Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, January 30, 2024

70% of Americans support abortion rights.


 In other batshyte crazy news: 

 Ron Filipkowski 

OAN host says it makes sense for Biden to have Taylor Swift date Travis Kelce in a massive deep state psy-op, because sports in general, starting at the youth level, is also used to brainwash kids when they should be focused on Jesus instead.

If you're still wondering how this supposed technologically advanced country could fall for the rapist/conman, Trump, understand that millions of his cultists listen to and believe what's broadcast on OAN:

American football is nothing more than psy-ops to brainwash American children.


Anonymous said...

As America appears to be goosestepping itself into authoritarianism. If the election were held today the orange hued human orangutan would narrowly defeat President Biden.

The black cloud of confusion and delusion is enveloping the nation who made democratic self rule popular. All under the proud stewardship and guidance of the OHHO and the gop MAGAverse goon squad known as the current house majority.

Believe the authoritarians when they show you who and what they really are.

Grey One talks sass said...

OAN has been showing me who they are since their inception. Bad faith actors in the midst of an authoritarian regime. These are the folks who really really want their apocalypse today. Not because they want to meet their Lord and Savior but because getting raptured means they get to watch the unbelievers burn in a lake of fire for a very long time.

Seems excessive to me but then I'm not a Christian nationalist.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So Liberty University and all other religious based schools should eliminate athletic programs according to Ron. Do these idiots jsut not think before saying or printing anything? Or are they counting on the ignorance of their readership. Most likely the latter but there is a good case Ron and his ilk are that ignorant.

Mike said...

13! 13! 13! 13! 13! 13! !!!!!!!!!

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... you could post everyday with the title, "Are they really this stupid?"

Because pick an issue and the current GOP is on the wrong side of the majority of the US population.

-Health Care Insurance
-Jan 6
-Law and Order

And in a real stunner... Border Policy.

A group of GOP Senators, led by Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma has put forward a bill that they themselves call the most conservative and the best border bill they've ever seen.


That legislation includes, as per Lankford, "a mix of asylum reforms, prohibitions on catch-and-release, a new Title-42-like authority for the border, and increases in enforcement money. It does not include any new pathways to citizenship for illegal aliens, the DREAM Act, or any other relief for undocumented migrants who are currently here...

So what happens? The Oklahoma GOP has started moving to remove Lankford from the state party. Because the best, most conservative border bill ever is not good enough.

Are they really this stupid? Re abortion, health care insurance, Jan 6, law & order and border policy?

Yes, apparently, they are.

Les Carpenter said...

Are they really this stupid?.

Probably not Dave. But they sure as hell are awfully ignorant.

Craig said...

I'm waiting for the philosopher king, man of many names to quote Slavoj Žižek and shoe horn it to fit the Taylor/ Travis conspiracy.

What? H.S football is a psy op? I wonder how that plays in Texas. I watched Saturday Night Lights.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only 30% of Americans believe killing babies for ANY reason is Wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said.

"Only 30% of Americans believe killing babies for ANY reason is Wrong."

That's just an irrational appeal to emotions and nothing else. It's also false.

Laura Ingraham, Donald Trump and other lying MAGAs claim that there's such a thing as abortion after a fetus is born. No such thing exists.

First of all, for the gullibles who believe that claim by Ingraham and Trump, a fetus that is BORN is a baby. And in medical science, there is no such thing as "an abortion" AFTER A FETUS IS BORN.

That claim is totally made up bullsh*t by the lying liars on FAUX NOOZ and by others who wish to appeal to hysterical emotions and not medical science.

PS. Plenty of MAGAs have no problem with "killing babies." The number one killer of babies and children in the US is from firearms, and MAGA does nothing about those deaths.

skudrunner said...

The court reversing the abortion law was a severe restriction of personal rights and will continue to be one of the biggest reasons joey b will win, if trump stays in that is. I have never heard of a firearm killing anyone because it takes a person and the courts are to soft on people killing people.

The republicans are all for personal rights unless it is a women having the right to choose to have abortion. What the left should do is file a discrimination suite against the republicans because abortions are racist.

Guttmacher Institute
This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "I have never heard of a firearm killing anyone because it takes a person and..."

Are you really going to use that as an argument? Seriously?

I've never heard of fentenyl or heroine killing anyone because it takes a person.


Shaw Kenawe said...


"What the left should do is file a discrimination suite against the republicans because abortions are racist.

Guttmacher Institute
This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women"

Do you know what the reasons are for that?

Do some research. I did.


Shaw Kenawe said...

The Guttmacher Institute

"This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women. Antiabortion activists, including some African-American pastors, have been waging a campaign around this fact, falsely asserting that the disparity is the result of aggressive marketing by abortion providers to minority communities.

The Issues4Life Foundation, for example, is a faith-based organization that targets and works with African-American leaders toward achieving the goal of "zero African-American lives lost to abortion or biotechnology." In April, Issues4Life wrote to the Congressional Black Caucus to denounce Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and its "racist and eugenic goals." The group blamed PPFA and abortion providers in general for the high abortion rate in the African-American community—deeming the situation the "Da[r]fur of America"—and called on Congress to withdraw federal family planning funds from all PPFA affiliates.

