Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, January 10, 2024




Infidel753 said...

He wants unlimited power, like a king -- the very thing the Declaration and Constitution set out to prevent.

Anonymous said...

The irrational illogical conservative mind now fully on display. Wholly owned and employed bt Trump and MAGA'ts.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

LOL! The 2nd Impeachment conviction would have removed him from office? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Who BTW are not real conservatives to begin with. They're nothing but loud mouthed whiners with NOTHING of any value to offer. Their agenda is but to play their victim card repeatedly while creating as much chaos as possible until eventually destroy everything in their way and leave a trail of authoritarian tyranny.

They have clearly telegraphed their intententions through Trump's many open throated statements.

Believe Trump and the Gestapoists in the rethuglican party when he and they tell you who and what they are.

Anonymous said...

The big guy, Chris Christie, following his speech tonight in NH suspending his campaign showed more intelligent, integrity, patriotism, and wisdom in his pinky finger than ANY republican running to be president. For that mattter any republican in congress, the senate, or any state house as well.

Liz Cheney, Chris Christie, and a few others, The Lincoln Project ought to band together and form a new party with the primary first priority being to work to destroy DJT and the MAGA't party.

Dave Miller said...

FJ... the second impeachment would have barred him from seeking office again.

But what's your point? You have no opinion on Trump's changing understanding of the law?

Grey One talks sass said...

I've been listening to podcasts and reading blogs dissecting the beautiful details of not only this perfect example of ETTD but the analysis of yesterday's political theater.

Finally the Democratic party is getting in elbows deep and giving as good as they've got. Or gotten, never have figured out the correct conjugation of that piece of grammar. The looks on the GOP leaders faces when Hunter Biden walked into their Committee meeting!!! Priceless.

Anon at 6:22 pm, I'd love it if in addition to the remaining sane Republicans you suggested the Log Cabin Republicans were added to the mix. Of course I'm not fond of the LCR - their misguided stance on marriage equality and insistence the GOP liked them because they were included in a few rally's (the hosts needed the entrance fees - as soon as the GOP had independent funding they kicked the LCR out of the conference. sighs. It's sad when someone realizes the leopard eating your face party means your face too, but I digress!)... The LCR deserves to have a home. Not all LGBTQA+ humans think the same way politically. How can we? We are as diverse a population as there are colors in the universe. If we all were the same we'd all be wearing size 9 brown shoes and I wear glitter Crocs. Anyway I hear you and hope out of the ashes of the GOP rises up rational reasonable humans who will work with the rest of us to ensure our country is reading to face an every growing uncertain future.

#when in doubt of what to do always ask how will this affect the bees?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You have no opinion on Trump's changing understanding of the law?

You mean challenging neoliberal legal theory and providing actual case law? Ultimately, it's a good thing, isn't it? To dissuade foolish democrats from continued pursuit of their false notions of how the legal system supposedly works (as a tool for practicing lawfare)?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above is -FJ's fancy way of saying any Trumpublican can break the law and get away with it.

But NEVER anyone else.

What is it called when people think they have the right to break the law?

It’s called stupidity. And this is a prime example of the tried and true saying that if you play stupid games, you will most definitely win stupid prizes.

Trump is an outstandingly stupid human being.

Dave Miller said...

Yes Shaw it is.

My new New Year's Resolution is to not respond directly to the anon, -FJ, Joe, foreigner group of folks unless they choose to give up their freedom to just blather and instead, seriously consider the issues and posit some solutions.

As an old boss of mine once said, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."

As long as that self styled blog ring exists solely to disrupt, well, you know...

Anonymous said...

The more laws that are on the books... the more crime will occur.

It's just how it works.

People long to be free (at least the seekers do) and when their freedoms are restricted senselessly, and that has hapened and continues to happens today, it's is a recipe for exactly what we are witnessing right now.

One party represents AUTHORITARIANISM - The republican MAGA't party

The other party represents REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY - The Democratic party

There is no equivalency. The republican MAGA't party has one goal, to destroy representative democracy in America and replace it with the Putin model of tyranny.

These republican MAGAt's are America's bullies that if ever in full control will ABSOLUTELY force their every will upon everyone. By force if neccessary. They are America's wannabe minority tyrants.

