Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dire warning...


Peter Arenella


Dave Miller said...

This "dire warning" has been reported out by many agencies over the last few weeks. Let's remember, an Israeli spy WAS outed by Pres Trump to Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov at the White House in his first term. The UKlost multiple sources as a result of Trump sharing classified material. And, as if that were not bad enough, we also should note that Trump gave away military secrets when he tweeted top secret photos of a failed ICBM launch. Again, harming US security.

So he has a history of screw ups on this front.

That is why the UK, our closest ally in the world, is reportedly deciding to hold back on sharing info with the Trump admin out of fear for the safety of their people. Other European nations, admittedly less US friendly are also reevaluating whether they should share info with the US.

All of this is based on Trump's prior actions and his appointment of multiple high level cabinet officials who have little or no experience in the fields to which they have been nominated.

I think everyone here understands "elections have consequences". But that has always come with a wink and a nod believing the incoming administrations would nominate professionals in their field and folks who are serious, learned people.

The Gaetz, Gabbard, Hegseth, Kennedy et al crowd is anything but serious unless it's about anything owning libs, winning the partisan moment and kowtowing to the incoming president.

Les Carpenter said...

The Great Orange Baboon, also know as You Know Who, will single handedly destroy the alliances that have kept western democracies safe since 1945. Ignorance now leads this nation and the future is as uncertain and dangerous as it has ever been.

When we are completely alone and on our own You Know Who and his suck up sycophants will bear full responsibility for their ignorance AND stupidity.

Les Carpenter said...

should read willful ignorance AND stupidity.</i

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

LOL! We need advice from the Intelligence Services? The same ones that censor the Internet?

The Left really loves Serfdom.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It's only a matter of time when after Trump is sworn in that he'll set up his very own Stasi-like ministry (Musk will head it) so he'll be able to find anyone who says bad things about him and hurt his fragile little ego.

That's what tyrants like Trump do when they corrupt their governments and put their soldiers in positions of power, like the FBI, CIA, DNI. You'll get the Devil you don't know, Pumpkin.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

RFK, Jr? Tulsi? These are the people he's "empowered". Democrats.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Another misstatement.

RFK,Jr., dropped out of the Democratic Party to run as an Independent candidate in 2024. Gabbard is no longer a Democrat; she's a Republican.

So, you're wrong again! LOL!

RFK,Jr., initially ran for the Democratic Party nomination, but announced on October 9, 2023, that he would run as an independent candidate." --Wiki

"She is now a proud Republican! I know Tulsi will bring the fearless spirit that has defined her illustrious career to our Intelligence Community, championing our Constitutional Rights, and securing Peace through Strength. Tulsi will make us all proud!" Trump added.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ooooh...scary EX-Democrats! How SINSITER Trump must be.

Dave Miller said...

Let's ask ourselves and the conservatives here this...

What crime is being alleged? Many have alleged treason. Here's what the Constitution has to say...

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort..."

So that, while in a lot of MAGA posts and discussions, seems unlikely.

Unless and until I hear a reasonable answer to this from the MAGA folks, Trump or his enablers, I'm not gonna worry too much, if at all.

Let's remember, Trump is more performative for the folks who favor him.

We shall soon see, but in the end, he'll be terrible, like the Wizard of Oz in "Wicked". But perhaps he'll too soon be shown to be a little man behind a curtain. More bark than bite and unable to carry out his wildest plans as he inflicts pain and suffering on many.

are, or what

skudrunner said...

Dave, I guess the good thing is he can't be any worse than the current seat sitter and he may stay awake during conferences with forign leaders. Joey b said he was not going to do any business after 8pm but it seems like he will not do any business at all, which is good for the country.

Have you notices that biden gets elected and russia invades a peaceful nation, trump gets elected and a dictator gets overthrown. Must be just coincidence and I wonder if they have woken joe to tell him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Did you notice that a worldwide plague that killed millions of Americans occurred while Trump was in office? Must be just a coincidence.

Did you notice that the U.S. under Trump had THE WORST DEATH RATES of any advanced nation on the planet? Must be just a coincidence.

Did you notice that the CEO of one of the biggest health insurance companies in America was assassinated a month after Trump was elected? Must be just a coincidence.

Grey One talks sass said...

Shaw, skud didn't even notice the dictator that was deposed is a good friend of #45's bestie, Putin. I've heard and read that Bashar Assad fled lickety split to their deluxe condo in Russia. He'd better say away from open windows and tea, just saying. Seems to me like skud only sees what they want to see.

Also, skud called Ukraine peaceful - oops. I mean, they are but that's not the correct talking point from MAGA. Wonder if skud loses points or has to pay to get their standing back? Too complicated! A pirates life for me, yo ho ho!

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, According to the CDC "More deaths from COVID-19 occurred during Biden's administration than Trump's" Your facts are false but they are your facts so who am I to question.

I don't rejoice in any person being assassinated no matter which regime is in power because assassins don't have allegiances to a political party but some to an ideal.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Science Feedback:

Misleading: "The claim compared the number of COVID-19 deaths under both administrations but failed to consider for how long each administration had to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the pandemic began at the end of 2019 and Biden’s tenure began in January 2021, most of the pandemic’s duration fell within his presidency as opposed to Trump’s. This means that there was more time for COVID deaths to accumulate during Biden’s tenure than Trump’s."

Shaw Kenawe said...


"While the claim is numerically accurate, it’s misleading. The Trump administration faced the COVID-19 pandemic during its final year, for a total of approximately 12 months from the first registered deaths in January 2020 to the change of administration in January 2021. In contrast, COVID-19 has been present for the entirety of the Biden administration—to date, approximately three and a half years, from January 2021 to September 2024. This longer time frame allowed more COVID-19 deaths to accumulate, skewing the comparison.

We can illustrate this using COVID-19 mortality data, representing the number of COVID-19 deaths that occurred during the Trump and Biden administrations on a graph (Figure 1). Trump was president for 54 and a half weeks, from the first registered COVID-19 in January 2020 until the end of his term in January 2021. Biden has been president for 189 and a half weeks, from January 2021 until the latest available data of 7 September 2024. The graph illustrates that there was more time for COVID-19 deaths to accumulate during Biden’s term because it covered most of the COVID-19 pandemic."

You also conveniently forget that even though Trump's admin. got the vaccine in "warp speed," his admin. had NO PLAN TO PUT THE VACCINE INTO AMERICANS' ARMS. Joe Biden did that.

But thanks for trying, again, to smear Joe Biden and make Trump, the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist look like your hero.

skudrunner said...

I was just correcting your misleading statement "Did you notice that a worldwide plague that killed millions of Americans occurred while Trump was in office?"
I did not make the statement and no one needs to smear joey b because he is perfectly capable of tarnishing his own legacy. Maybe he will pardon his entire family for decades and protect the BCF.