Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Michael Flynn is anti-American.


Someone needs to get this man some deep mental health therapy. He's batshyte crazy:

Michael Flynn: “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.” Every Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Atheist, each American must know this is what Republicans intend to do.


Infidel753 said...

The First Amendment, and Article 6 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, specifically prohibit what he says we "must" have.

Les Carpenter said...

In one simple statement... An unhinged ignorant wannabe tyrant who supports a non existent delusional god image while engaging in self masturbation of his pea sized intellect.

This bad sample of a human being is, nonetheless, an extremely dangerous individual for the same reasons Trump is. They are, in essence, two peas in a pod. A sick evil pod to be sure.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3: "Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." It immediately follows a clause requiring all federal and state office holders to take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution. This clause contains the only explicit reference to religion in the original seven articles of the U.S. Constitution.

The ban on religious tests contained in this clause protects federal officeholders and employees as well as the officeholders of "State Legislatures, and [...] the several states". This clause is cited by advocates of separation of church and state as an example of the "original intent" of the Framers of the Constitution to avoid any entanglement between church and state, or involving the government in any way as a determiner of religious beliefs or practices. This is significant because this clause represents the words of the original Framers, even prior to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment."

Flynn pleaded guilty to a felony in December 2017, admitting that he had misled investigators about details of his conversations with the Russian ambassador during Trump’s presidential transition.

His plea was one of the first major courtroom victories for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who had been appointed seven months earlier.

The special counsel probe ultimately did not establish the Trump campaign had entered into a criminal conspiracy with the Kremlin. But the investigation documented how Russia interfered in the 2016 race to benefit Trump, and how Trump’s campaign welcomed the assistance.

Shaw Kenawe said...


The radical religious Right keeps trying to break the law and impose its version of religion on our secular country. They still refuse to accept what the Founding Fathers specified in the Constitution and are eager to turn America into a version of Iran and Afghanistan.

Les Carpenter said...

I look to see an amendment to the constitution if Trump and the MAGA't cabal get their facist rope around the workings of the federal government's neck.

For those who believe it can't happen here is to be either naive or simply not paying attention to reality.

Dave Miller said...

Flynn, an insurrection, democracy, and more, none of it seems to matter.

Look at this comment from a retired Marine, a man who calls himself a patriot. A man who was a teacher and openly claims to never watch the news.

"I have had to ask myself, does Mr. Trump display courage, integrity, loyalty, bearing, decisiveness, dependability, justice, tact, unselfishness, and judgment? From my position in the living room, I’d have to say — no. I do not see him as an honest or loyal man. The way he publicly criticized subordinates that he fired in his last administration was abominable. He shows no tact, no presidential bearing, and honestly, the way he wanders around during Q&A suggests that he’s not all that knowledgeable, either. Bullies can be managers; they cannot be leaders."

He sees everything any lib, Dem or progressive sees in Donald Trump.

And for our conservative folks like Skud, -FJ and the sock puppets, this man is from tribe. And yet he sees that Trump is dishonest, not a leader, loyal and not even that smart.

But the reality is this... that man who sees Trump as a liar, dishonest, undependable man with bad judgement will still be voting for him to be the next president of the United States.

It's breath taking to me. And chilling, frightening and depressing that in America today, we actually have people who see all those character traits in a man, yet still support him to be our president.

Dave Dubya said...

There are two way of dealing with traitor Flynn.
Lock him up, or deport him to Russia.

Joe Conservative said...

Is he talking about secular wokism?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M. That same retired Marine had this to say about solving the border crisis:

"My emphasis here is on DEFENDING the United States’ southern border, which should also be the President’s emphasis. Defending the border means only one thing: the U.S. Defense Department does not intend to apprehend anyone. The Southern Border must become a no-man’s land. Whoever attempts to cross it runs the risk of being killed. We have the assets to conduct such operations. We call them the National Guard.

The first image that came to mind when I read that was the East Germans trying to get over the wall and into West Germany and the Communists shooting to kill. What a sight it would be to see American National Guardsmen and women shooting and killing men, women, and children as they seek refuge. That's the America that former Marine hopes for! That's a solution??!

I totally understand why he and his fellow sailors on the Mother Ship believe DJT -- who was found liable for rape and tax fraud and is under 91 felony indictments, and STILL claims, without any evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen from him, the loser -- why they support Trump. They, like him, are devoid of decency and honor, IMO.