So, Trump and MAGA't's, your dream will burn you and bum you well. It's happening right now. Wait for it. It's coming.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass:

"#when in doubt of what to do always ask how will this affect the bees?"

Or goats.

Please contact me, if you wish, at my blog email:

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The above is -FJ's fancy way of saying any Trumpublican can break the law and get away with it.

...Sovereign Immunity. Look it up. Go ahead and test the theory and develop all the case law you want.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Well, then -FJ, you'll agree that if Joe Biden got "rid" of Trump before the 2024 election, (or any sitting POTUS's opponents before any election) he would not face any criminal accountability? Never mind Joe Biden, how about ANY POTUS getting rid of his rivals?

Sovereign immunity? Just what Putin does, eh? Where's Navalny? He was transferred last month to a “special regime” penal colony — the highest security level of prisons in Russia — above the Artic Circle.

What's good for the criminally indicted Trump would be good for ANY future POTUS: Getting away with murder, kidnapping, imprisoning their rivals, because of "Sovereign immunity?"

Shaw Kenawe said...

OT: "In response to criticism that the current Congress is the least productive in history, dominated by stunts that have turned the House into a circus, Speaker Mike Johnson has ordered several improvements to the chambers, designed to enhance performance."

Even the Speaker understands how incompetent and useless his fellow Trumpublicans are.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden should go to jail for using DoJ to go after Trump? Lol. Biden has sovereign immunity. Or doesn't he?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
"Biden should go to jail for using DoJ to go after Trump? Lol. Biden has sovereign immunity. Or doesn't he?"

The above is a good example of paranoia and how a conspiracist thinks.

This is reality:

The Radical Strategy Behind Trump’s Promise to ‘Go After’ Biden

Conservatives with close ties to Donald J. Trump are laying out a “paradigm-shifting” legal rationale to erase the Justice Department’s independence from the president.

When Donald J. Trump responded to his latest indictment by promising to appoint a special prosecutor if he’s re-elected to “go after” President Biden and his family, he signaled that a second Trump term would fully jettison the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence.

“I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,” Mr. Trump said at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday night after his arraignment earlier that day in Miami. “I will totally obliterate the Deep State.”

Mr. Trump’s message was that the Justice Department charged him only because he is Mr. Biden’s political opponent, so he would invert that supposed politicization. In reality, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, two Trump-appointed prosecutors are already investigating Mr. Biden’s handling of classified documents and the financial dealings of his son, Hunter.

The indictments brought against Donald Trump were delivered by grand juries consisting of ordinary Americans -- conservative and liberal-- AFTER THEY HEARD EVIDENCE, lots of evidence of Trump's ALLEGED involvement in crimes.

Your claim that President Biden ordered the DoJ to go after Trump has no basis in fact, and, as usual, you provide not one shred of evidence to back it up.

You're here just to stir up anger and, IMO, demonstrate your paranoia and willingness to accept conspiracies without critical thinking.

It has been a Trump method throughout his miserable public life to try to tar anyone he hates by accusing them of the high crimes he is guilty of.

He must never be allowed to hold any government position. Like most cult leaders, his followers are willing to violate any laws and rules of decency to help him. Sadly, he has captured most of the former Republican party which was already remaking itself as a fascist organization.

Anonymous said...

But, but, but... if he were to order a hit on your Fuhrer you would support that as president that would be fine and dandy abd he couldn't be prosecuted, right MAGA't -fj?

Bet ya don't answer. Cause ya just never do.

Anonymous said...

The MAGA Fuhrer has but one goal. ABSOLUTE power.

Like any wannabe TYRANT he is driven by his ego's false belief in his own superiority over EVERYONE else.

That alone is sufficient cause to again let the SOB near the levers of power. Anywhere or ant level.

A padded cell in a federal penitentiary is exactly where o the MAGA Fuhrer belongs. To the end of his miserable life.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Would democrats vote to remove Sleepy Joe from office if he did order a hit a Trump? Somehow, I doubt it.

Bet ya don't answer. You never do, and my responses never make it past pShaw's censor stamp.

Shaw Kenawe said...

