Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, December 13, 2024



and now he's backpedaling.

Trump's already preparing the country for his failure to control grocery prices. 

What a surprise.

His gullibles believed he'd bring down the price of eggs. But he lied! LOL!

On Meet the Press Sunday, Trump claimed that he’d won the election on solely the issue of groceries. “Very simple word, groceries. Like almost—you know, who uses the word? I started using the word—the groceries. When you buy apples, when you buy bacon, when you buy eggs, they would double and triple the price over a short period of time, and I won an election based on that.” 


Les Carpenter said...

When You Know Who speaks it's time to start whistling Dixie cause whenever his mouth moves you kow he's lying.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Deflation isn't considered a "good thing" when it comes to Economics. It's a symptom of a "Depression".

skudrunner said...

It is always difficult to bring down prices but stabilizing them would be a win. During the current abomination everything possible was done to cause price increases from the insane push against petroleum, shutting down production by keeping people out of the workplace and throwing money at people to buy their votes and make him look like he is doing something.

I have noticed that people are more upbeat and smile, maybe not in Boston or Ohio but in mainstream America. There is even some hope in California which newsom is trying his best to destroy. Anything has to be better that what we have gone through the last four years. The good thing is biden kept harris from the chair because she made him look capable which was a hard task.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The magats will give Trump his usual pass on this. The male ones still believe their naughty bits will start getting bigger any day now cause they think Trump said so. Off topic here but the real menace of the day is Trump and his henchmen's plan to do away with bank regulations. Reagan had his savings and loan debacle which cost taxpayers billions in bail outs. Bush had his bank debacle as well, Not to be outdone, Trump has to have his only bigger.

BB-Idaho said...

He may have to put Matt Gaetz in charge of cabbage.

Grey One talks sass said...

VP Harris had a plan, a well thought out economist backed plan (not a concept of a plan) that would have addressed the cost of groceries. She had a plan to address the habit of corporations taking advantage of pandemics and other natural disasters. And despite our resident troll's assertions that no one knew what she stood for, she talked about her plans a lot - in interviews and rallies.

But here's the thing. The traditional press is all up in arms about 'the economy (repeat until tired)' but that wasn't what drove the voters.

Hatred drove We The People. Hatred of the other. Hatred of minorities. Hatred of anything their preacher told them to hate, standing at their pulpits, blaspheming their Lord and Savior who ONLY spoke of love to the 'other'.

Of course #45 lied, that's what he does. Anyone who believed in what he said buried that small voice (it's your conscience) screaming he lies he lies in order to focus on punishing those they hate.

At least, that's the way I see it. Your milage may vary.

Dave Miller said...

So Shaw... his statements during the campaign saying prices will come down quick, inflation will be gone, etc., etc. are all over the place.

He's also saying he now can't guarantee that his tariffs won't cause prices to rise in the United States, despite his and his minion's statements to the contrary.

Now, here's the deal... his statements were not simply one offs. He repeated them frequently, in different venues and interviews despite push back from Dems, the Harris campaign. It's hard to say he just got would up and was exaggerating his views or stretching the truth "in the moment."

So I have a straight up question for our conservatives... Was Trump wrong when he stated prices would come down, inflation would end, gas prices would drop and more?

Was he lying?

Or more likely was the guy you supported and voted for, Donald Trump, uninformed?

I think Trump's people were duped, pure and simple. And we're all going to be worse off because of it. The billionaires among us, like Musk who has seen his fortune rise from 200B to over 400B since the election, will be fine.

But us everyday folks? People living on the margins? The paycheck to paycheck ppl?

Not so much.

We'll see if -FJ, Joe Con or even Skud will answer my questions directly.

I'm not holding my breath.

Shaw Kenawe said...

More Americans voted AGAINST Trump than FOR him. He won less than 50% of the popular vote. You're looking ONLY at what agrees with your outlook. There are millions and millions and millions of Americans who despise the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and do not think we are entering a Golden Age of American Glory with that pile of garbage leading us.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"It is always difficult to bring down prices but stabilizing them would be a win." --skud

Oh, how generous of you to pre-empt Trump's failure to deliver on his biggest promise by saying it's hard work to do what he said he'd do.