There is a terrible sickness across America, and that ex-Marine and Michael Flynn are part of it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.

You are correct.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Con

Flynn is saying EXACTLY what he means, and that is he wants America to have a national religion -- Christianity. Period. Your bringing in the word "woke" is nonsensical and has nothing to do with the anti-Constitutional, anti-American proposition he selling.

Flynn is out of his mind. And he's been disgraced. The best thing for him to do at this point in his miserable life is disappear into the margins of Crazy MAGAdom.

Les Carpenter said...

@Dave M. ... i suspect that if the democrats had a candidate who was charismatic, intelligent, honest, had integrity, and was NOT 80 something there would be no need for concern. Trump would get soundly whacked at to polls in a monumental landslide and he'd slither off into the swamp from which he came.

But, we have an octogenarian with a bit of baggage who has managed to upset even me over his weak border efforts and his overtly misguided support for Trump's Israeli twin, Netanyahu. The master of genocide against innocent Palestinians. It makes me sick. To my stomach.

Therefore, i will again be voting 3'rd party. For me to do that does not affect anything as i live in a deep blue state. Otherwise i'd be voting Biden. If there is not a 3'rd party candidate i simply will not vote for president.

Dave Miller said...

Les... yes, I think you are right. So I get that. But why vote then? Wouldn't it be better to just sit the election out, at least on the presidential line, or go third party in protest? Isn't that better than saying you want an honest leader who you can trust, then you vote for a guy who is none of that?

Maybe if enough ppl just said NO!, it would signal to both parties that they've got to get their act together.

I've done that when I was unhappy with a Dem or GOP candidate.

Dave Miller said...

Yes Shaw, let's line them up and shoot them! What a, in the words of Bugs Bunny, a maroon!

Mike said...

@Les - Don't do that Les. I had a friend who refused to vote for Hillary. Look what we wound up with.

Joe Conservative said...

flynn wants Christianity and you want secular wokism. Given the options, I'll take the former. It's more "equal".

Jerry said...

When he says one religion, he's not talking about America or what it stands for.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
flynn wants Christianity and you want secular wokism. Given the options, I'll take the former. It's more "equal"."

It doesn't matter which you prefer. Flynn's dream of a national religion is never going to happen.

But the mullahs and imams in Iran and Afghanistan would agree with you. You can be proud of that.

Wokism, BTW, unlike religion, doesn't advocate flying planes into building and killing thousands of innocent people or throwing acid in young women's faces who seek education.

That's what certain types of state religions do.

We are much, much better off as a secular state where no one religion is ascendant.

Shaw Kenawe said...


That's for sure. Flynn is a fanatic, and unacquainted with our Constitution, which is puzzling, since he, as a general in the military, swore an oath to "support and defend" the Constitution. IMO, advocating this un-Constitutional religious idea is pure treachery on his part.

Flynn is a national disgrace.

Les Carpenter said...

Since the antiquated electoral college is ALL that matters Mike, and my state is so deeply blue its almost indigo, me voting 3'rd patrty, or not voting for president, will have zero impact. I refuse, absolutely refuse, to vote rethuglican and Biden, on the two points i mentioned, has turned me off to him. So, it'll be 3'rd party or no vote for president. I refuse to compromise my values.

Dave Miller said...

Joe... we thank you for your opinion. Unconstitutional as it is.

I thought you loved America and supported the Constitution.

Do you also think libs should be able to override the 2nd Amendment? If you were consistent, you would.

You're clearly from the Trump School of Terminate the Constitution.

Foreigner said...

\\Your "Foreigner" sounds like -FJ and his sock puppets.

Naturally. Those who talk using Facts and Logic might sound the same.

Because only Facts are unambigious. And Logic is the ONE and ONLY.

That is OPINIONS of religious socialistic bonkers -- that are always tend to differ. Because source of em -- is their feverishly delusional minds.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We do live in a tyranny of the minority now. Looking at the big picture even the electoral college is a gerrymandering. There are close to half the Congressional districts gerrymander so if Hitler had the R by his name on the ballot he would win.
The national religion is more of a danger than anyone may think. And the more ardent Catholics or other denominations need to understand that hate will extend to them as they don't worship like whatever the most powerful in the party do. Extends to Mormans and any other sects as well.
We're in a world of crap now. And twisted views of religion are a root cause.

