Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Thank you President Biden and Democrats!


Just to be clear, the Senate did not pass Covid relief. 

The Democrats in the Senate passed Covid relief. 

Republicans did nothing but delay and obstruct. After increasing the Federal debt $7T under Trump in a growing economy, their claims of cost are laughable.

And a year ago today (We are so lucky we're rid of the idiot!):


Bluebullamerica said...

President Biden and the Democrats cobbled together the very best deal they could with DINO's and the GOPQ kooks fighting against them ever step of the way. We need to be sure we work very hard to elect more Democrats, particularly progressive Democrats, and end the filibuster. The GOPQ bastards have used it long enough to hurt Americans.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats didn’t fail to get Republican support. Republicans failed to support the American people.

Anonymous said...

After raising the debt by 30 trillion dollars over the last 40 years, the Republican cry that corvid relief will raise the debt, is laughable. But it will raise the debt. At least this time it's to help the American people, not some lied about war, or tax breaks for the rich. How do we pay back a 35 trillion dollar debt, or do we not even try?

Mike said...

I've put out comments recently where I say that Republicans can never complain about the deficit again, EVER!

Les Carpenter said...

FACT- We will NEVER repay our debt. In reality neither Reagan, GWB, or tRump ever intended for it to be repaid. That IS the truth.

The Q-GOP (aka GQP) also has absolutely no intention of paying back the REPUBLICAN generated debt.

Republicans NEVER ever intended to meet their obligations. PERIID.

skudrunner said...

It would be nice to see the money spent for the betterment of the country but past experience has shown that is far to much of a reach for politicians. Hopefully there will be more shovel ready jobs and less solyndra's. All this fuss about printing 1.9 trillion when ten years ago we printed one trillion and go some old cars.

Paula said...

I want to see Democrats publicly and unceasingly pound Republicans for their refusal to support economic assistance for Americans in the latest Covid relief bill. If the message—that the party they support really doesn’t care about them at all—doesn’t at last seep through Trump’s working-class supporters’ foggy awareness, then they are lost forever to sheer ignorance.

Bluebullamerica said...

I find it odd that Skidmark and his buddies on the radical right (fscist) don't think that saving the American auto industry was a good thing. SO much for their whining about "American Jobs" being priority one.

Anonymous said...

Apparently its Chinese jobs the rad right want to save.

Anonymous said...

The shine is off Trump. He's more desperate and pathetic every day. Lovely, that.