Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, January 19, 2024

This comment from Dave Miller deserves to be read by everyone!


"Skud always says we have a border crisis. YES, we do. So what happens? The US Senate and the White House crafted a bill that even Republicans in the Senate call the "strongest border security bill ever"!

It ends asylum for people passing through Mexico, funds building and repairing the border wall, funds judges to clear the current asylum backlog and perhaps most important for conservatives, does not include amnesty, a path to citizenship, or DREAMER acceptance.

Additionally, presidents, including a President Trump if he gets elected, will be granted, in the law, not just through Executive Orders, strong emergency powers to act to limit immigration.

This is, according to Sen Lindsey Graham, the best border bill the US will ever get.

Sadly however, the House GOP leadership and the radical MAGA leadership oppose this bill.

Why? Not because they have annunciated any problems or disagreements with what's in this bill, but because the MAGA folks worry Biden will look good if we solve the border crisis.

Because Trump does not want it, fearful that he will lose a campaign issue.

Because House Republicans have openly said they will not vote for anything, even if it is good for America, that may help Biden look good.

And yes, there are quotes.

It is not both parties that are crazy in America and hurting our country. It is the Rump MAGA GOP and Trump supporters who are crazy."


Joe Conservative said...

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas isn't following existing law and is being impeached. So what makes anyone believe that Democrats would honour any new border agreement?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Impeached? You mean like Trump was, twice?

No one in the current MAGApublican Party gave a flying donut about that.

I should care about what the MAGApublicans in the House are doing to Mayorkas? Why?

Joe Conservative said...

Trump was never impeached. He left office on Biden's Inauguration Day. And just because Clinton normalized abuse of office and Presidential misconduct doesn't mean that no civil servants need fear it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump was impeached twice, and acquitted twice, meaning he normalized abuse of office.

Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.

Second impeachment of Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired.

The House of Representatives of the 117th U.S. Congress adopted one article of impeachment against Trump of "incitement of insurrection", stating that he had incited the January 6 attack of the U.S. Capito

skudrunner said...

Rev, Are you sure the all republicans are against this bill because it would help curtail bidens three year open border policy and make him look like he cares. Or could it be because of the parole authority not being restricted that has granted paroles to hundreds of thousands of illegals with no safeguards. Perhaps blame could be thrown on all the democrats because it is they who got us into this mess to begin with. We can credit Abbott with bringing this opportunity to house to the nation and it has gone from a nothing burger to gaining attention.

Easy to spin what has happened when only one side is presented. Maybe what the bubbleheads need to do is enforce existing laws but that may bruise some delicate senses.

Ms Shaw, Impeachment was voted for in the house for trump which is the same thing that happened with BJ. Neither were removed from office because of the impeachment vote so therefore neither were impeached. I know laws do not matter for democrats but sometime they do. Takes the house and senate to carry out an impeachment and in both cases that didn't happen.

Dave Miller said...

Joe the troll never disappoints, never deals directly with the post.

As expected.

And the sham impeachment of Mayorcas has not happened and yes, it is part of the reason the House cannot bring themselves to support what is obviously a great bill for America. One that increases border security and helps end the crisis.

Because the House GOP has no desire to actually govern across the aisle, preferring instead to keep destroying the political climate in America while not doing anything to address the current border problem.

Dave Miller said...

Joe has said elsewhere that the best deal we will get will be on inauguration day in January 2025, if DJT is elected.

First, it won't happen. There is no way Congress can be seated, pass their new rules, etc., etc., and get any bill to a president's desk on that day. Additionally, even conservative lawmakers, including House member Crenshaw of TX, a huge MAGA man, have stated that if the GOP does not support this bill now, they will never get another chance at such a good bill.

Crenshaw is aghast at the GOP for not supporting new "meaningful border policy". He says GOP not supporting this want Russia to win against Ukraine more than they want "menaingful border policy." He calls the deal, a "no brainer".

But apparently some GOP MAGA supporters are in fact, no brainers.

Joe Conservative said...

Acquitted of politically motivated charges based entirely on the Democrats lack of caritas, which explains why his national support grows in devotion with each and every false indictment...