Joe Conservative said...

The Carbon free woke religion we have is unconstitutional, I know. Gaia worship all around.

Anonymous said...

Forget religion as it is for followers and compliant minds. Turn to true spirituality for it if for the seeker of truth and wisdom. Grasp awareness and consciousness. Forsake duality and uderstand the interconnectedness and oneness that is the cosmos and your very existence.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"Because only Facts are unambigious. And Logic is the ONE and ONLY."

S.K.: Here are some unambiguous facts: Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault/rape, and is a tax fraudist. And the current GOP want him to be POTUS again.

Foreigner: "That is OPINIONS of religious socialistic bonkers -- that are always tend to differ. Because source of em -- is their feverishly delusional minds."

Sorry. That statement is unintelligible.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Yes. What you posted is correct. The best way for Americans to be able to practice their religions is to have NO national religion. Period.

Michael Flynn appears to have flipped his lid.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"The Carbon free woke religion we have is unconstitutional, I know. Gaia worship all around."

"Woke" isn't a religion; saying so doesn't make it so.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

And being "woke" is not unconstitutional.

Your comment is absurd.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous @9:22AM

If only people followed that idea.

Anonymous said...

@Shaw... Many people do. More so in the east.

Several million Americans do as well. As do other millions in the greater west.

It's the reified monotheistic religions most lacking in true consciousness and awareness. It is as the Church(s) decreed it. True or not.

Be a seeker.

Grey One talks sass said...

Les, I understand wanting to vote your values. I don't have that luxury for my right to exist as I am is not guaranteed, it's a political football that gets kicked around. A lot.

Even if my state were the bluest of blue I would be voting for President Biden again this term. Why?

Because just in case. Because sometimes things go pear shaped and best intentions are waylaid by unintended consequences. Do I like Biden? Nope, not in the least. I have my reasons (cough Anita Hill cough) but I also know that until my existence is codified into law I'm not safe. In my own country. Where I was born, I'm not safe.

I don't have the luxury of voting my values Les. I get why you say what you do but I wish you wouldn't because you influence others who may not live in as blue of a state as yourself.

Trump gets in power again and his followers will be killing me and mine with impunity. How do I know? They never stopped from when they were given the green light under Trump. Only now nothing gets through the local law enforcement - they do like to protect their own because who knows, tomorrow it may be them being held accountable. You don't have to take my word, the SPLC has the data. So does a few other agencies that tracks violence against those considered 'other'.

Just giving you some perspective - not telling you what to do. I leave authoritarianism to the likes of Flynn.**

**When doing battle with one of Flynn's minions on another site I was told that taking their oath when joining the military meant they placed their religion/holy book first and the Constitution second. They did not see the hypocrisy and got quite upset when I accused them of being an oath breaker. Lots of comments on the subject, got into the low hundreds and they never backed down from their stance that placing their religion first and the constitution second was anything but the most patriotic thing they ever did.

People like Flynn are true believers. They are wrong but you won't sway them. Ever. Aside from their belief that they are absolutely correct, they've been brought up to be soldiers for Christ, told since they were old enough to go to church that their deity has a special purpose for them.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Glad you've taken up the cause of fighting the righties online Flynn. Yours is a hard cause to bear since facts are meaningless to them. The big argument for God from them now is that because you've never actually seen God He must exist. I guess Bigfoot is real to them also. But they will follow anyone that tells them whatever nonsense they want to hear. And their views change constantly. The love Israel one week and the next they hate it. Putin is laughing his head off at them. Love the irony that we of the progressive type are the ones actually fighting the commie Russians while those on the right, who for decades railed against the evils of communism and dictators now do their bidding based on whatever they are told by a right wing commentator. Keep up the good fight Flynn.

Thersites said...

On constitutionality...

Dave Dubya said...

Nothing like linking to a religious bigot to make a point.

Thersites reminds us how MAGAts love to wrap themselves in theatric lip-service to the Constitution, like racist White Nationalist hypocrites wrap themselves in the Bible.

For some reason they don't want to discuss Equal Justice Under Law, the 14th Amendment, or our Declaration of Independence's ideals of equality and consent of the governed.

