Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Sunday, December 8, 2024




skudrunner said...

There is a stark difference between what propaganda says and what reality is. Everything in that cartoon is a guess or propaganda, something the left excels at.
Take that same cartoon and make it real. Rile against insurance and pharmaceutical companies while you solicit their political contributions. Declare you are for the working man while your main support comes from celebrities and billionaires. Give high praise of competence for a president as being competent and sharp while plotting his demise. Spend over a billion dollars to lose a campaign while paying celebrities for their endorsement and then blame everyone but yourself for your mistakes.
Best of all campaign against health care companies for causing deaths while supporting an open border policy that brings in thousands of of deadly pills and makes the Mexico cartels wealthy.
Prey to the hypocrite because that is your religion.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Everything you wrote in your comment could apply equally to the Republicans. Except you never see what's in front of your nose.

PS. The deadly pills you speak of are for Americans who can't get enough drugs to keep them high. Why don't you try to find out why so many Americans are so miserable that they have to depend on Mexico to keep them from functioning in the real world?

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves..."

Mike said...

The right doesn't do propaganda. They just flat out lie.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud ignores Trump's promise to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it; the promise to deliver a better and cheaper health care plan. Trump had all the government branches for two years, and what did he do?

He gave billionaires PERMANENT tax cuts. The tax cuts for the middle class end in 2027.

skud will never admit that the present Republican Party is now the party that caters to and will be run by elite billionaires who don't give a flying donut for people like him.

Les Carpenter said...

Those believing in illusions will continue to live in delusion.

Because their ONLY concerns are for I, me, and mine.

Their attitude is basically, i got mine (i can afford it) so screw the lazy ones for not working hard enough.

A attitude born of colonialism and predatory capitalism.

Dave Miller said...

Well Shaw, here's some propaganda. During the campaign, candidate Trump, as he has repeatedly over the years, claimed Americans would not bear the price of his tariffs. Instead we were told, those countries targeted by the tariffs would pay.

Now, today Trump is refusing to say his tariffs will not raise prices and would not "guarantee" that his tariffs will not increase inflation.

Skud has for years been all over Obama for saying "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" calling it proof that he was a lying politician.

I wonder if consistency will enter into Skud's logic here. Skud, was Trump lying during the campaign when he said his tariffs would not negatively affect Americans, inflation and prices for our goods and food?

You tell me. And can we use this example for the next 15 years like you have?

Les Carpenter said...

... Yet like seals the followers like skud continue to bark for more.

As they continue to vote against their own self interests. Time and again.

The oligarchs of capitalism have mesmerized the nation with their BS for years. And will continue as long as there are ears listening to their story lines of BS that only serve them.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, You are correct that both parties share blame for some of the things I pointed out but they did not promote an open border. You know both parties are controlled by the billionaire class.
"The deadly pills you speak of are for Americans who can't get enough drugs to keep them high" So your answer is to just legalize the drugs and bring down the cost? I happen to agree with you but the problem is it would require talking personal responsibility to keep misuse down and I know that is something the left doesn't agree with.
I do agree tariffs for many products are not the answer because it only helps the US manufacturer and US workers but may hurt the consumer. Rev, During trumps first term his inflation rate even with tariffs were much less than biden's so you tell me if they work or not.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud quoting S.K.: " 'The deadly pills you speak of are for Americans who can't get enough drugs to keep them high' "

skud: "So your answer is to just legalize the drugs and bring down the cost?"

Where did I even SUGGEST that, let alone write it? Why do you always default to strawman arguments? Do you even know what they are, because you set them up all the time!

skud: "Rev, During trumps first term his inflation rate even with tariffs were much less than biden's so you tell me if they work or not."

How many times must someone point out to you that inflation was felt WORLDWIDE because of the pandemic? Is that concept too difficult for you to understand? And how many times must you be told that the US did better than any other country recovering from inflation?

You conveniently forget that Trump added TRILLIONS to our debt by giving billionaires tax breaks.

Les Carpenter said...

skud is apparently very good at reading people's minds. Or he must think he is anyway.

Start by finding clarity in your own confused mind skud. It will liberate you.

Les Carpenter said...

Conservatives possess the world's most convenient memories. Which they use to build their fantastical fallacious storylines around.

Conservatives are not stupid. Conservatives in general are also the world's greatest manipulators of truth.

skud excels at it.

Dave Miller said...

Yes Skud, you are correct. Inflation spiked horribly during the Biden Admin, as it did world wide. But let's move past that for a moment, because you, a man as I said, who brings up Obama's lie about health insurance frequently, are either unwilling, or unable to see and even acknowledge the same issues in Trump.

As it relates to my comment, what happened to tariffs is not the issue. The issue is that on Sunday, Trump said he would not guarantee his tariffs would not raise prices or cause increased inflation.

After he said it would not happen on the campaign trail.

Was he too lying like Obama?

skudrunner said...

The way to bring down the costs is to legalize them. What else does "The deadly pills you speak of are for Americans who can't get enough drugs to keep them high".
You hang onto the notion that inflation was not a result of bidens locking down the country, creating supply problems and economics of supply and demand are real. You would think his brilliant advisors would have advised him of this.
How can anyone including the president say what will happen if tariffs are put in place.
Of course his brilliant advisors told him his lack of plan to pull of Afghanistan was stupid but he didn't listen. Would biden have made the stupid decision of pulling out of Afghanistan had he have known it would have resulted in 13 American deaths. I don't even think he would have been that callous.