Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, June 18, 2024


This is what happens when the truth of who you've given your loyalty to (a criminal) is too painful to face, so you make a fool of yourself in front of the world because anything else would destroy your self-esteem, which you attached to the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, and malignant narcissist who is facing several more felony charges.


possumlady said...

They're proud of it, dontcha know?! Reminds me of that woman photographed at a trump rally in 2016 with a homemade t-shirt that read: "trump can grab me by the pussy anytime!" or something to that effect (shudder).

Mike said...

They continually outdo themselves.

Joe Conservative said...

When the Government no longer represents the people, felons become Robin Hoods.

Les Carpenter said...

Your delusions have manifested as ignorance JCon.

Les Carpenter said...

Our current government is representing the will of the majority of our people JCon. Suck it up like a big boy will ya?

Dave Miller said...

Well joe, Trump is no Robin Hood, except maybe the reverse one. Trump actually robs from the poor to give to the rich.

He doesn't even believe, as Robin Hood did, in altruism.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Shaw:
The book you reference just shows how far we have fallen. In my town I see vehicles driving around with fuck Biden flags as well as banners saying the same hanging from homes. I was at Walmart when this happened and I muttered idiot and someone challenged me asking "how so?" I had to explain that one does not drive through a public area with such displays where young children are present. How would you like it if I drove through your neighborhood with a fuck Trump flag?

Similar to Possum Lady's observation: I saw a meme that said I'd rather have Trump touch my pussy than vote for a pussy like Biden. Nuts.

I remember when Gary Hart and John Edwards dropped their presidential bids due to their indiscretions. Republicans went insane over bill Clinton's horrible actions and now are willing tolerate Trump who was convicted of sexual assault/rape...

Thanks for listening.

skudrunner said...

Rev, How has trump stolen from the poor and given to the rich. The current regime takes taxpayers money and gives it to rich kids who don't want to pay tuition, 42 billion for broadband of which nothing has been spent and 7.5 billion for EV chargers of which 7 have been built. Now who is robbing from the middle class because we are the ones paying FIT that joey b is wasting.