They also have NO use for those pesky items in the Constitution that call for TAXES, REGULATION OF COMMERCE, and PROVISION FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE.

Why do they HATE America and want a Trump dictatorship with one-party rule?

They can't help showing us who and what they really are, can they?

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...
Wokism, BTW, unlike religion, doesn't advocate flying planes into building and killing \\thousands of innocent people or throwing acid in young women's faces who seek education.

That's... just for now.

Religious bigots are all the same in that regard -- want to kill all "infidels".

So? YOU really want us WAIT for wokism to became much like that mullahs???

With all power of civilization in its bigoted hands???

Mullahs... they for at least INCOMPETENT -- unable to make A-Bomb EVEN while all blueprints available.

Woke bigots -- will have access to stockpiles of Nukes (and many-many other dangerous things), from get go.

\\We are much, much better off as a secular state where no one religion is ascendant.

Yep. Except woke bigotry. :-))))

\\The first image that came to mind when I read that was the East Germans trying to get over the wall and into West Germany and the Communists shooting to kill.

And stark FACTUAL differences... do not make facepalm... as I do to myself.

There WAS NO border. USA-Mexica -- there IS one.

That was FORCEFUL separation of what was unite. Are you one with mexicans???

THAT IS -- power of Woke Bigotry -- when FACTUALLY OPPOSITE things -- suddenly became similar, and even THE SAME.

Foreigner said...

Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...


"Because only Facts are unambigious. And Logic is the ONE and ONLY."

\\ S.K.: Here are some unambiguous facts: Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

Is that fact disputed? Seriously? By me, especially?

Well... you know, there is crazy people that say that Earth is flat, like that pancake.

So, What... every time when questions of astronomy will be discussed -- you, and people like you will be pointing to that same FACT "see, there is such crazy people flat-earthers" AND DECLARE own victory on that base?

And HOW you are different from that flat-earther? ;-P

They ALSO have a shortlist of FACTS... or just "facts"... they like to use as a club against opponent.

What a troglodyte's discussion tactics. :-))))))

\\ Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault/rape, and is a tax fraudist.

And NOT put in jail? ;-)

\\And the current GOP want him to be POTUS again.

That... we dunno yet. Given that moronic prohibition to appear on primaries ballots...

that is far-far from being FACT... YET.

Les Carpenter said...

Thanks for your insights Grey One talks sass.

I understand your concerns and sense your fears. I suspect we share many of the same revulsions relative to politics, specifically the ignorance that is becoming more entrenched in conservative MAGA delusions. I will vote in every race BUT president. Why? Because it is the House and Senate that matters most. Since my state is so blue it's choice for president will be solid Biden. Biden does not need my vote. He'll win my state handedly wihout me. As i said i'll cast my vote in every other race in my state and community. And, it will not be republican for any House or Senate seat!

Know this, that understanding, compassionate, and loving people will stand with you, against the MAGAt's ignorance and hate.

No worry here. I understand the deep facist authoritarian streak that flows from Trump to and through his MAGA Bots, and just how un-American and un-Constituional he and his views are. And by extention all those who support his sickness.

Anonymous said...

Let Foreigner onto your site and he'll have ya chasing your tail constantly. It's his primary form of self masturbation.

Dave Miller said...


From Trump, a guy you support, comes this as it relates to the Constitution...

"A Massive Fraud [Speaking of his unproven claims about the 2020 elections] of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution...”

No Dem has ever suggested anything so undemocratic.

Yet Trump has.

Does he not believe in the Constitution? Do people such as yourself support, as Trump does, terminating the Constitution in support of falsehoods and lies?

Sure looks like it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why is Trump off the ballot in two states for "insurrection". He's never been convicted ot even charged with the offense> Democrats HATE the Constitution. They think that the mere existence of a law allows them to apply it a priori to everyone, even people who never violated it.

Keeping Trump off the ballot IS a MASSIVE FRAUD.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden wants to arrest half the country for insurrection.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Why is Trump off the ballot in two states for "insurrection". He's never been convicted ot even charged with the offense"

"Both the district and state supreme court of Colorado found that the actions that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, when Trump supporters stormed the capitol while President Joe Biden’s win was being certified, constituted an insurrection. They also agreed that the former president engaged in that insurrection."

