Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, December 31, 2023




Anonymous said...

There are two realities, ultimate and relative. Relative reality is subjective (dualistic). Ultimate reality is not.

The trick lies in recognizing and understanding the difference.

Trump does not and therefore is grounded on only his own ego and purely selfish desires. In his world his ends justfy the means.

Dave Dubya said...

After the Second World War Bertolt Brecht warned:

"Don't yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!
Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.

There's also this old Italian saying: "La mamma dei cretini รจ sempre incinta."

Translation: "The mother of idiots is always pregnant."

Anonymous said...

Whores of destruction are always pregnant with stupid ideas.

Mike said...


Jerry said...

Nice, true quotation.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Someone who calls him/herself "Foreigner" left this comment in the post below, but I think he/she meant it for this post, since it has DJT's image in it:

"Foreigner commented on "SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING"

It's really a joke how YOU Stupid People are SO AFRAID OF ANY REPUBLICAN that has the potential of winning.

You tried everything that you have up your filthy sleeves to Destroy Donald Trump only because he Scares the hell out of your pitiable. pathetic thin skin"

No, "Foreigner," we're not afraid of Trump. He's nothing more than an obese, blubbering lying loser who's been a failure at everything he's ever tried to do-- including, thank Darwin, trying to overthrow the free and fair election of 2020 that was won by Joe Biden, who received 8 million more votes than the loser, Trump.

What gives us pause are people like YOU, and millions who support Trump the loser, the rapist, the business failure, the tax fraudist, the Liar, the Cheat, and the Hilter wannabe.

You think that pile of anti-American slop would make a great president? Again? After all his failures when he was in office? After telling the insurrections of J6 2021 that he "loved" them even though those insurrectionists he incited advocated to HANG MIKE PENCE! Trump's own vice president.

That's what you're defending and laughably claiming we're "afraid" of. NO! It's anti-democracy people like YOU who frighten us. We don't know what happened to your honor, your American values, your sense of decency. We don't see any of those in Trump or YOU if you continue to support the man who referred to his fellow Americans as "vermin," and who said immigrants from South America, Asia, and Africa are "poisoning the blood" of America.

That's what you support, a man who echoes the words of one of the greatest villains and butchers of the 20th century. My relatives fought the Nazis in WWII, and Donald J. Trump is quoting Nazi propaganda. Think of the men and women who died defending your right to admire and support an amoral malodorous thug. Things NEVER turn out well for rats like Trump.

Read some history and see for yourself.

Happy New Year.

Dave Dubya said...

Someone is terrified by the truth and hates basic human decency.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

I admit I have failed to understand what my fellow Americans see that is honorable, decent, and patriotic about Trump, who openly admires un-American authoritarian leaders around the world, and echoes Hitlerian rhetoric about immigrants and fellow Americans.

Yes, we can say they're cultists and are blind to the reality that Trump is, but that won't change the fact that they'll vote for the maniac.

From Frank Bruni's column today in the NYTimes:

"He [Trump] has said several times that immigrants “poison the blood” of our country, and a second Trump administration could involve the deportations of millions of undocumented immigrants annually and large detention camps. In his response to his indictments in four cases comprising 91 felony counts, he has insisted that the justice system is corrupt and vowed to overhaul it to his liking and use it to punish political foes. He praises autocrats, equating brutal repression with strength and divorcing morality from foreign policy. He unabashedly peddles conspiracy theories, spinning falsehoods when provable facts are inconvenient or unflattering. He’d have us all live in fiction, just as long as the narrative exalts him.

When it comes to manipulating the information space, getting inside people’s heads, creating alternative realities and mass confusion — he’s as good as anyone since the 1930s, and you know who I’m talking about,”

For those like "Foreigner," that would be Adolph Hitler.

Apparently, "Foreigner" and other Trump cultists would like to see America follow in Hitler's footsteps. What else can I deduce from their unflagging support of Trump?

Anonymous said...

That be Foreigner without a doubt.

An ignorant, deluded, petrified whittle whiny terp who is quite likely afraid of his or her own shadow.