There's no evidence of your EVER giving any grace to Joe Biden and the price of eggs when that was happening a year ago. But here you are, gladly giving excuses to a Liar, a Cheat, and a Fraud before he even tries to do what he PROMISED he'd do.

Nice work, skud. You are so transparent!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Only underage cabbage.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... as for lockdowns to which you allude, Biden simply continued the policy of the Trump Admin. Why do you persist in solely placing blame on Biden when the Trump Admin, correctly IMO, ordered the lockdowns? Which for the most part were ended early in the Biden Admin.

As for inflation, if you believe government handouts caused inflation to spike in the US, are you aware that the Trump Admin authorized the first two stimulus payments, one in March 2020 and the other in December 2020?

Biden put in place one plan, a 1.2 trillion plan that included much of the Trump promised infrastructure, more direct payments to US citizens and additional health spending.

Other countries authorized no stimulus spending for their citizens like the US did. Yet they too saw inflation spike. The US spike was lower, despite the stimulus actions by both the Trump and Biden Admins.

Skud, how do you explain why our spike was lower and we've seen a faster recovery from inflation than any other country in the world? And how do you explain inflation in other countries, despite them offering no economic stimulus, which seems in your view to be the cause of our inflation?

I'll await your non answers, snark and deflection.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is how authoritarian regimes gain power. Give promises to the gullibles, then don't deliver. What are Trump's cultists going to do? Unvote him?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I wonder if skudrunner believes Trump's many, many promises to lower grocery and gas prices while campaigning and then walking it back counts as unforgiveable as the "lie" skud continues to remind us about Obama and "you can keep your doctor" on the ACA?

IMO, skud looks only at misspeaks and errors and lies that Dems produce, but I've never read his take on what Trump or any other Conservative/Trumper liar says.

This is why it is difficult to take his criticisms of the Dems seriously.

Les Carpenter said...

Classic hypocrisy runs deep with skud and MAGA sheeple like -FJ and Joe Conservative and et all.

Anonymous said...

I guess Trump didn't have a concept of a plan to lower grocery prices. He just has concepts of lies.

Dave Miller said...

Anon... they're not concepts of lies, they're actual lies!

Dave Dubya said...

Is Skud so willfully ignorant, gullible, and duped that he has NO idea that "the insane push against petroleum, shutting down production by keeping people out of the workplace and throwing money at people to buy their votes and make him look like he is doing something" was ALL DONE BY TRUMP?
OR, is he just another goddamn LIAR?
I suspect it is all of the above.

skudrunner said...

Ms. The operative word is Won. The other candidate spent over one billion dollars and lost can you imagine what she would do to the US economy. Trump was not a good choice for president it is just the alternative was worse. Biden was a seat sitter, even he said that early on, and the decisions he made were all about identity politics and special interest groups. IMHO his decision to give rich kids free tuition and not extend that to trade students was a big failure and shows he only cares about his rich supporters. I don't believe anything any politician says because they only look after their own self interests and that doesn't matter what party the belong to.

Now that he gave a pardon to a felon I guess the stage is set for trump to pardon felons at will. Classic hypocrisy runs deep and Les says.

Grey One talks sass said...

I had a list of #45's coconspirators but why? I was comparing apples to apples but again, why? You don't argue in good faith so yeah, you say what you say but it just sounds like the wind whistling through your brain so nope, I won't engage.

For the record, EVERY act passed by the Biden admin, every plan to spend dollars on the American people was not driven by partisan politics. If that were so We The People would be seeing those monies spent only on areas that voted Biden. And that's not what happened. Factories with good paying jobs broke ground in states where #45 won. Biden didn't put his name on the projects because A. That's not who Biden is - disagree with his policies all you want but the man served the American people. Period. Full stop. and B. Infrastructure aka highways and bridges belong to the American people not a specific demographic. While you 'know' both of my points your brain refuses to acknowledge them because then you'd have to address the huge elephant in the room, and you can't do that. You just blame the Democratic party for all the poop.

Les Carpenter said...