"Keeping Trump off the ballot IS a MASSIVE FRAUD."

Nah. It's the correct thing to do. A man who incited an insurrection against the United States and incited his mobs to stop the certification of the electoral votes needs to spend time in prison, not the White House.

You keep coming here to defend a despicable scoundrel. Good luck with that.

Les Carpenter said...

Most intelligent folks that read the article relative to baring a person from office A #14 undersand that Trump's actions leading up to, during, and following J6 2021 Trump attempted overturn the duly elected. Theh watched it live for hours. You fj obviously do not. Which is, sorry fj, nothing but wilfull ignorance or supidity. You can choose which one you perfer.

Trump, by any honest, ethical, moral, and lawful standard should be rotting in a federal penitentiary.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
Biden wants to arrest half the country for insurrection.

Oh stop your whining.

A majority of those arrested for breaking and entering and causing destruction and mayhem and beating up law enforcement pled guilty to their crimes.

You're obviously one of those people who don't believe in law and order. Too bad.

You're part of the reason this country is in such turmoil. Your allegiance is with a crook and his thugs.

Good luck with that.

Grey One talks sass said...

I have an observation:

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew is all twisted about the trial in Colorado which determined Trump did engage, incite, and give comfort and aid to insurrectionists. What they missed is when Trumps lawyers appealed the decision of the trial the only issue they appealed was getting tossed off the ballot. His lawyers said NOTHING about the insurrection, meaning it remains a fact on the books. Oops. Guess one does get what one pays for, amirite?

Dave Dubya said...

Looks like New Years vacation is over for -FJ.

He's back on the job with the GRU, raking in the rubles.

Foreigner said...

\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

\\ "Keeping Trump off the ballot IS a MASSIVE FRAUD."

\\ Nah. It's the correct thing to do. A man who incited an insurrection against the United States and incited his mobs to stop the certification of the electoral votes needs to spend time in prison, not the White House.

You are so sure...

but, why it NOT HAPPENED yet???

Or cognitive dissonance is thing that just impossible... for morons. :-)

\\Blogger Les Carpenter said...

\\ Trump, by any honest, ethical, moral, and lawful standard should be rotting in a federal penitentiary.

Yet one moron, that cannot get that something fishy happens here.

And that reek of fishiness -- that is NASTY POLITICAL LIES and PROPAGANDA.

Unloaded onto your brains. Nazi-style. Or Putin-style. Choose what is better for ya.

\\Blogger Grey One talks sass said...

\\ -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew is all twisted about the trial in Colorado which determined Trump did engage, incite, and give comfort and aid to insurrectionists.

And there WAS trial??? And some new, undeniable, beyond reasonable doubts FACTS was provided? And that FACTS became known to public?

Something telling me... that is not actually ANYHOW true.

That was just alluring willing DEMN-public into lair of Nazi-style political fight. It's when political opponents declared being Enemy... deserving being put into camps... death camps.

Grey One talks sass said...

Oh Anonymous at 4:26 am

It's as if you didn't watch any video or TV in the past three years. It's as if your lard and server Lord Dampnut was thrust into a Denver courtroom in a vacuum, devoid of any history. Ha! There was a trial, his lawyers were present. He lost, he appealed (not the guilty of insurrection bits), and the case along with cases from other states is headed to the Supremes.

There was a trial and if you'd taken three moments you'd have found all the data online. Not my job to do your homework for you. And oh, so misguided - the ebil Dems are after my guy!!!

It was a bipartisan coalition of humans who brought the request to remove Trump from the Colorado ballot based on the clear language of the 14th amendment, section 3 of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for the United States of America. How did you miss all this? Oh yeah, hard to see reality when viewed from a bubble of your own making.

By the way it's not the Democratic party that threatened fellow citizens with death camps. That would be the GQP side of the aisle. But you do you, bless your pea picking heart.

Also - got a follow up question - Trump handpicked three of the justices on SCOTUS so why did he just file papers asking for the case to be handled by Congress and not the Supremes? What is he afraid of?

