Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, December 28, 2024

THE MAGAverse still so incredibly unaware of their cult leader's Messianic desire to save the US and the world!



If that isn’t what our Left has been doing, I don’t know what else describes it.  And they literally don’t get it.    The Left weaponizes compassion.

I think people are waking up to this stuff…DO YOU?


Together, we will SAVE THIS COUNTRY, we will restore the Republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrows that our people truly deserve. America’s future will be BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER, BRIGHTER, HAPPIER, STRONGER, FREER, GREATER, and MORE UNITED than EVER BEFORE!


Les Carpenter said...

Only fools believe the crap that spews from his narcissistic diseased and deranged mind.

America is soon to join the ranks of nation's lead by Tyrants and Oligarchs. Where policy will be skewed to intentionally benefit the oligarchy.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... this is all part of the bill coming due for the incoming Trump Admin. Trump is unmoored from all norms and governing conventions so he feels free to do as he wishes.

Trump is back tracking on a great majority of his campaign promises. When that happens with a Dem, the MAGA people call it lying. With Trump, not so much. But now his followers are realizing his policies are going to hurt them and they're scared. As well they should.

Because he got what he needed from them, reelection so he could avoid jail.

Now somehow his DOGE team of Vivek and Musk literally call the MAGA people calling to end all immigration, folks like Bannon, Loomer and others fools and idiots and his followers excuse it.

Remember how upset they got being called deplorable? Musk literally told them to F*@K themselves in the face for calling for an end to immigration and they're still fans.

This is literally a political clusterf*@k and we haven't even got to the Gang of Four unqualified Cabinet Leaders of RFK, Patel, Gabbard and Hegseth. Add in Ambassador Herschel Walker and it's a team of five of the most unqualified people ever to be nominated collectively by one president.

If this presidency isn't already a five alarm fire, what would be?

Grey One talks sass said...

As I watch the purity tests play out in social media I am reminded that sometimes when things appear to be falling apart they are in reality falling into place. So #45 and his people want to dismantle the Department of Education well, first of all good luck with that because Democracies are complicated and a snip here and a cut there can and will have unintended consequences. Second of all, I say excellent. Our institutions are not doing what We The People need them to do. Once We The People remove the Robber Barons from positions of power We can update all our outmoded institutions to ensure our citizens get the opportunities necessary for our nation to not only survive but thrive in a future dominated by Climate Change.

On the wyrd side I may have spilled a container or two of Unintended Consequences sprinkles over the entire party of #45, for the Good of All and May it Harm None of course. Harm no, hurt? Oh, let the purity testing continue. Moar popcorn anyone?

skudrunner said...

Grey, The information on the democrat darling just keeps getting worse.
"This week, the Wall Street Journal released an alarming report on how the Biden administration may have suppressed dissenting views supporting the lab theory on the origin of the COVID-19 virus."

So much for joey being competent now we have to put up with trump trying to undo all the disaster's biden is responsible for. You do make it sound like the dems had a good candidate who never lied and had a plan. Her "I will increase taxes on the rich" is something the dems have promised since barry and has not been done. Why is that, maybe because the billionaires are the ones who supply the billion to lose a campaign.

We the People voted and another democrat candidate lost to a orange hair incompetent. Hopefully the democrats learn that people want a choice and not just a political cluster*@k like the dems supplied.

BB-Idaho said...

Thank you Skud for your expertise in immunological microbiology. Of course,
it has nothing to do with politics. Stick to your schtick, loyal commenter.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud, sweetie, your hero and MAGA leader won the election a month and a half ago and yet, here you are, fixating on the past President. Is this your attempt to 'rub our faces in it'? If so you are failing with amazing success.

You've not one shred of anything only vague descriptors of Biden Crime Family and Biden disastrous presidency, in fact on this topic you skud are all hat and no cattle.

As the end of year numbers reveal, the Biden admin did some amazing work for the American people. They can't see it now, although those of us with our feet rooted in the here/now of reality already do, but give it a few years and the Biden admin will be looked on with approval by the majority of American citizens.

Democratic friends, there are new voices in the party upsetting the established dinosaurs who really should have passed the baton years ago. I thank the dinosaurs for their service but in reality politics today is a young persons arena and it behooves us to get out of their way. We have two years until midterms. After the New Year it's time to get busy.