Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Little Tyrant of Florida


Here's Florida Gov. DeSantis yelling at students for choosing to wear a mask.

DeSantis and his ilk have been braying all through this pandemic that no one should be forced to wear a mask, and here he is for all to see yelling at students for their choice to wear a mask. 

Yeah. He does tell them, "If you want to wear them, fine," but he does that after publicly scolding their choice to do so.

After his little theater performance in front of the cameras, he walked out of the room without so much as shaking any of his "props" hands. They were there, afterall, for his "theater" performance.

If you thought Trump was a small-minded bully, take a look at this beauty bullying students:


Shaw Kenawe said...

Tim Hannan
· 2h
Ron Desantis is an emotional little bitch.

BluebullAmerica said...

I am constantly horrified by this abusive baboon. What scares me the most about him, though, is that he is very popular with Repubs and sadly, with a lot of Independents in my state. I think it's the algae water and mango infused constipation cures. . .

possumlady said...

I don't blame the kids for complying, I'm sure they felt intimidated by the Governor, but I would have LOVED to hear one say "With all due respect, sir, I'll follow the guidance of the U.S. CDC, not a Governor with political ambitions."

skudrunner said...

He must agree with the president who doesn't wear a mask now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud, you missed the point. Wearing a mask now is optional. The students wearing the masks CHOSE to do so.

The petty little tyrannical governor DeSantis got p.o.ed when he saw their personal choice to wear a mask. And he scolded them for their FREEDOM of CHOICE.

See, DeSantis was never for freedom of choice. He was only for political theater for the Trumpers he hopes will make him the next POTUS, so he jumped on the stupid anti-mask wagon to impress the GQPers.

IOW, he's just another posturing little pol who wants to outdo Trump in his bullying.

Shaw Kenawe said...

possumlady I would love to have seen one of the students say, Mr. Governor, it is my CHOICE to wear this mask. Do you believe in freedom of choice?

(DeSantis apparently believes in bullying students to show GQPers that he's a tough guy.)

Shaw Kenawe said...


I lived in Florida for a decade as a snowbird. There are many things to love in that state, but Ron DeSantis is not one of them. What a wormy little Trump wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the GOP/GQP has almost fully morphed into wormy little tRump supporters/cultists.