Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, January 25, 2024



Mitt Romney:

"I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it, is really appalling."

 Liz Cheney:


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nothing speaks to "hearsay testimony" like the following " the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congress people that he doesn't want us to solve..."

Anybody think that Trump would have said anything to Romney directly?

No, Mitt wouldn't stoop to repeating cloakroom gossip to the press, would he? He's a fellow Republican.... e-r-r-r-r-p!

Dave Miller said...

Again Shaw, thanks for highlighting this, despite the skepticism from the wildly uninformed members of the MAGA crowd.

It has [Trump's desire to scuttle the bill] been widely reported in both conservative and legacy media, numerous elected officials have confirmed it, including GOP Senators.

At this point, any skepticism towards the veracity of what Romney is saying has happened, it willful ignorance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Are you so naive -FJ that you can't figure out that Mitt Romney may have heard this firsthand by actually talking to his fellow Senators who related Trump's treachery to him?

PS. This isn't evidence in a court of law, so your concern about "hearsay testimony" is meaningless.

Leave it to you to come running here to dismiss what Romney, (a US Senator and an actual devoted family, unlike Trump, and a man who actually practices his religion, unlike Trump), stated, without any evidence to refute it.

How swiftly you come to defend Trump, the sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraud, and 91 felony count liar and cheat, and cast aspersions on Romney's statement.

I may not like Romney's politics, but there are no lurid scandals attached to his personal r public morals like there are attached to Trump's.

You feel compelled to defend Trump with every report of his treachery. I wonder why.

Could it be because you admire Trump's personal and public morality? Why else would you so slavishly defend the scoundrel?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

How swiftly -FJ came running here to refute, without evidence, and cast aspersions on Romney's statement.

Yes, many firsthand reports of this have been in the media.

CNN: “That I think is going to weigh in heavily,” said Rep. Mike Braun, an Indiana Republican, who backs Trump, said of the former president’s influence and expected opposition to a deal.

“It’s not helpful,” said Senate GOP Whip John Thune, the No. 2 Republican in the chamber, who is neutral on the 2024 presidential race.

“There are some folks without question that don’t want to get any solution to a problem because they think that might help the other side,” GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, a Trump critic, told CNN. “You think Donald Trump has influence on politics? Yeah.”

But when you're in a cult, you cannot see your cult leader as the unprincipled person that he is.

PS. As is usual with -FJ, he's wrong, wrong, wrong again on this.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Are you so naive -FJ that you can't figure out that Mitt Romney may have heard this firsthand by actually talking to his fellow Senators who related Trump's treachery to him?

That's NOT "hearsay"? Then you must believe that Trump attempted to hijack his limo from the Secret Service and Drive it to the Capitol on J6 and lead the attack...

But it does make for a great reflexive environment. Hyper-Reality, we're just starting to get to know ye.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Brian Krassenstein


Trump says that terrorists and "Hannibal Lecters" are pouring over the border, but according to Mitch McConnell he's telling the Senate not to do any Immigration deal before the election.

So, isn't he suggesting that we need more terrorists and "Hannibal Lecters" in this country for the next 10 months so that he can win an election?

Congress is actually the ones who can get something done and create new laws. You don't see Biden telling congress not to help stem immigration, but it appears that Trump is doing just that.

Anonymous said...

The intentional working to deny President Biden success relative to our border crises is, in and of itself, a crime against the people of the USA. McConnell and his band of MAGAverse nincompoops (including the orange hued human orangutan) ought to be charged with obstructing the business of the US government.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ can't bear to be called out when he's wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...


BREAKING: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell makes the shocking confession that Republicans are intentionally sabotaging the border to help Trump win the 2024 election.

It's astonishing that he would admit to plotting something so truly indefensible...

For months, Democrats and Republicans have been crafting bipartisan legislation that would tighten immigration restrictions and also provide much-needed aid to Ukraine.

Now, Republicans don't want to move forward with it after all of that work because they're afraid fixing our immigration problems would help Biden in the election. They'd rather let the problem worsen then let Biden get credit for anything.

During a closed-door meeting with Republicans this week, McConnell suggested splitting the immigration and Ukraine funding initiatives into different bills.

"When we started this, the border united us and Ukraine divided us," said McConnell, according to a source knowledgable about the remarks.

"The politics on this have changed," McConnell went on, explaining that a chaotic border situation is advantageous for Trump. The ex-president can't run on fixing immigration if immigration is already fixed.

"We don’t want to do anything to undermine him," said McConnell. "We’re in a quandary."

Clearly, despite all of their ranting and whining, Republicans don't actually care about the border situation. They care about exploiting it — and the suffering that flows from it — for cheap political points.

Anonymous said...

fj is never right. But he does demonstrate the ignorance, or naivete if one prefers, of the MAGAverse cultists.

Shaw Kenawe said...

OT, Just now in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial in NYC:

NY Judge Lewis Kaplan just now:

“The jury found that Mr. Trump inserted his fingers into her Vagina and that Ms. Carroll did not make up her claim.”