These activists are exploiting and distorting the facts to serve their antiabortion agenda. They ignore the fundamental reason women have abortions and the underlying problem of racial and ethnic disparities across an array of health indicators. The truth is that behind virtually every abortion is an unintended pregnancy. This applies to all women—black, white, Hispanic, Asian and Native American alike. Not surprisingly, the variation in abortion rates across racial and ethnic groups relates directly to the variation in the unintended pregnancy rates across those same groups.

Black women are not alone in having disproportionately high unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. The abortion rate among Hispanic women, for example, although not as high as the rate among black women, is double the rate among whites. Hispanics also have a higher level of unintended pregnancy than white women. Black women's unintended pregnancy rates are the highest of all. These higher unintended pregnancy rates reflect the particular difficulties that many women in minority communities face in accessing high-quality contraceptive services and in using their chosen method of birth control consistently and effectively over long periods of time. Moreover, these realities must be seen in a larger context in which significant racial and ethnic disparities persist for a wide range of health outcomes, from diabetes to heart disease to breast and cervical cancer to sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

That's just an irrational appeal to emotions and nothing else. It's also false.

It's only 7% "false"...

Guttmacher Study, "Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives"

Seven percent of women cited health concerns for themselves or possible problems affecting the health of the fetus as their most important reason in 2004, about the same as in 1987.

In other words, "Why did you kill your baby?" 93% "It would have been an inconvenience".

Shaw Kenawe said...


"In other words, "Why did you kill your baby?" 93% 'It would have been an inconvenience'".

Those are your words, not the study's. There are other reason: incest, rape, age, financial. All of which are NONE OF GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS. NOR YOURS, EITHER.

Those words also mean they're tainted with your obvious misogyny.

Anonymous said...

Spin your logic so as to fit the agenda of the authoritarian minded conservative -fj.

If it makes ya feel superior go at it.

Those of us not married to a belief system designed by "men of the cloth" based on a desire for control of others lives simply shake our wiser heads and wonder about your lack of understanding and compassion. But i suppose for the misogynist it makes perfect sense.

Besides, once the baby pops out the Evangelicals and conservative/libertatians seem to forget all about that precious life if they're asked to support the efforts to provide a healthy and safe environment for the struggling mother or family.

Afterall, it's the mother's on fault she is struggling. Right -fj?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

....Murder... it's all simply a matter of "privacy"...


Shaw Kenawe said...


It's "murder" in the eyes of certain religions. And there are religions -- the Jewish religion, for example, -- where it is not. What the SCOTUS ruled on is Catholic doctrine. Period.

How a girl or woman deals with pregnancies is none of your or any religion's business.

And please, spare me your concern about "murder" when this country tolerates deaths by firearms that kill living breathing children every day.

No one believes your phony outrage.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, thank you for providing an article that shows that abortions are racist. I do not believe those who support abortions are necessarily racist but your article points that way.
Maybe improving our education system so those who suffer unintended pregnancies have a better understanding of why this happened. Maybe the fact that 67% of black children are born into single parent families.
I support the right to choose but for abortion to be used as birth control is not the answer where education would be a good start. The federalists promote single parent households by paying more if the father is not around.

Your comment "I've never heard of fentenyl or heroine killing anyone because it takes a person" is not a good example. It takes a person to fire a gun and unless it is suicide it is another person. It takes a person to consume a drug and in most cases it is the person harmed. The left attacks firearms as being the problem not the person. It is an easy excuse but not a solution. As a country we need to have guns registered and owners licensed much as we do with any deadly device. Our congress is far to consumed with stupid shit to actually do what is best for the country.

Anonymous said...

Fueling the delusions of irrational folks eh skud? Knew you could ne counted on.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

And please, spare me your concern about "murder" when this country tolerates deaths by firearms that kill living breathing children every day.

Yes, the cops don't even question or confiscate/ destroy the firearms, they just let them go on killing. Apparently the firearms have "rights".... e-r-r-r-r-p!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes, firearms have rights. The 2nd Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Firearms, an inanimate compound form, has, as Shaw points out rights. Rights granted them by folks whose firearms where flintlock, black powder, single shot, and it took a bit of time to reload. Much, much different than today's assault style rapid fire multi magazine, clip, or drum eguiped firearms.

Back then there were approximately 3,000,000 people. Today, over 320,000,000 people. Back then no supermarkets and most everyone was responsible for securing their food by hunting, fishing, and tending the earth during growing season.

Then there were only militia as there was no stamding army. Today we have the world's best standing army, navy, marines, and national guard. Militias are no more.

No militia, no need for 350,000,000 weapons in the hands of non military or non law enforcement personnel. Hunting rifles and 6 shooter hand guns are fully sufficient for hunting and sporting.

Time to amend the 2'nd amendment. Not void it. Just amend it to stop the insanity of the NRA, the weapon and ammo manufacturers.

Time for American gun nuts to f'ing grow up