Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trump's hope for America: A crashed economy!


Whatever helps him to attain power is good for Trump, and to hell with the American economy and people. This is classic malignant narcissism. And millions of Americans want this scoundrel to lead our country: A man who wishes financial disaster on Americans so he can regain the White House. 

Who are the Americans who support this miserable man? 

Trump says he hopes the economy crashes so he can blame President Biden: "I hope it crashes during these next 12 months."


Anonymous said...

He need not worry. He is already much worse, much worse than Herbert Hoover.

An anti American scoundrel with an ego the size of Mount McKinley and an intellect the size of a grain of sand.

Trump is representative of everything that is the very worst of America. A disgraceful indecent and dishonest pile of human excrement.

Grey One talks sass said...

Who are these people? The same ones who whine 24/7 about the condition of the border but when a solution presents itself are advised to not accept it because it will 'help Biden'.

Who are these people? The same ones who have been trained since birth to follow only specific voices of authority within their own conservative bubble of like minded folks. No thinking outside the box here and anyone who doesn't fit in the box is pounded and harassed until they do - all under the guise of quelling a rebel spirit.

Who are these people? They are the army of evangelical and fundamental Christians preached at twice a week for their entire life prepped for the final battle, the ultimate decider of who wins, the Armageddon and Apocalypse. They are proud warriors for Christ, only it's a Christ of their own making, not the one depicted in the Christian Holy book.

What I find absolutely funny in a terrifying way is this army was poised to take over the USA based on the detailed plans and sermons posted onto the interwebz. Ted Cruz was in position to assume the leadership thanks to the efforts of his pastor father. And then the Mango ego took a trip down an escalator surrounded by actors hired to praise this new leader, the collected army of Christ went - ooo! shiny!!! and the rest is history. To be fair - Ted Cruz? Really? That was your best option????

There is no healing this divide, not by the liberal side. If anyone escapes the grasp of the cult then we can welcome them in with cookies and warm blankets but until then.... they are on their own. All we can do is batten down the metaphorical hatches and hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

At least, that's how I see it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

That's pretty much the way I see it too.

Some woman on FAUX NOOZ:

"Ingraham tells Republicans to walk away from border deal negations because Biden will take a “victory lap” if a deal reached."

That tells us all we need to know about the MAGAs. They're not interest in governing. They just want power.

That Ingrahm woman is a highly paid shrill who I believe doesn't truly believe anything she says on that fake news cable show. She's the worst of the worst America has to offer. She'd sabotage what's good for our country for a malignant narcissist and the money she get paid for selling his anti-American bunk.

bluzdude said...

I don't think this is a case of wishful thinking as much as a call to arms for his Big Business fan club. You know, the people who have the power to actually crash the economy. He's looking for massive layoffs, even more price gouging, maybe some supply chain issues. Maybe it's a veiled request to his friends, the Saudis, to scale back oil production.

Dave Miller said...

Grey says "there is no healing this divide".

You. Are. Correct.

Over the last few days I've sat with a few "conservatives" who favor the GOP.

I defy anyone to get some of those folks to name the sources of news they respect, or will accept when it comes to the news of the day, economic numbers, etc.

The refuse to accept any current economic, crime or employment data. None. They just derisively ask you if you really believe those numbers. Many will ask where you get your info about the injured officers at the Capitol on Jan 6, because they've never seen those beatings.

One guy, after considering my question about sources, stopped, thought and then said Mark Levine. He's seen as truthful, fair and balanced.

How does someone even respond to a Mark Levine?

-FJ is another. Not only does he always disagree, but he won't even offer up a Levine as someone he will trust.

All were left with is this...

After Barack Obama won a resounding majority, the GOP did not commit to working with him for the good of the country. They doubled down on opposing the Dems. And said their goal was a one term president, not a great America from working together.

Now their candidate is so upset that things are good during the Obama Admin, that he and the GOP are hoping for an economic crash. The same candidate who on Christmas Day, wished the Dems would "ROT IN HELL".

This is not normal. Not at all.

And not good for America.

Anonymous said...

If Trump already has that much power we're definitely screwed. Big Time! We can kiss the American experiment in self rule goodbye. Trump and the rethuglicans dream.

Dave Miller said...

Today Former President Trump asserted in court that he "could order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival and, if he had not first been impeached and convicted, would be immune from prosecution" forever.

Stop and let that sink in for a moment.

Absolute immunity. That is what he is asserting. Trump's lawyers today argued in court is that absent an impeachment and a conviction by Congress, a president is totally immune from any legal action.

So... if a president does commit a crime, like theft, like selling a pardon, like ordering Seal Team 6 to take down a rival, as his lawyers stated, and then resigns before he is convicted by the Senate, in Trump's view, no one, no court, no legal body and no judge, can touch him.

I'm sure the Mothership crew, -FJ, the crazies and the MAGA backers are okay with that.

But, as I keep saying, as always, there's more.