That's who -FJ and his fellow travelers want to lead this country: a rapist.

Joe Conservative said...

Mitch the Never-Trump turtle is doing the Trump Campaign a solid by not passing border control??? Isn't that his job? Or is it just a cover story explaining his inability to complete his job?

And didn't he just get caught trying to bribe Trump fan Kari Lake NOT to run for the AZ Senate?

Yeah, he's doing Trump ALL kinds of "solids"...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ah JoeC. Back in the 90's Trump said if he ran for president it would be as a republican because those people are stupid. I'm not saying you're stupid. Trump is. Not that anyone would argue that with him. Certainly not you my poor deluded friend.
But the reality about Mitch is he's played Trump all along to further his right wing nuttery. He's got a Supreme Court packed with nuts. He got his tax breaks for the wealthiest among us. He's going to be in the Senate enjoying all his perks till he dies. Shit bro, he even plays the left cause on the occasional diss he makes to Trump we praise him. If you guys weren't stupid, Trumps words, you'd be flying McConnel flags and sporting Mitch bumper stickers on your old pick up trucks.

Paula said...

In what civilized world are prominent business people and elected officials sticking by a man who has found liable for rape. Think about that. It’s just remarkable that people have the absence of morals and decency.

Shaw Kenawe said...

As Trump left the courtroom today he was heard repeating, "This is not America, this is not America."

- The rapist was about to find out exactly how truly America this is. Y'know - the America with rule of law.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Back on topic:

Mary L Trump

The fact that members of Congress would take orders from a man who is not yet the official nominee of their party is frightening. That they're torpedoing legislation to benefit his campaign at the expense of the American people is horrifying.

Are Republicans trying to run a shadow government?

Dave Dubya said...

It's bad enough that all the Republicans have done is howl about the fictional "open border", thereby INVITING migrants.

The bottom line is Trump is actually pushing for an open border. He and the Republican sycophants DO NOT WANT BORDER SECURITY if Biden does it.

And there it is again. It has always been about Fuhrer Trump over the country with these fanatic goose-steppers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i believe they are. Or, they're attempting to facilitate the complete unraveling of our one time civil representative democracy.

They want total control concentrated in conservative ideology (fascism) and much greater restrictions on personal liberties.

Believe them when their actions speak loudly. Authoritarianism is the recipe the MAGAverse and the gop are planning to shove down everyones throats if ever in complete control of the levers of power.

Joe Conservative said...

Gee, Mitch couldn't his colleagues to agree to $billions bailouts for Sanctuary Cities and flying the illegals all to red States in return for No border enforcement... I can't imagine why.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... as if refuting -FJ directly about his "hearsay testimony" comment directly, the former president last night said it directly and publicly on his "Truth" Social platform...

"...we are better off not making a Deal even if that pushes our Country to temporarily 'close up' for a while"

This crowd, including the president, are unable to state a governing policy, a rational for existence, a set of policies that will move America forward or explain why the majority of the American people do not favor their ideas. Ideas that include the ending of Roe, a stated wish for economic ruin to happen this year and hurt Americans, the ending of the ACA, and now, a refusal to work with Dems and the Senate GOP in to pass what GOP leaders have called the "best border deal in a generation".

Their partisans, including people like -FJ and the race baiting sailors on the Mothership, laugh, chortle and snark away while using terms like "Halfrican" "Moochelle" "Negress" "Moslem" and more, never proposing a solution, policy or idea beyond essentially "do it our way" and "don't do it your way".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You really think that Mitch McConnell threw in the towel because of Trump's comments? Or more likely, because his "compromise deal" was a piece of dogsh*t that would never pass Republican voter muster, and that Trump would call him out for all the dogsh*t?

McConnell failed because he has no political capital amongst Republicans or Democrats. He's a wimp, and always will be a wimp, like all RINO leaders. Had he continued with his compromise (aka - surrender to Democrats) bill, the base (whom Trump speaks for) would have crucified him. An honest McConnell would put a (D) after his name, not an (R).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Trump didn't say that line to republican leaders as a warning, or to McConnell directly. It was one of his typical "Tweets" to the base, nothing more, saying "I have your backs".

...and you know what, McConnell realized that he'd be crucified by the base for selling out.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In other words, Mitch McConnell "heard say" from Republican voters through Trump.

Anonymous said...

The ignorants of the MAGAverse and the gop intransigence is all aimed at destroying the American experiment in self rule and supplanting it with facism AH style. Trump's life-long dream. And now 30%+ of America is on board with full on authoritarianism and the loss of individual liberties. Believe the party of Trump when it tells you exactly what their plan us. To take down the republic and replace it with ryranny of the minority.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ states, "An honest McConnell would put a (D) after his name, not an (R)".

If McConnell were an honest man he wouldn't BE a Republican who refused to convict Trump in his impeachments.

-FJ keeps proving he knows little about, and cares even less for, honesty. He's shilling for the most dishonest and most criminal man in American politics.

He is a Kremlin asset and an enemy of our republic, like every other Trump-sucking traitor.