The Reification of changing and expired beliefs is often the cons natural tendency. Has been the tendency, and will likely continue to be the tendency for many years to come.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud: "the decisions he made were all about identity politics and special interest groups."
Pure bullshit, as Grey One makes abundantly clear. What is WRONG with him?
And: "Now that he gave a pardon to a felon I guess the stage is set for trump to pardon felons at will. Classic hypocrisy runs deep and Les says. and Les says."
JFC! Is Skud so stupid he doesn't know that only felons get pardoned, like all the cronies Trump pardoned and plans to pardon?
Indeed, we know part of what is WRONG with Skud. Classic hypocrisy runs deep. Or he needs a brain MRI. Something is missing or short circuiting between his ears.

Dave Miller said...

Grey stated... " 'know' both of my points your brain refuses to acknowledge them because then you'd have to address the huge elephant in the room..."

Isn't this the real deep down hard to get at issue?

The MAGA folks who felt Obama was unqualified because he used the words "me, mine and I" too frequently and that showed his narcissism, now have no problem with Trump and his thin skin. The folks like Skud who live on one specific lie from Obama about health care, for some reason never see any lie from Trump as disqualifying or as damningly worthy of his snark. The folks who argue that Biden was a special interest guy refuse to acknowledge that his stimulus plan put so much money and development in GOP controlled areas that MAGA candidates are running on how good those projects are and taking credit for them.

Honesty and intellectual rigor brings too much butt hurt to a lot of those folks.

Les Carpenter said...

I believe it was the rights herof the mid 70's to late 80's, Ronald W. Reagan, who said, paraphrasing, a republican should never say a bad thing about another republican.

It's still being observed today by MAGA, even when the dude they love is an insurrectionist, felon, sexual assaulter, and more dishonest than any politician in modern American history.

Anonymous said...

Grey, "EVERY act passed by the Biden admin, every plan to spend dollars on the American people was not driven by partisan politics." Paying tuition for rich kids and not for trade school students was a play to his rich supporters. Trades are conservative. Giving billions to advance EV was a bow to the green movement and the squad. He was a special interest president but he did learn from his ex boss so that is expected.

Grey One talks sass said...

Anon (12/15 11:05 AM), who sounds like skud, who sounds like MAGA, who sounds like Russian propaganda:

I believe Trade schools were on the list. Well, that was until the GOP sued the Biden Admin to stop the whole program. Then he had to do what he could using existing programs that didn't go as far as he wanted so how was that Biden's fault? Oh yeah, you don't like him so everything is his fault.

I await your finding out portion of our program when #45 implements his concepts of a plan for healthcare and economics. Looks like your hero told us norms not to invest in the stock market. I wonder why? When the stock market tanks, and it will, I accept heartfelt apologies and cookies.

Anon, you only made a few statements but to me you reek from a lethal mix of privilege and ignorance. In fact, if We The People were discussing the transfer from candles to electric lights back in the day, you'd be squarely in the camp for candles.

Get with the times Anon. Green energy is necessary in so many ways, from ensuring humanity has a way to power their homes to doing our best to not exacerbate the crisis that is climate change. And before you deny it exists, where is the ice? It historically has melted in the summer and come back during the winter but here/now? not so much. Frozen tundra thawed out and caught fire so I ask again, where is the ice?

Added ask: please show your work of how building Green energy plants in predominantly GOP districts is 'bowing to the squad'. If that was Biden's intent (which it wasn't) he'd have made sure all the plants were located in districts that voted for him.

Final note: President Biden governed for all the American people. How do I know? Because every act passed, every bill that made it into law was done for the good of the American people (infrastructure, manufacturing, inflation relief, etc). If you can't/won't see that then perhaps you're not as American as you claim to be.

Les Carpenter said...

As expected skud shows up. As anonymous.

Age old reified beliefs are tough to give up. Even when false. Eh skud?

Dave Miller said...

Grey... there will be no work, receipts, facts, links or evidence coming from Anon.

That's not their schtick. They traffic in drive by comments, not based in reality or earth 2.0.

Grey One talks sass said...

