Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, December 10, 2024




After his threat to go after the members of the January 6th committee, former representative Liz Cheney said in a statement: 

"There is no conceivably appropriate factual or constitutional basis for what Donald Trump is suggesting.“ 

“Here is the truth: 

Donald Trump attempted to overturn the 2020 presidential election and seize power. He mobilized an angry mob and sent them to the United States Capitol, where they attacked police officers, invaded the building, and halted the official counting of electoral votes. 

Trump watched on television as police officers were brutally beaten and the Capitol was assaulted, refusing for hours to tell the mob to leave. This was the worst breach of our Constitution by any president in our nation’s history.” 

Cheney called for the release of the evidence and grand jury material special counsel Jack Smith assembled “so all Americans can see Donald Trump for who he genuinely is and fully understand his role in this terrible period in our nation’s history.”


 Bring It On, Donald: The January 6 Committee Stands on Truth 

 "Donald Trump’s latest threat to “jail” members of the January 6 Committee is nothing more than the desperate howl of a man who knows history will regard him with shame. Let me be clear: we did nothing wrong. The January 6 Committee's work was driven by facts, the Constitution, and the pursuit of accountability—principles that seem foreign to Trump.

 If Donald wants to pursue this vindictive fantasy, I say bring it on. I’m not intimidated by a man whose actions on January 6th showed a cowardly disregard for democracy and the rule of law. A man too frightened to serve in the military, and a who requires a strong man like Putin to feel secure. While his supporters were attacking the Capitol, Trump sat in the White House, watching in glee as law enforcement and elected officials scrambled to protect our republic."

Kash Patel, Trump's pick to head the FBI, wants to prosecute former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson for cooperating with the House January 6th Committee.

Cassidy Hutchinson did not break any law. Patel is threatening a U.S. citizen for her testimony against Trump.

This is what authoritarian regimes do to their perceived enemies. And Trump sees everyone who doesn't kiss his prodigious lying arse as an enemy.


Grey One talks sass said...

There are as many #45 apologists as there are cockroaches in my apartments laundry room. Squish one but you know there are hundreds hiding under the machinery.

Been reading up on what he said... I know, focus on what he's doing but when the ripples threaten to tip my boat I'm all hey hey hey there. Still, this idea that birthright citizenship is a thing easily disposed of is a bit more than what he says. Because these aren't his words, they are the words of Leonard Leo and the authors of Project 2025. It's the White supremacy agenda and all the White supremacists are gaga for the idea of stripping citizenship away from, well, mostly kids.

Thing is though, businesses aren't all in with the deport all the migrant workers because they make bank all the time by paying noncitizen migrant workers less monies than they'd have to do with citizens. So there is a clash happening behind the scenes.

My fear? That somehow #45 does deport all the humans he deems undesirable and then replaces those workers with citizens his goon squad round up on questionable charges, places them in prison and those private prisons hire out their prisoners to do the work of noncitizen migrants.

What? I read a lot of history. It's been done once, it will happen again if We The People don't do something to muck up their plans.


skudrunner said...

Of course he didn't lead any insurrection nor promote riots. The good thing is most Americans know this is just leftist propaganda so they don't have to acknowledge they really screwed up with the last election.

Who is running the country now. Biden is sleeping through conferences and kamala is going to award banquettes. Perhaps she is presenting herself as a model as a career choice " Kamala Harris Shines in Metallic Bodice Dress at 2024 Kennedy Center Honors" because her political career is in the toilet and her billionaire backers have abandoned her.

Les Carpenter said...

Keep telling yourself that skud, I know it makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

While the focused on reality folks keep the truth alive while you keep bowing and kissing You Know Who's arse.

skudrunner said...

Grey, The sky is not falling and no president can do all he wants to do because of the way the country is set up.

I do find it interesting you would not support mass deportation because it will take low paid workers out of the system and make it better for citizens to get better pay.

No US president has ever deported just the people he deems undesirable but there have been cases of deporting criminals like illegals. My lack of trust in our government seems tame compared to what you are going through. I have some faith in the American system of checks and balances.

Les Carpenter said...

You Know Who on the other hand has nothing but disdain for our system of checks and balances. And anyone actually paying attention knows this.

But keep on dreaming your delusions skud if they keep you warm and fuzzy.

Grey One talks sass said...

Sometimes skud says a thing that stays with a person, something so lacking in logic that it takes me a moment to process. How can a human who supposedly dresses themselves without an issue, drives about their hometown without crashing into other cars on the road fail to see what is right in front of their nose?

