Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, January 4, 2024


Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments as President, Report Finds 

House Democrats released evidence that the former president took in at least $7.8 million from foreign entities while in office, engaging in the kind of conduct the G.O.P. is grasping to pin on President Biden.


Dave Dubya said...

The entire point of the "Laptop Hysteria" and "Impeach Biden" craze is to deflect from the massive grifting and crimes committed by the Trump Cartel.

This is their strategy:

"Frame Warfare: The Battle Over Your Brain"

Dr. Jennifer Mercieca (@JenMercieca) is an historian of American political rhetoric, and a Professor in the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University.

I found her work here:

(She liked my response.)

Thanks for this.
Every despot and authoritarian leader innately knows how to trigger the primitive fight/flight response from the amygdala by playing the "victim card". They don't need to understand the science, just that inciting anger, fear and hate is their path to power.

Thersites said...

Since Trump was exonerated in the Epstein case, Democrats had to make up some new lies about Trump to offset the bad Clinton's press.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites said

"Since Trump was exonerated in the Epstein case, Democrats had to make up some new lies about Trump to offset the bad Clinton's press."

The world knows that Trump was a close pal of Epstein for years and years. There is photographic proof of this all over the internet: Trump and Melania and Epstein and Maxwell together partying in New York.

Trump is on record praising Epstein for his taste in young girls.

Trump wished the pedophile, Ghislaine, well when she was arrested. HE WISHED A KNOWN PEDOPHILE WELL. Why would he do that?

Also, the record is this: Trump was found liable for sexual assault/rape. That is the record.

Your comment does absolutely NOTHING to erase those awful facts about Trump and what he is.

"Names of figures that were previously associated with Epstein, such as Prince Andrew and former Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, were mentioned in the court documents, but there was little new information outside of what was already known to the public. Some documents had previously been released in other court cases, while Epstein’s high-profile contacts have been covered extensively in the media."

The documents don't claim any wrongdoing by Clinton, except his stupid association with a pedophile, Epstein. But Trump associated with him as well. So?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.

Thanks for posting that.

I will get to it later today.

Thersites said...

Recycling the long discredited emoluments charges... Democrats are becoming a sadly predictable cartoon advertisement for government corruption..

Dave Miller said...

The truth hurts doesn't it Thersites?

Wrong is wrong. And if Biden is found to have received $$$ from foreign governments while president, I hope he gets the proverbial book thrown at him.

But those who live in the fever swamp and see potential wrongdoing in Biden on this, should also be screaming bloody murder at Trump, because we have the receipts.

Why are you, and others so quiet on that front?

Is it because you're all a bunch of homers, excusing all wrong from the GOP, no matter what?

Sure looks like it.

Anonymous said...

Files confirm trump did NOT visit Epstein home or island

disappointed . SHAW?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said

"Files confirm trump did NOT visit Epstein home or island

disappointed . SHAW?"

Why would anyone be disappointed when we have a judge in the E. Jean Carrol civil suit declare that Donald Trump in fact committed sexual assault/rape against E. Jean Carroll?

We know that Donald Trump had sex with a porn star and with a playmate when he was married to his 3rd wife after she gave birth to his 5th child.

We know from his own words that he took keen pleasure when he ran the Miss Teen America pageant and was able to look in the teenage girls' dressing room while they were half-naked. He bragged about that.

We know that he fantasized about having sex with his own daughter.

If you believe that because there are no files/records of Trump visiting Epstein's island that that proves he's a choirboy and somehow polishes his image as an upstanding, good Christian man, then go ahead with your little fantasy.

The rest of us are laughing.

Les Carpenter said...

What is definitively, as well as sadly predictable, is the lying, graft, and complete lack of integrity and decency in Tump and his MAGA turds.

Thersites said...

Civil suit = vastly reduced standard of proof. The rest is gossip.

Dave Miller said...

BTW Anon... the files absolutely do not confirm "trump [sic] did NOT visit Epstein home or island". All they confirm is that his name is not on the list.