Trump's lawyers, in his January 2020 impeachment trial in the Senate after the J6 insurrection/riot/tourist visit, argued against conviction because they said, the then President would be criminally liable after he left office. In other words, in 2020, Trump himself argued against conviction in the Senate because why bother, he could be tried afterwards in a criminal court.

Which he argued against today!

If your head is spinning, it should be.

And if anyone shows up here, and defends Trump at this point, claiming he will be good for America, even with his Kingly theology, that would explain why our country is struggling.

In less than three weeks, Trump has wished his rivals to "ROT IN HELL", is hoping the US economy crashes in the next 12 months and believes a president has Kingly immunity privileges.

MAGA at its finest, and his followers don't care.

skudrunner said...

If joey b and the DNC are so concerned about a trump win why don't they nominate a different candidate or with joey why doesn't he do the right thing and say he is not going to run. You can't expect trump to pull out because of his ego driven nature. At this point with a trump - biden run is a toss up. This is not because so many people support trump but so many people view biden as a weak president, which he proves every day. Border, waffling on Israel, his defense secretary keeping him in the weeds, mayor pete filling a seat and not doing anything and now bummer saying joey needs to step up and mama bummer saying how fearful she is. Not a good look for the Big Guy or the country.

Rev, I rely on the BBC and PBS for honest news. As to crime and employment numbers just read any news article or watch the news and you will see crime is rampant in major cities, illegals are sucking the economy out of some "sanctuary" cities and who is paying, the average tax payer. What is joey's platform, I am not trump is not a good look for a leader.

Dave Miller said...

Well Skud... yes, the border is a mess and no, Biden, nor anyone else for that matter, has a plan.

But all employment numbers are good, so good, even FOX is grudgingly accepting and reporting them. Economic numbers are good with GDP growing, the DOW at record levels and same store sales numbers mostly up year over year.

Crime is being reported as rampant, but you'll find little evidence of that in the real data reported by the FBI and other Dem favored and GOP favored "think" tanks.

And of course, continuing a run started in the Obama Admin, 2023 was the best year ever for US energy as we both produced and exported more than we ever have.

But none of this matters. Or should not matter. Americans should be ready to vote for a tree stump over "ROT IN HELL" Trump who is now openly rooting for the US economy to tank, taking us all down with it.

And the GOP is willingly supporting him.


Anonymous said...

Is it pssible Trump supporters are the tree stumps? Because as far as we know tree stumps do not think.

skudrunner said...

Rev, You are spot on in most of what you said with one little exception and that is crime. The FBI is not a very accurate source to report crime because crime is local and those misfits don't get involved in non headline crime.

The open border policy of the biden administration hurting a significant number of cities but that is local as well. The recent events with austin is a good example of a leader who doesn't lead. And the DNC is openly supporting him, Why??? Blame anyone you want but if the DNC doesn't wake up you will vote for a tree stump and trump may be president which is not a good thing. Joey b spends his campaign speech remembering the civil war and saying how bad trump is but didn't say what his policies are, guess he doesn't have any. Both parties should look at what is best for the country but it is all about controlling the people so that won't happen.
Any competent candidate can beat either biden or trump but chances are we may have to vote for a tree stump.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud's double standard is getting tiring. Republicans can't be held accountable to do the correct thing so the Democratic party must step up.

Again and again this idea that the GOP gets to party like it's 1999 and the Democratic folks get to clean up the mess.

Tired of it.

I have an idea for the border - it involves the entire country and provides clear, easy to understand instructions of how to apply for citizenship. It includes ideas of work visas, and how to handle those who abuse the honor of living in this country. But I'm not a politician. I could give a rats patootie about soothing fragile egos so I guess I'm not a diplomat either. What I am is a person who sees the big picture, a person who lives their life for the good of all and may it harm none. This means I see things others miss.

But I, along with others like me, aren't about the power or glory so our ideas will never see the light of day. Pity, because immigration has been the only constant for the continent, at least as I see things (using geological timelines as reference).

Grey One talks sass said...

OT/ - Shaw, with the weather being what it is I have you and yours in my thoughts and heart. Hope all is well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank you Gray One talks sass. I was fortunate to have missed any damage and inconvenience from the storm. Our power lines here in the city are underground. I’ve been through hurricanes and blizzards, and never lost power.

skudrunner said...

Grey, If you expect either party to do the right thing you have a very long wait because that just won't happen. It is the dems who are complaining about trump so they need to do something because the republicans sure won't. The best outcome is Nikki win the nomination and joey b stay in that way we will have competence in charge. Is she perfect, no one is, does she have skeletons in her closet, no more than any politician. Being a female she has to overcome those who don't think a women can do the job but after a couple of centuries of male rule it is time to try something different because a female can't do any worse especially one with her experience.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud, it is my experience that expectations only lead to disappointment. Mental Health 101 advises a person in crisis to avoid making drastic changes in how they do a thing, at least until the crisis is in the rear view mirrors and not our blind spot. That said I'm stumping for Joe Biden for 2024. Do I want different? Yep, sure do and I'm working towards obtaining better and different for the 2026 and 2028 election cycles. What it looks like I've no idea but some of my best work is done when I follow the facts and not a preconceived notion of how a thing will look.