Dave M, I didn't write that reply 'for' Anon/skud but for the reader who comes to this site who has only heard the propaganda and not the facts. I can only hope to open a humans mind to the myriad possibilities and if I can be that key to free them, well, that's why I do what I do. skud's a lost cause, I know that now. But others? Freedom is priceless and I love to share.

skudrunner said...

Grey, We need to change the reference away from green energy to alternative energy because green is more polluting, as far as carbon emission is concerned, than petroleum and I support alternative energy as a piece not as a whole.

The concept of all electric vehicles by 2035 is a political ploy as is the war on petroleum which the looser of the presidential contest preached. We do need to advance all forms of energy because wind and solar will not replace oil and gas for another 100 years. It shows a lack of knowledge on our reserve and use of oil and the environmental impact of "green" energy which is far greater than oil. Who is to gain the most from our push to green, you guessed it, china and russia.

If by your attack on me that I "reek from a lethal mix of privilege and ignorance" you mean I paid for my way through college, masters and earned a good living you would be correct but I call that hard work not privilege.

Les, This time I did show up as anonymous because my computer defaulted to that and I didn't catch it before I posted. I'll be more diligent going forward.

Grey One talks sass said...

OK skud - you seem a bit hot under the collar.

So, by the numbers
- alternative and green energy refer to the same umbrella of energy producing systems. You did know that skud, correct?
- point to the legislation which states everyone must transfer from petroleum fueled vehicles to electronic vehicles, when it was enacted, and when the transition is to be completed. Please be precise in your reply, not just 'that's what "They" want'.
- no, that's not what I meant skud by my statement "Anon, you only made a few statements but to me you reek from a lethal mix of privilege and ignorance. In fact, if We The People were discussing the transfer from candles to electric lights back in the day, you'd be squarely in the camp for candles." I used the full statement. Interesting you focused on "you reek from a lethal mix of privilege and ignorance". Even more interesting that when you replied you proved my point. Thanks.

skudrunner said...

Grey, You are welcome and happy to be of assistance. Do you consider nuclear as alternative because it is not mentioned as green by the green advocates.
harris was against oil companies until she was for them because she was on a losing side. I guess you believe politicians are looking out for your best interest.
“Just to be clear, Vice President Harris hasn’t said anything that the administration hasn’t already said” related to oil and gas to issues like banning fracking and leasing federal lands, Camila Thorndike, the Harris/Walz campaign’s new director of climate engagement told Politico Pro.
Houston Chronical July 23rd 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris was a Democratic presidential candidate in 2019, the then-senator supported a ban on hydraulic fracturing and spending trillions of dollars on a “Green New Deal” to bring greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.

The Federal Government has set a goal to make half of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles

Grey One talks sass said...

skud, you have an issue with reading comprehension. I'm not the only one to tell you that, just the latest.

I despise Fracking, if I could outlaw it I would. That said there are citizens who rely on the industry to make a living. Until an equal or better paying job comes along for those citizens fracking remains a thing. Harris didn't 'change' her mind, she recognized that a fracking ban would harm citizens so she modified her views. You'd have known that if you'd ever listened to the woman like you do #45. How do I know this? I listened skud, I listened.

Huh, nuclear power plants. Nope, I'm not a fan. Why not? Oh, Love Canal, Chernobyl, and Fukashima (especially when all that heavy water was released into the ocean. Mmmm, special). Humanity hasn't mastered the art and until they do they are playing with elements that will kill us all. Make it safe as in not leaving heavy particles lying about that take millions of years to decay and we can revisit the issue. Otherwise, hard pass. But hey, sounds like you're a fan. By the way, do you still eat seafood?

So about that reading for comprehension thing. The Feds have a goal. A goal. That's not a mandate, that's not a law. You do see how the terms are different? You are a fan of #45, you do the weave almost better than he does. You must be studying.

Les Carpenter said...

What is the half life of spent nuclear waste skud? I think that is why it maybe shouldn't be considered green energy.

Are oil companies your favorite folks skud? They're not mine for sure.

Bravo for attempting to reach a goal 50% of vehicles being zero-emissions vehicles. The planet will thank us and besides, better being part of the solution than part of the problem. If i live long enough to need a new vehicle it most certainly will be zero-emission.