Who made Trump popular? Spiteful Democrats. So thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

For jc the "I know" everything MAGA guy...

What Is Impeachment?

Many people believe that to "impeach" a president means to remove them from office. However, this belief is erroneous. Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against the president or any other high-ranking official. It is the first stage in removing a person from political office.

In order to remove a president from office, a president must first be impeached by the House of Representatives. If the House votes to impeach, then a trial is held in the Senate to determine if the official is to be removed from office.


Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "Ms Shaw, Impeachment was voted for in the house for trump which is the same thing that happened with BJ. Neither were removed from office because of the impeachment vote so therefore neither were impeached.

Skudrunner, both Clinton and Trump were impeached. As Anonymous above wrote: "Impeachment is the process of bringing charges against the president or any other high-ranking official. It is the first stage in removing a person from political office."

Neither Clinton nor Trump were removed from office, BUT THEY BOTH WERE IMPEACHED, AND THAT STAYS ON THE RECORD FOREVER.

I suggest you look it up, and you will learn that I am correct and you are wrong.

skudrunner: "I know laws do not matter for democrats but sometime they do. Takes the house and senate to carry out an impeachment and in both cases that didn't happen."

This is NOT a matter of laws "not matter[ing] for democrats," it's about your misunderstanding of what impeachment means. Again, I urge you to look it up to see why you're wrong.

The House brings forward impeachment. The Senate decides if the impeached person is guilty or not. Period.

Both Clinton and Trump were impeached and acquitted. That's it. Even though they were acquitted, the FACT OF THEIR IMPEACHMENT DOES NOT DISAPPEAR. THE WILL ALWAYS HAVE THOSE IMPEACHMENTS AGAINST THEIR NAMES.

This is from the US gov website referring to impeachment of presidents in history:

The presidents impeached by the House were: Andrew Johnson in 1868. William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton in 1998. Donald John Trump in 2019 and 2021.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative

That may be one of you funniest comments this week!

15% of 700,000+ registered Republicans in Iowa bothered to vote for Trump this week. FIFTEEN PERCENT!!! LOL!!!

Dave Miller said...

Skud... all I can go with is what the Senators themselves and a few folks like Crenshaw are saying.

But maybe you know more than they do...

Dave Miller said...

Skud... one side? I'm presenting what the Senate Republicans themselves are saying. I guess technically your right, I'm not presenting the Dem side. The Squad folks and my far left Dem friends hate this deal.

Because it essentially ends asylum as we know it since you are not eligible if you transit through another country on your way to the US.

Craig said...

I'm old enough to remember all the way back to 2013 when the Gang of Eight in the senate came up with a comprehensive immigration bill. It passed in the senate by 68-32. The Republicans screamed "amnesty" and John Boehner never brought it to the floor where it would have passed and been signed by Obama. They couldn't let that happen.

There's a faction of Repubs who don't care about immigration reform except as a wedge issue to clobber Dems with. Same as it ever was.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, Impeachment without removal is like censoring a politician or like a wet noodle trying to stand in a corner. Showmanship abounds on both sides but real substance doesn't exist. It was actually 7.8% of registered republicans voted for trump in Iowa and 15% voted at all for any candidate.

Rev, You are saying the republicans are holding up a bill that is not finished and hasn't been voted on. That is pure theater just like trump had a massive win in Iowa. Both of these statements are true but incomplete. Some republicans are against the proposed bill and trump won some votes in Iowa. Both of those statements are true just not a complete picture.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "Ms. Shaw, Impeachment without removal is like censoring a politician or like a wet noodle trying to stand in a corner..."

I didn't make the rules, our founding fathers did. An impeachment is supposed to remain a stain on a president's record for all eternity. It cannot be "expunged" as M.T. Greene stupidly proposed, since an impeachment by the House is a political process, not a criminal one. Trump's impeachments cannot be removed from his record. Nor should they.

Thank you for the correction on the meager number of votes Trump received from the Iowa Republican Party.

Dave Miller said...

Well Skud, when the house leaders say don't even bother, what is that? Again, I'm just commenting on and sharing what the GOp themselves is saying.

Not a single Dem comment in my words...