Guilty man runs when no one is pursuing. In this case there is lots of pursuing going on. Too bad the former guy can't run to save his life.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm all for letting Trump be the nominee this year. He's got the same problem Hillary had in 2016. He's unelectable. I personally hold President Biden in high regard and am thankful he;s president in these times. But after a lifetime in public service you make lots of enemies. The propaganda machine has had 40 years to tear him down. The best chance is for Biden to run against someone with higher negatives, whether or not they're merited on Joe; That person is Trump. And Trump brings enough republicans down with him in swing districts or even moderately right leaning districts and states to give Biden a good shot at a majority Congress. Go Trump!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Both the district and state supreme court of Colorado found that the actions that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, when Trump supporters stormed the capitol

Then don't they have a duty to charge him? "Sentence first, trial after," screamed the Queen of Hearts.

Anonymous said...

Go Trump!

Staight to Hell. Or, the closest facsimile of that imaginary non existent imagined Christian Hell that there is..

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Tomorrow on Insurrection Theatre...

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ is doing a heck of a job for Putin.

He probably knows a state court cannot charge someone for a federal crime, but ignores the FACT of the matter. Like a good GRU agent, he's a master at deception and propaganda.

The same goes for the 14th Amendment. No charge or conviction is required. The insurrection is clearly defined by the insurrectionist's ACTIONS. Confederates were not charged with insurrection, but they OBVIOUSLY did it.

And what the hell is the "sentence" he's whining about? The same as the disqualifying "sentence" that requires native birth and age 35?

The state court's job is to determine the verifiable FACTS. THAT's what bothers him.

Notice how he's fine with Trump accusing people he hates of treason. Is there ANY dictator that Trump and -FJ do not love?

Foreigner said...

\\Blogger Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...

\\The best chance is for Biden to run against someone with higher negatives, whether or not they're merited on Joe; That person is Trump.

I'm glad to see that here is somebody... who ABLE to see through all miserly lies of political propaganda.

\\Blogger Grey One talks sass said...

Oh Anonymous at 4:26 am

It's as if you didn't watch any video or TV in the past three years.

You GOT it. Oh my wise opponent in that brightest of enlightened blogs.

Because... I. AM. Foreigner.

NOT from USA.

And do not watch your TV. ;-P

\\It's as if your lard and server Lord Dampnut was thrust into a Denver courtroom in a vacuum, devoid of any history. Ha!

I dunno about that Lord Dampnut. Whose that? Some personage from new Shrek fi... movie???


\\There was a trial, his lawyers were present. He lost, he appealed (not the guilty of insurrection bits), and the case along with cases from other states is headed to the Supremes.


Juridical system of USA is perfect? And never-ever-eternally... do not make any mistakes?

Ha! And yet one time HA!

\\There was a trial and if you'd taken three moments you'd have found all the data online. Not my job to do your homework for you. And oh, so misguided - the ebil Dems are after my guy!!!

What for?

Can you provide CONCISE reason, why some Foreigner, not interested too much in inner politics of USA... and even less, in it's jurisprudence... SHOULD do that???

That is like... how was it said, in one of your memes -- to take ONE banana... one need to grab ALSO a gorilla, and all of the jungle.

Yes? :-)))))

\\It was a bipartisan coalition of humans who brought the request to remove Trump from the Colorado ballot based on the clear language of the 14th amendment, section 3 of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for the United States of America. How did you miss all this? Oh yeah, hard to see reality when viewed from a bubble of your own making.

I do not need such details...

in addition to what I KNOW from history -- and that exactly -- that TOTALITARIAN governments NEVER have problem with concocting VISIBLY legal means of how to put their opposition in to a prison.

Just recently -- in Turkey -- they said that... oh, what a coincidence, that political opponents of current semi-tyrant Erdogan... Committed I-N-S-U-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N.

And even tried to demand from USA to give up that ones of em, which took refuge on your turf.

Or... like Putin -- that put his most notorious political opponent Navalniy... on pretext of him committed some fraud.


ARE you??? As USAian.

Are NOT ashamed of that -- that YOUR country government... trying to behave THE SAME as autocrats and totalitarians of the World?

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ links to another radical Right MAGAt insurrection apologist. "Julie Kelly". Is -FJ just getting lazy now?

Far Right Federalist hack Julie Kelly shows how to demolish one’s credibility in an opening phrase: “On the three-year anniversary of the Capitol protest…”

What? "Protest"? Didn’t they say it was just a “tour group”?

