Hunter stormed out of the house. Biden ran down the driveway after his son. “He grabbed me, swung me around and hugged me,” Hunter wrote. “He held me tight in the dark and cried for the longest time.”

Last year Sean Hannity broadcast an audio recording of a voice mail message that President Biden left for Hunter. Hannity thought it reflected badly on the president; my reaction was that if more parents showed this kind of support for children in crisis, our national addiction nightmare might be easier to overcome.

'It’s Dad,' the president says in the message, and he sounds near tears. 'I’m calling to tell you I love you. I love you more than the whole world, pal. You gotta get some help. I don’t know what to do. I know you don’t, either. But I’m here, no matter what you need. No matter what you need. I love you.' ”


"The Biden administration kept on a Trump appointee as U.S. attorney in Delaware, precisely to continue an independent and credible investigation of Hunter. The prosecutors appear to have pored over 15 years of Hunter’s business dealings and have not so far identified any misconduct by the president. And the plea agreement the prosecutor reached with Hunter does not seem lenient. (Most people in similar circumstances, including Roger Stone, have not been prosecuted criminally.)"

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above quoted text was written by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times.

Dave Dubya said...

"Are YOU Sick of Pride Month?"

Someone is pining for "Bigot Month".


Thank you for your clarification. It's frightening how many Secret Service MEN are loyal to Trump over the Constitution and their duty. They were in on the coup and need to fired and tried.

Yes, Secret Service MEN. I highly doubt any female agents would support Trump's coup.

Anonymous said...

No reasonable sane person would support tRump the serial adultress, possible rapist, insurrectionist, and lying narcissist.

But, this is America.