For example, this phrase " low paid workers out of the system and make it better for citizens to get better pay."

Really. That makes no sense to me because I know big businesses. They aren't going to pay American citizens to do their grunt work. They'd already be paying everyone a living wage but they don't because they don't believe in letting go of monies unnecessarily. To put a finer point on it, there is no column on the books for giving back to the community from which they've benefited and taken so much. There should be, but there is not.

My scenario of deportation and then imprisoning citizens is a win win for them. Private prisons - already a thing so the infrastructure to implement my scenario already exists. Plus, the incoming administration of #45 has more than just #45's enemy list, they each have their own list of targeted individuals. How do I know? None of the incoming admin is exactly shy when talking to the press about the issue. When they tell you who they are, believe them.

skud isn't an outlier, they represent all Americans who just can't see what they can't see. After SCOTUS gave complete immunity to a toddler with a gun , well, any parallels I see in history are me being wise, understanding that yeah, history rhymes and right now I'm hearing echoes of Theodore Geisel.

Salvatore said...



Les Carpenter said...

Really, sally.

skudrunner said...

Grey, From your post "businesses aren't all in with the deport all the migrant workers because they make bank all the time by paying noncitizen migrant workers less monies than they'd have to do with citizens."

Do you believe the biden administration didn't target trump with charges that should not have been brought. When trump was convicted of tax evasion he had to pay millions and when he was charged with touching a women 30 years ago he was fined.
When hunter did the same things he was pardoned. I guess in your mind that is fair.

Dave Miller said...

Skud, people who enter the US illegally are about as criminal as people who speed and get ticketed.

Wrong? Of course? But criminal? Not under the law. By federal law, entering into the US without permission or papers, or illegally is a Civil Offense.

So, if being guilty of a civil crime makes you a criminal, well... you know where that leads don't you?

You see, and I get it that conservatives now are in love with the term "lawfare", but the US is still a country of laws.

Tp paraphrase former Sec Def Rumsfeld, you live with the laws you have, not the laws you want.

Dave Miller said...

Now, I am sure Skud has dozens of links to economic leaders, thinkers and experts, nut I've yet to see anyone making an argument that eliminating our low wage workers will not ignite inflation once again.

Simple economic logic says that if you raise the cost of doing business drastically, prices will rise. Unless of course there is that "flex" liberals have long claimed is in the system making the CEOs and major stakeholders rich.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes. "HIS J6 INSURRECTION!" Without his Big Lie, there wouldn't have been one, Pumpkin.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud continues to believe that the New York attorney general somehow works for the federal government. Apparently he is either confused or just doesn't know that Trump's tax fraud case was brought to the courts in New York State.

There's a reason Trump was re-elected. People don't know how our government works, and they don't care. They just prefer to regurgitate what they hear on FAUX NOOZ and other Trumpian outlets.

PS. skud is typical of males who believe that no man should be held accountable for digitally raping a woman if it happened years ago. She should just "get over it." --Until it happens to one of theirs.

Les Carpenter said...

Simple logic is twisted into wiggly pretzels by complex and often confused humans acting from attachment to self desires.

Dave Dubya said...

MAGA Skud really guzzled the kool-aid with this idiocy: "Of course he didn't lead any insurrection nor promote riots".
And "Hitler did some good things", too, amirite?
Sucking deeply on Trump's ass becomes you, Skud.
I can only imagine you must enjoy sounding like a gullible cult zombie with an authoritarian personality.

skudrunner said...

Dave, what about the masses who do not take advantage of legal entry points. They only count the "encounters" not the got a ways and yes if you enter any country without permission you are a criminal, even Mexico.

Ms. Shaw, Where did I say anything about the prosecutor being federal.

Grey One talks sass said...

What? I just got whiplash from skud's comment. What does my comment have to do with yours? Talk about moving the goal posts.

OK, I'll play even though you don't answer my questions specifically to you (there are several old conversations where I ask legitimate questions which you to date have ignored).

Do I believe the Biden admin targeted #45? Nope. And I'll add why - that's not who Biden is. If he was that sort of guy it would have been reflected in his decades of service.

You know who brought the tax issues wherein he over/under valued his properties in NYC for over fifty years? NYC. The charges are State based, Feds have no say. You just told me you know NOTHING of how State or Federal governments work. But I believe most of us already had that knowledge.

AG James brought the receipts and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that #45 and his companies had bilked the state of New York (and by extension their citizens) of over $434 million dollars. Don't believe me, believe the jury.