That’s because you’re a Trumper, and doing the right thing is anethema to them. You defend the people who wanted to hang Mike Pence. What more proof than that.

PS. Your hypothetical adds nothing of value to this discussion, except maybe to give us better insight to how you think.

Anonymous said...

Yup, it is WITHOUT A DOUBT far more likely, in fact it's a near certainty that the Democratic party WOULD do EXACTLY that. They have proven that they hold their own accountable. Time and again. Look up the record if your MAGA't brain can manage it.

Do not attempt to project Trump's MAGA junk on Democrats. The shit won't fly with folks who actually recognize reality.

Joe Conservative said...

The hypothetical proves that Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to politics. They try and condemn Republicans for acts they'd perform in a heartbeat.... like "legally" assassinate an opposition candidate (remove him from the ballot) on Trumped up charges. A biological death is somehow "worse". lol!

Shaw Kenawe said...

That’s an opinion held by you and other people who project onto other political parties what you Trumpers do. So it’s irrelevant.

A civil court has found Trump liable for sexual assault/rape and tax fraud. It’s interesting to note that when Trump is found liable for crimes he committed, you and other Trump cultists ignore it, but use your skewed imagination to believe it’s the Democrats whose POTUS is corrupt. And you and the other cultists have no evidence to support that.

Your whining about justice being meted out to a corrupt Trump is becoming tedious.

Joe Conservative said...

Civil and Criminal convictions are based upon different standards (preponderance of evidence ie 51% vs. beyond a reasonable doubt ie- 99%). You've been told that a thousand times, and yet you persist in trying to equate the two convictions. ever ask yourself "why" that is? Is it because you're sincere, or a hypocrite?

And given TDS and the jury pool, a civil trial could convict a ham sandwich if its' last name were "Trump".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Leave to a Trumper to play down or, in Joe Con's case, dismiss any conviction applied to their cult leader.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We've heard all that before from mobsters facing justice.

I suppose in your cultish mind the 91 felony counts -- determined by ordinary American citizens --liberal and conservative -- on the grand jury AFTER HEARING A PREPONDERENCE OF EVIDENCE -- I suppose you Trump apologist think those are ham sandwiches too.

It's all so predictable for conspiracists to dismiss facts and evidence when their cult leader is being held accountable by the law for his crimes.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I suppose in your cultish mind the 91 felony counts -- determined by ordinary American citizens --liberal and conservative -- on the grand jury AFTER HEARING A PREPONDERENCE OF EVIDENCE -- I suppose you Trump apologist think those are ham sandwiches too.

In the DC circuit (or in Atlanta) with 90% Democrats? Of course I discount the indictments.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Think you could get the same indictment to stand in West Texas?

Shaw Kenawe said...


You're assuming every American citizen called to do their duty on a grand jury would be corrupt, because you believe all Americans who see Trump for the dishonest and corrupt individual that he is are wrong.

There is no reasoning with someone like you because you are NOT a reasonable person, able to leave your cultish devotion behind and see the reality of the malignant narcissist that you blindly defend.

If we were to believe the foolishness that you claimed here about grand juries and civil courts, we'd have to believe none of those courts could ever deliver justice except only when they find Democrats liable for crimes. LOL!

You really do live in an alternate universe, with no relation to reality.

PS No one believes you except your fellow conspiracists. And they're a distinct and sad minority.

Joe Conservative said...

PS No one believes you except your fellow conspiracists. And they're a distinct and sad minority.

That's why they must be prevented from voting from Trump in 2024, right? LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
"Think you could get the same indictment to stand in West Texas?"

Of course not. There be dragons there.

Anonymous said...

Let em vote. Then, if another attempt at a coup or insurrection occurs when Trump the American Idiot loses AGAIN, then and only then deport the criminal(s) to Russia or North Korea. They'd fit in there quite nicely.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

Shaw wrote: "PS No one believes you except your fellow conspiracists. And they're a distinct and sad minority."

JoeCon: "That's why they must be prevented from voting from Trump in 2024, right? LOL!"

Distinctly sad minorities will still vote for Trump. They can't help themselves.