You see how this conspiracy BS the right uses all the time works?

How about you prove he wasn't there on the island or at the house?

You can't. Because negatives can't be proven.

Was Trump there? Who knows. Does it matter? Not much really, because he's on tape saying he can grab pu##ies whenever he wants. He's been judged liable in court for sexual assault.

Like Clinton, he's a cad. But unlike Clinton, he's been tried and found guilty.

It's just a fact.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Thersites said...
Civil suit = vastly reduced standard of proof. The rest is gossip."

Nope. Trump was found liable for sexual assault/rape in a court of law. Period.

The rest is not gossip but your inability to accept that ruling in a court of law.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! preponderance of evidence vs beyond reasonable doubt. HUGE difference. n You got the preponderance of 51%, not 99% certainty.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
lol! preponderance of evidence vs beyond reasonable doubt. HUGE difference. n You got the preponderance of 51%, not 99% certainty.

A jury found Trump sexually assaulted Carroll and defamed her in his 2022 statements. Period.

You can't accept the fact that Trump is a despicable swine. Good luck defending him.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Civil trial, civil standard. Don't mean sh*t.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
Civil trial, civil standard. Don't mean sh*t.

Really? Tell that to the judge. You don't want Trump to face accountability. Too bad.

He's a lawbreaker, liar, cheat, fraud, and rapist. Good luck with defending that.

Les Carpenter said...

Millions from foreign country governments enriched Trump, his businesses, and family. While Trump was President.

So fj the deranged and dangerous MAGAt, i'm guessing you see no issue with that either. Right bucko?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Exactly. They slept at his hotel and paid for it.

Dave Miller said...

Let's add this folks...

7.8 million, directly from, not foreign citizens, but rather foreign governments.

But, because there always is a but, there's more. This figure is only from four governments and includes nothing from Russia. And, it only covers the first two years of his presidency.


Because after those two years, the GOP, who back then did not believe government should investigate whether a foreign government made payments to a sitting president, stopped those investigations after they reclaimed House leadership.

A simple question to our conservative and MAGA supporting folks... is it wrong for a president to receive money from foreign governments, while in office?

Any of you folks brave enough to answer my question directly?

We'll see.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Foreign governments had diplomatic relations with the US from 2017-2020? Who knew, Dave, who knew? Maybe they should have been ordered to always stay at the Holiday Inn instead of Trump Plaza.

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...
Every despot and authoritarian leader innately knows how to trigger the primitive fight/flight response from the amygdala by playing the "victim card".


Les Carpenter said...

Of course they won't Dave M. They see no problem with government's of foreign powers buying influence over a sitting US president. Particularly and especially when those foreign powers represent the authoritarianism that the MAGA cons an MAGA republicans FULLY support.

The vermin of which Trump spoke are found in his own backyard. Thickly populated.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Hitler... have had played "victim card". Claimed that Nazi German people are most poor and most oppressed. With poor health and no strength. And not "master race of rulers".

Oh, yeah! :-))))))

To a leftist moron -- JUST ANYTHING, is a proof of what it calls "Truth".

Rules of Logic.

Like "it's not possible for A and not-A to be True simultaneously". Is UNEXISTANT. :-)))

Anonymous said...

-fj the deranged and deluded MAGA-t hops to attention in support of his brazen asshat leader.

Les Carpenter said...

Keep playing the card -fj the deranged and deluded MAGA-t. It's all ya got bucko! LOL

Joe Conservative said...

What card, Les? The truth one?

Les Carpenter said...

The card of lies, delusions, and con illusions. IOW your pure BS card joe con.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... FACTS. And Logic.

Are "card of lies, delusions, and con illusions".

Say your BS -- and I'd say who you are.

That's why people LIKE YOU cannot live without CENSURE.

Les Carpenter said...

Bla, bla, bla and so on and so forth. Frankly anon, your garbled logic is as flighty and as insignificant as a fart in the wind.

So, go fart in the wind some more. As it entertains your intellect.