Yes, the same Federalist that LIED as it tweeted: "Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania.”

Les Carpenter said...

Probably not Dave D. But now's a chance for -fj the deranged deluded MAGA-t to point out clearly the ones he does not.

We shouldn't bother holding our breath.

Joe Conservative said...

The insurrection is clearly defined by the insurrectionist's ACTIONS.

He stormed the Capitol? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...

Oh, wait, he attacked some cops!

Joe Conservative said...

Acta non Verba!

Dave Dubya said...

If "Foreigner" says he's ignorant of the 1/6 insurrection, he can shut up now.

Funny how he's familiar with Shrek and these blogs, but not youtube, international news media and the REST OF THE INTERNET.

I told you this guy is a TROLL and NOT INTERESTED in good faith discourse.

"Kremlin Joe" doesn't know an attempted coup is still a coup. Trump literally attempted to strong-arm his driver to take him to the Capitol so he could strut in and take power.

Dave Dubya said...

Will "Foreigner" watch this clip of Trump's "very peaceful" mob?

Anonymous said...

Foreigner is -fj. Notice all the familiar markings th 2 use. Foreigner, like -fj is a fraud.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump literally attempted to strong-arm his driver to take him to the Capitol so he could strut in and take power.

2nd hand Hearsay from an ex-aide (Cassidy Hutchinson) not present is valid evidence? Who knew? Remove him from the ballot, IMMEDIATELY! Bwah!

Shaw Kenawe said...

_FJ: "2nd hand Hearsay from an ex-aide (Cassidy Hutchinson) not present is valid evidence?"

When reached for comment, a Jan. 6 committee aide told NBC News in a statement: “The Select Committee found Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony to be credible. The committee welcomes anyone who wishes to provide additional information under oath.”

I believe her. Trump is a documented liar. I believe NOTHING he or his lackeys say. Liars!

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Putin doesn't want to discuss this.

The standard slimeball “I don’t recall” evasion v sworn testimony:

Former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified publicly over the summer about a conversation she had with Ornato at the White House on Jan. 6, 2021. She said Ornato recalled to her how Trump had lashed out and grabbed at the steering wheel of the presidential SUV being driven by agent Robert Engel when the Secret Service refused to let him go to the Capitol after a rally at the Ellipse.

“The president said something to the effect of, ‘I’m the effing president, take me up to the Capitol now,’” Hutchinson told lawmakers.

“The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said ‘Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.’ Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel,” she testified.

Secret Service officials quickly disputed the account from Hutchinson about a physical altercation. The officials did not dispute, however, that Trump angrily demanded to be taken to the Capitol to join a mob of his supporters who were marching there and ultimately breached the Capitol.

“We had interviewed Mr. Ornato several times,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., a member of the panel, said in response to questions about the veracity of Hutchinson’s testimony. “His memory does not appear to be as precise as hers. We certainly would welcome them to come back if they wish to do that.”

Ornato said he didn’t “recall that he conveyed the information to Cassidy Hutchinson regarding the SUV.”

The report, at multiple points, expresses the committee’s skepticism of Ornato’s testimony. It goes on to emphasize that Hutchinson was relaying the claim secondhand, and it says the committee “has regarded both Hutchinson and the corroborating testimony by the White House employee with national security responsibilities as earnest and has no reason to conclude that either had a reason to invent their accounts.”

Joe Conservative said...

The day gossip became fact.... and got "certified" by a partisan committee. BWAH-HA-HA-HA!

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Putin thinks sworn testimony by REPUBLICANS is "gossip"? Or is he just an evil LIAR?

It was a bi-partisan committed with over 90% of the SWORN TESTIMONY from Trump's OWN PEOPLE.

Trump's co-defendants have also TESTIFIED UNDER OATH they KNEW Trump LOST, and that Trump KNEW he LOST and LIED about it. Then he committed CRIMES to overturn the election. THAT is evil.

So, yes. Liar Joe Putin is also truly evil by his loyalty to insurrectionist fascists.

Les Carpenter said...

Essentially exactly what MAGA'ts and the con artists of the rethuglican party have done. And YOU joe con continue to project well.

Anonymous said...

Their foolish and chattering ways are illustrated by their slogan: We are great. We are free. We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true. Bandar-log communicate almost entirely through the repetition of other animals' speech.[3]