Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, June 29, 2024


who want the bottom-feeding guy, Trump, to be POTUS again and drag America down to his level:




Sam said...

Depending on party affiliation one may disagree with these ratings. Of course, they all are rated less than Lincoln. Who knows what the future holds. We will need a GREAT president to pull America out of the political partisan, financial mess we are in.

skudrunner said...

And the deniers are out in force to prop up joey and promote that he had a cold, didn't sleep well and a hodgepodge or other excuses. What they need to acknowledge is he is incapable of leading the country and cannot think but is an adequate reader. They were looking for the joey that gave the SOTU address but forgot he read what was on the prompter not what was in his mind. He spent a week being drilled what to say and he blew it.

The same head in the sand attitude that elected trump in 2016 is in force in 2024. Unless the DNC wakes up and talks jill into not running trump is going to be back. The whole point about trump lying is true but so did joey just not as much. Both are career liars who have been exposed throughout their lives but they still persist in lying and getting away with it.

The dems need to suck it up and admit he failed and they need a better candidate or we will have another four years of trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud, at this time, we have only TWO candidates for POTUS:

A convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and tax fraudster who's facing dozens more criminal charges. IOW, a CRIMINAL!

And An 81 year old man who knows how government works, and has had quite a successful 3 1/2 years in the presidency. Perfect? No. No president has ever had a perfect presidency.

You and others who are bellyaching about WHAT IS, need to internalize what is written in the first paragraph, and make a sane choice.

Anything else DOES NOT MATTER.

Who do you want for president? A convicted criminal/rapist/tax cheater? Or the decent guy?

Anonymous said...

This is your reminder that during the debate on Thursday night, Trump claimed he never had sex with the woman he paid $130,000 to, to stop her from telling the world that he had sex with her.

Anonymous said...

As the Trump campaign finds ways to put Biden on the defensive. Aided by the media. Dems continuing to find themselves about where they always seem to be. Fighting to retain relevancy in a sea of conservative republican delusion.

And yet Trump is winning. It says what about America?

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I'll take the decent guy or gal. Who is the DNC going to put in that place so we have a vote. They put in -H- and lost because she was the wrong choice and now they want to put biden in and may well lose again. I realize that the party is everything but some of us are interested in leadership. Joey is a nice guy who deserves better in his declining years and not support elder abuse.

Granted our choices are limited and only the DNC can offer us a choice that may be acceptable. Cruella is not a viable option so who is. The RNC is not going to make a change so it is up to the DNC to avoid a disaster called trump 2.

Anonymous said...

Vice President Harris skud, not Cruella.

She is far more intelligent and qualified as well as infinitely superior to the lying rapist, insurrectionist, tax fraudster, and conspiracy nutjob Trump.

But if the choice remains Biden & Trump then sane folks will cast their lot behind President Biden.

Thersites said...

Welcome to the kakistocracy of "progressive" creation.

Thersites said...

erratum - "Neoliberal" vice "progressive".

Anonymous said...

The babbling buffoonery of the Trump spin gin from MAGAtonia.

Joe Conservative said...

East Kekistan, actually.

skudrunner said...

And it looks like another election where the democrats put their head in the sand and lose to trump once again. Their attitude of supporting a deficient candidate in 2016 got us trump and it looks like it may be a repeat.

You can try to build biden up but after 7 days of coaching and looking so miserable in the "debate" he has nothing left to give. His policies in office have been deplorable from Afghanistan, to his handling of Iran, Russia, Gaza, our border, the economy, the pandemic have all been a failure. Trump lied that is a known fact but so did joey. It seems like every thing joey touches fails and another run will just expand his failures. Tell jill to take him home.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To say that Biden’s presidency is a failure is to ignore facts and evidence that clearly refute your unfounded OPINION.

You don’t like Biden and the liberals, so you denigrate everything they accomplish. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Your claims are bullpuckey, because you obviously get them from a biased source.

This is an example of FACTS you ignore or don’t know:

The Wall Street Journal: If you want a single number to capture America’s economic stature, here it is: This year, the U.S. will account for 26.3% of the global gross domestic product, the highest in almost two decades.

From “Finance:”

According to data from the International Monetary Fund, the United States has the best economy in the world, with China and Germany following behind. The U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) stands at 28,783, with China's at 18,536 and Germany's at 4,730.May 3, 2024

That’s what you call a failure after Trump left the economy in shambles?

As I said, you opinion on Biden’s presidency is on propaganda, not facts. And as a wise man once said, “You can have your own opinions, but not your own facts.”

You have your opinions, and you know what they say about opinions, don’t you?

skudrunner said...

"you know what they say about opinions, don’t you?"
Would the answer be everyone has one?

Trump left the economy in shambles, that couldn't be because of a worldwide pandemic and shutting down of the country could it. Neither trump nor biden handled the pandemic correctly. They followed the scenario designed for a flue epidemic and both are responsible for misery in the country. Granted joey b did a better job of scaring the citizens into government submission without any proof but trump was no competent leader either.

Best economy is the world doesn't say much for the world.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw, ignorant and willfully blind characters have always been around. And such will always be the case.

There are opinions. There are facts. Some, like skudzy, -FJ, Joe Con, Thersites et all cling to their cherished beliefs and unsupported opinions. It's just what their ego allows them. They must follow their egos.

Others place trust in facts, evidence, truth, and reality. When push comes to shove, ultimately, truth and reality always win.

So, MAGA will, sooner or later, die the Ignominious death it deserves.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... what exactly do you need to see, or will you accept, as a true barometer of the US economy?

What facts, data or evidence would convince you the economic sky is not falling?

Or is that unreachable goal?

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Trump left the economy in shambles, that couldn't be because of a worldwide pandemic and shutting down of the country could it. "

Are you making excuses for Trump's bad economic policies>?

skud: "Best economy is the world doesn't say much for the world."

That statement allows us to see what you're really about:

NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING any Democrat/Liberal does as a president will satisfy you because you just don't like their policies. Period.

Not because the policies are bad, but because you just can't bring yourself to admit they can handle the economy better than GOPers. And that is an undisputable FACT.

By all economic standards, America, under President Biden, is leading the WORLD, and you, skud, can't find anything good to say about that.

That's a reflection on your inability to look at the facts.. Your blind partisanship will not allow it.

skudrunner said...

Rev and Ms. Shaw,

Polls on The American People's Confidence in Biden economic policy
Gallop 35%
ABC 33%
NBC 37%


Confidence in Biden Border policy
Monmouth 40%
Was Post 32%
ABC 18%

Even with the media going 90% pro biden he can't run from his record.

Since perception is reality the above numbers are the reality.
Ms. Shaw, you are not correct about my perception of democrats. I supported JFK and voted for clinton, BJ, twice. They both represented the majority of the American people which neither party does today. We are into special interest politics at it's worst on both sides.

Your view of biden is blind partisanship or head buried in the sand that may well put the evil one back in the office. Hur got condemned because he told the truth and the democrats wouldn't admit it. Now it turns out he was correct and the democrat leaders are stuck to blind partisanship.

I would like to have one candidate to vote for but none of them are running.