" the upside-down world of MAGA morality, vice is virtue and virtue is vice. My colleague Jane Coaston even coined a term, 'vice signaling,' to describe how Trump’s core supporters convey their tribal allegiance."

You're just defending your "vice signaling" tribe, Joe Conservative. It's what gives your life purpose.

Joe Conservative said...

If Trumps supporters are in such a minority and are so unpopular, why not let them exercise their Constitutional rights (free speech) and let them vote? Why censor and shadow ban them? Why rig elections and conduct lawfare against them?

Emperor Biden is naked. And everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...

And a deluded and ignorant purpose it be! And, Joe be proud!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Con,

Trump supporters can vote for him. There no one and nothing to stop them. Why would you state something as untrue and crazy as that?

Are you okay? Because that statement sounds like someone who is not okay.

Maybe you missed your nap?

Joe Conservative said...

There no one and nothing to stop them. Why would you state something as untrue and crazy as that?

Colorado? Vermont? NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Colorado case is pending. He’s not off the ballot.

Here’s Vermont’s secretary od state speaking about that state’s ballot:

“The Colorado case and similar state court cases pending throughout the country explore complex legal and constitutional questions and it appears that U.S. Supreme Court review is forthcoming. As the various legal proceedings unfold, it is important to make clear that the Vermont Secretary of State has no role in making a legal determination about Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on the primary ballot or to hold the office of President.”

There are real and justifiable Constitutional concerns on whether or not Trump, who incited an insurrection against the US, IS eligible to even be on the ballot.

Apparently you don’t know what what’s going on. And, like Trumpty Dumpty, you like to spread disinformation.

Here’s a suggestion: Stop.

No more of that claptrap will get published here.

Joe Conservative said...

Not a single person in the entire USA was indicted, let alone found guilty of "insurrection" in the United States. Why do you suppose that is?

Anonymous said...

Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!!!

Bedtime for Joe Con and his stable of sock puppets.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
"Not a single person in the entire USA was indicted, let alone found guilty of "insurrection" in the United States. Why do you suppose that is?"

That "is" because you're uninformed. And probably willfully so. When your only source of "news" is FAUX NOOZ and the Gateway Pundit, it's no wonder that you don't know what you're talking about:

"The Colorado high court upheld a finding by a district court judge that Jan. 6 was an “insurrection” incited by Trump. It agreed with the petitioners, six Republican and unaffiliated Colorado voters whose lawsuit was funded by a Washington-based liberal group, that Trump clearly violated the provision."

Jury Convicts Four Leaders of the Proud Boys of Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

"Is sedition the same thing as insurrection? While they clearly overlap, “sedition” centers more on plotting and incitement, whereas “insurrection” is generally understood to mean the actual violent acts of an uprising aimed at overthrowing the government."

Joe Conservative said...

Nope... not one single person charged with insurrection (search for yourself).

What is "insurrection" then?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Constitution protects peaceful protests in the United States, but violence and property destruction are illegal. Title 18 U.S. Code 2383 rebellion and insurrection charges at the federal level could be charged when perpetrators destroy government property or assault public officers. Simply put, it's considered a crime against the United States.

The Attorney General could file insurrection and rebellion charges, but you should know that prosecution under this specific federal statute is rare. Still, there are some situations where rebellion charges can be pursued.

The government charged the insurrectionists with other easier to prosecute crimes.

But what the J6 criminals incited was an insurrection, as defined by the law.

Anonymous said...

Another educational session with one who obviously prefers to remain in the confines of his misunderstanding and delusions. The MAGAt's world.

Joe Conservative said...

It was a riot, defined by the law. No charges of insurrection = no insurrection. QED

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dream on.

It was an insurrection. And 700+ are in prison.

Anonymous said...

Never seen anyone so proud of being so wilfully stupid. But hey, what else to expect from a MAGA't.

Grey One talks sass said...

Not one person charged with insurrection, this is correct. Four people charged with sedition - the planning of an insurrection so there is that.

As for the trolls claim that no one was guilty of insurrection, well, that's a horse of a different color as just the act of breaking into the capitol building, crossing the line of barricades, ignoring orders to cease and desist by those whose duty it was to protect the capitol makes each person in the building guilty of insurrection. I know in this nation there is an assumption of innocent until proven guilty but if one is photographed where they are not supposed to be during a known violent uprising and revolt the whole innocent until proven guilty concept is a moot point.