Pres Biden was correct to pardon his son. Those humans chasing after the Biden family for the crime of existing weren't going to stop. #45's nominations for Attorney General and the head of the FBI have indicated on air their willingness to go after the Biden family. But that's just fine with you, and as Shaw said above, until they go after you and yours.

For the record, Hunter paid his past taxes and the fines. Unless other circumstances apply, which aren't present in the Hunter case, no one gets charged with a crime for paying taxes late. No one except Hunter Biden because he is the presidents son.

Based on your comments since the pardon happened I have to believe you are in favor of political persecution. I mean, you sure carry water for those that do which means you believe it's hunky dory as well. Careful skud, those who advocate for such measures usually also fall victim to it.

Grey One talks sass said...

When you state President Biden (federal) had anything to do with #45's conviction (state) you did.

You do know words have meaning, correct?

Dave Miller said...

Ahhh Skud, quote me the law to back up your point. The US Constitution does not say that. Sorry, but facts are sticky things.

Lisa said...

Colangelo left a senior role at the Biden Justice Department to join Bragg's team. Bragg afterward brought charges against the former president in April 2023, raising questions among some in the GOP about alleged politicization of the case.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry, Lisa. You should have read more about Matthew Colangelo’s position before cutting and pasting mere speculation, which amounts to nothing.

The DoJ’s Office of Legislative Affairs reinforces that Colangelo's job was "to oversee the civil litigation components that report to the Associate [Attorney General's] office." Simply stated, he had no oversight of any of the work of the criminal or national security divisions.

In fact, Colangelo operated so far from DOJ’s criminal work that a colleague remembers his exclusion from conversations about the Trump investigations and therefore believes Colangelo did not even “tangentially know” about any Trump investigations or prosecutions, apart from what was known to the public.

Lisa said...

It's not an insurrection if Trump requested the National Guard to be there. Not that I expect you to post this comment or try to figure out a way to fit into your narrative

Lisa said...

Haw who said the Biden administration? I'll take that at their word.

Dave Dubya said...

You stated, "It's not an insurrection if Trump requested the National Guard to be there".
What else besides an insurrection would you call sending a mob to terrorize Congress, desecrate the Capitol, and beat cops bloody to OVERTURN an ELECTION?
Yes, he did ask about having the Guard there. But why?

I believe you may be referring to this:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, recalls a conversation between the Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, and President Trump:

Milley: “The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protestors here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.’… [POTUS said] I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.'
Doesn't that depend on WHY he wanted the Guard and even ACTIVE DUTY military to be there? It certainly appears he wanted military and police support for his insurrection. We know his co-conspirators were worried about antifa and counter protesters to be there. We know damn well Trump wasn't thinking about THEIR safety. In fact he wanted the military and police to march to the Capitol with him for a show of strength to assure his coup. (Ah, there's another term for what Trump did. A self-coup.)

Self-Coup... coup d'état performed by the current, legitimate government or a duly elected head of state to retain or extend control over government, through an additional term, an extension of term, an expansion of executive power, the dismantling of other government branches, or the declaration that an election won by an opponent is illegitimate.

His intent was for them to succeed was proven by his watching them on TV for HOURS and REFUSING to tell them to leave. He obviously
WANTED them to overturn the election. Period.
We learned he wanted magnetometers removed so his thugs could carry weapons. "They're not here to hurt me", he said.
He actually wanted armed support and invited the military to join "with us" as he stirred his mob to anger.
From Trump's Jan. 6 Speech:
We will not let them silence your voices. We're not going to let it happen, I'm not going to let it happen.
(Audience chants: "Fight for Trump.")
Thank you.
And I'd love to have if those tens of thousands of people would be allowed. The military, the secret service. And we want to thank you and the police law enforcement. Great. You're doing a great job. But I'd love it if they could be allowed to come up here with us. Is that possible?

There's your insurrection, Lisa. Or self-coup, if you prefer.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa... first, I for one appreciate you being and posting here. I love dissenting voices. Just bring some backup and/or evidence occasionally. Second, "Haw who said the Biden Admin?"

I'm guessing you're responding to someone specifically. Who is that or what are you trying to say?

Anonymous said...

The laws used to criminally prosecute people for entering and reentering the United States without permission are known as Sections 1325 ("illegal entry") and 1326 ("illegal reentry") of Chapter 8 of the U.S. Code.

Lisa said...

I was replying to Shaw's comment
"Colangelo did not even “tangentially know” about any Trump investigations or prosecutions, apart from what was known to the public." I was saying who said that? The Biden Administration?