Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, March 27, 2022



h/t Infidel753


skudrunner said...

I do agree with the president that putin needs to be taken out. He says the most interesting things when he goes off script. Just like his comment that sanctions will not stop putin even though his entire staff said it will.
Does russia sanctioning biden include hunter and his payoffs.

Anonymous said...

Well skud, at least you remain consistent. I'll say that much for you.

BluebullAmerica said...

Gee, I remember just a few years ago when Republiclowns were whining and screaming that it was anti-American to bash the president during times of conflict. So Skid, what happened? Were ya'll wrong then or wrong now? Or, as usual, were you folks just lying sacks of hypocritical crap?

Dave Miller said...

Blue... you know better than to ask a question like that.

The answer is simple...

Just like it is only disgusting when a Dem pres says I or my when talking about their admin, just like only Dem presidents lie, just like only Dem presidents say things that have to be walked back by staff... it's only wrong to be critical of a president when they're on foreign soil when that president is a Republican.

Think I'm wrong?

Book a cruise on the HMS Mothership of Denial...

Anonymous said...

Today the Ship of Racists are full on in their stomach-turning bigotry and hatred. They’re all old fart white folks talking about Black people. Be cuz they know everything about Black communities and the problems in them? These same racist shit called RittenLouse a hero and he killed two and maimed one. But RittenLouse is white and that makes all the diff.

Anonymous said...

How long before dems stop wasting time and energy over tRump republiscum bu*lsh*t and realize deluded dishonest fools are likely NEVER going to change their child-adult attitudes of my, me, mine and to hell with all else? Isn't it time to actually discuss all the wonderful initiatives the dems are responsible for and point out just why that is so? After all everyone with a rational functioning mind already knows the swamp scum that the tRump republiscum wallows in daily at this point.

Purveyors of constant negativity is actually productive for no one. In fact it breeds more negativity etc.

Those folks on the HMS Mothership of Denial are so steeped in the rancid bul*sh*t of their tRump republiscum party their eyes must be a deep shade of brown. Simply put, why waste time with the deluded ones?