Regarding the multitudes who've been charged already, if I had to guess, which y'all know I'm not fond of doing, I'd say the powers that be didn't want to ruin regular citizens lives if there wasn't an overpowering need. Folks were guilty of many things, including harm to others and destruction of property but none of the foot soldiers were the ones doing the organizing. In case I need to spell it out for the literal multifaced troll here, the primary organizer and driver of all this was one orange hued manbaby, someone who has yet to face any consequences for his actions (at least this week, the month and year is still young).

Yes, punish those who made horrible life choices by breaking/invading the US Capitol but for the serious crime of insurrection and sedition? The foot soldiers were doing what foot soldiers always do, follow orders and become cannon fodder for their glorious leader.

Based on the penalties I've witnessed the judges are being kind to a group of humans who really don't deserve any considerations but we are Americans and it wasn't their fault they were bamboozled. That's my explanation for such light sentences because I am still angry they dared to defile what I consider to be sacred ground. Not like the people who work there are deities but that the concept of our democracy, an experiment never tried before is hammered out in the Capitol, our work is done there and those cretins smeared their feces over the walls, they smoked in the halls, and a thousand other harms that We The People have yet to completely process. For that I'd have killed them all. Good thing I've no power (and I don't want it because... I'd kill them all)

Grey One talks sass said...

If it was just a riot why were those who attended trying to kill congress critters? Why were they trying to overthrow the government? Per every definition I read the fact governmental business was the focus of them being there makes it a revolt and/or insurrection. I couldn't find a definition that separated the two words into separate concepts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative

Grey One talks sass brought the receipts. J6 was an insurrection. End of discussion.

I don’t care what your twisted and incorrect reasoning concluded.

Anonymous said...

So, Joe Con the troll, you've been eaten for dinner by a much smarter, reasoned, wiser, and yes compassionate person. My advice to you is to find a MAGA turd site to spread your lies and conspitacy blather where folks with the same ignorance and delusions as yours roam. You're must too stupid to go up against smart truthful people.

Joe Conservative said...

If it was just a riot why were those who attended trying to kill congress critters?

Yes, they were going to hang them on a gallows that had a sign saying "this is art"....


Grey One talks sass said...

per the NYT on June 16, 2022:

WASHINGTON — Hours after President Donald J. Trump announced a “wild” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, his supporters began discussing building a gallows in front of the Capitol.

“Could be built very quickly with the right plan and the right people bringing pre-cut materials to the site!” a user wrote on a pro-Trump online forum. “Anybody got a blueprint for a standing gallows like that? Who’s with me?!”

Days later, a second user posted a diagram describing the cuts of lumber and rope that would be needed to erect a gallows and fashion a noose. A lengthy planning discussion ensued. A third posted a manual on how to tie a hangman’s knot.

“We will be building a gallows right in front of the Capitol, so the traitors know the stakes,” another user wrote.

Troll with multiple faces, they weren't talking about art but you keep gaslighting yourself. We see both you for whom you are and the insurrectionists for the threat they remain to be.

If the stakes weren't so high I'd be snarky. This is important. No snark. Trump set his supporters loose to destroy, maim, and kill if possible. How is that art? How does that make anything better? Like the orange manbaby you defend troll with many faces there is one word to define you both - loser.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

Sad to say that it doesn't matter how much evidence and how many facts we present to JoeCon, Minus Eff Jay, and his Alter Egos. They never see themselves as being wrong on anything.

But thank you for posting this information so that the people who read here and I get the facts and can separate them from JoeCon's and his Alter Egos' fictions.

Anonymous said...

\\Sad to say that it doesn't matter how much evidence and how many facts we present to JoeCon, Minus Eff Jay, and his Alter Egos. They never see themselves as being wrong on anything.


Of course you not.

Cause you'll DELETE that evidance and facts... prematurely. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Filthy DEMN whore -- Shaw.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above was left in comment moderation along with 7 other comments by “foreigner”/ “ unknown”

And he whines like a toddler because I don’t publish his comments.