We will have to agree to disagree about Ms Haley. She rubs me the wrong way.

For the record, the only reason there aren't more women in positions of power is not because they can't do the job. It's because they've been forbidden the opportunities presented to the male portion of the population. As the movie Matilda lays out in it's opening - each person has something they are good at and the females of my world who were very good at governing had to find something else to do unless they could crash the boys club. Not everyone is good at crashing and governing.

Also - governing is not being political although politics is involved. For me it's the difference between Kelly green and Celery. Both are categorized as green but are totally different shades. Governing means making sure the lights stay on, the streets are in good repair, and the amenities which assist citizens in their daily life are where they are supposed to be when they are needed. Or in big picture terms, infrastructure, health care, food and financial assistance programs, security, and population management. I might be a governmental geek. I blame my dad (whom I loved to pieces).

Anonymous said...

Yours and soooo many others who barf up the both sides are the same mantra are frankly absolutely wrong. And you skud know it. You're just too hide bound in your conditioning to acknowledge it.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\ Today Former President Trump asserted in court that he "could order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival and, if he had not first been impeached and convicted, would be immune from prosecution" forever.

\\ Stop and let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah. I agree. Obama should prosecuted for killing Osama. :-)))))

\\-FJ is another. Not only does he always disagree, but he won't even offer up a Levine as someone he will trust.

Because... that comments where he did it -- was not disclosed. ;-P

That's how Thought Control through censure works.

\\This is not normal. Not at all.

\\And not good for America.

Yeah. I agree with you.

Trying to prosecute political opponent through fake criminal trial -- it's bad for Democracy.

Oh, sorry, you meant other way around -- you DON'T give a shit about Democracy.

Democracy for you -- that is when DEMNs WIN, ONLY.

\\And if anyone shows up here, and defends Trump at this point, claiming he will be good for America, even with his Kingly theology, that would explain why our country is struggling.

Being he good or bad. That's still unsure thing.

Well... he WAS. And sky DID NOT fell.

But... using fake criminal accusations against political opponent -- that is SURELY damaging!

Or... you will try to defend that point? I don't think so. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Democrats surely must hate the principle of sovereign immunity...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

"\\Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\ Today Former President Trump asserted in court that he "could order Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival and, if he had not first been impeached and convicted, would be immune from prosecution" forever.

\\ Stop and let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah. I agree. Obama should prosecuted for killing Osama. :-)))))"

The multiple personality who put this in Comment Moderation is NOT a serious commenter.

"-FJ," "Joe Conservative," "Thersites," "Foreigner," "Anonymous" is a disruptor who's not interested in facts. His multiple personalities who post here and at other blogs have the habit of bombarding those blogs with multiple comments that bring no clarity to the discussion, just more nonsense and mayhem. See the above quote:

"Obama should prosecuted[sic] for killing Osama." :-)))))" The emoticons are there to show he's only joking. But is he? Is he comparing the killing of the man who planned 9/11 that killed 3,000+ Americans with Donald Trump, whose lawyers contended in a court room that he could commit homicide against an opponent and not be charged if he were the POTUS?

"Foreigner" whines that not all of his comments get through on my blog.

If he were a commenter in good faith -- that is, not a jokester, trickster, and clown, continuously changing his persona, he'd be treated as a normal commente. Ask yourself, why does he need to be so many different people? Possibly just to entertain himself?

Here's a suggestion: Use those several personas to bomb comment at the Mother Ship. They'd welcome you.

Just the other day they were agonizing over the possibility of Michelle Obama running against Joe Biden for the presidency (insane, of course, but, hey!) Also, they refer to the former FLOTUS as a "he," and call her "Michael." And they often refer to former President Obama as "Hafrican" because he's biracial -- and that is blatantly racist. But that's how those folks roll and get their jollies. Plus, they are devoted and ardent supporters of the man whose lawyers say he could commit homicide against his opponents and not be charged for it.

Those people vote.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Trump and his cultists surely must hate the principle "No one is above the law."

Here he is bragging about ignoring the Emoluments Clause:

"On Fox News, Trump is asked about the report that his businesses profited over $8 million from foreign governments including China while he was president. He said that is such a small amount of money and “I was doing services for them … I don’t get $8 million for doing nothing!”

Emoluments Clause in the Constitution:

 The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8):
“[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under
[the United States], shall, without the Consent of the
Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or
Title, of any kind

F.D. said...

Oh, how noble! Trump is just providing "services" to foreign governments for a small fee of $8 million.

And let's not forget that the idea that Trump is just doing "services" for foreign governments, without any ulterior motives or conflicts of interest, is completely ludicrous. Because clearly, a president who openly brags about using his position for personal gain is totally trustworthy and beyond reproach. So let's all just take Trump at his word, because that's definitely what's going to promote transparency and accountability in government.