Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, January 6, 2024





Dave Miller said...

If Trump had simply said Joe Biden won the election fair and square and that upset as he was, he'd be back to try again in 2024, we'd be in a much better place.

If he and his followers would accept that there was no discernible fraud, certainly not enough to sway the election, we'd be in a much better place.

If he would have said "I don't like the results, but Joe Biden won and I called him to concede" we'd be in a much better place.

His actions, his encouragement, his refusal to accept the 2020 election results and his inability and unwillingness to admit defeat have led us to the point.

Trump and Trumpism are 100% responsible for the US Capitol being overrun by violent protestors, insurrectionists or tourists, depending on your point of view, for the first time since 1812.

And he was glad it happened as people shouted "Hang Mike Pence!"

How else can we explain his dereliction of duty as he refused for over 3 hours to call on the mob to retreat?

He's a forever stain on American Democracy.

And yet many will never accept that verdict of history.

Joe Conservative said...

"If Trump only affirmed the lie that their democracy had NOT been stolen by the Democratic Party.... BWAH!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
"If Trump only affirmed the lie that their democracy had NOT been stolen by the Democratic Party.... BWAH!"

Sad that you continue to live in a world full of misinformation and conspiracies.

You have the ability to leave that false world and live a full life away from Trumplandia and all the lies Trump and his lackeys spread.

It's your choice.

PS You've NEVER been able to prove any of your silly ideas of a "stolen election." NOT ONCE. NEVER. EVER.

And you never will because the truth is that the 2020 election was won by Joe Biden.

And Trump is a dangerous, malevolent liar, cheat, fraud, and rapist. That's who you defend.

Joe Conservative said...

As they say in Baltimore, "Just 'BELIEVE', hon!" lol!

Don't investigate and eliminate the fraud. Double down and ignore it! That's what a lover of "democracy" should do!

skudrunner said...

Rev, If trump did what you said he should have done the democrats would have zero chance of winning in 2024. With trump on the ballot against biden the democrats have a chance of winning. I listened to joey b at a campaign speech yesterday and his entire plan for America is trump is bad. No plan for making things better for the people and that shows what biden and the dems have to offer, trump bad, abortion good. That's it and with the complicit media this message will never go away because it is all they have to offer.

I do agree with leslie that if it is trump vs biden I will sit out the vote for president. Yes not voting just gives the other side a the vote but in this case there is no other side. Neither of these worthless people deserves my vote because by voting for them means I support them which I don't. I cancelled my lifetime membership to the NRA because they lost they way and the same goes for either political party.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Putin keeps siding with racist liars and thugs. He chooses to do so. This establishes the fact he is evil and a domestic enemy of our Constitution and republic.

Only a neo-Nazi racist would dismiss the TRUTH about Trump's coup. He openly takes the white racist MAGATs' side in these events too:

Harry Dunn is a former US Capitol police officer and a candidate for the US House representing a district in Maryland.

“Some of the police officers who fought alongside me were screaming in pain from the injuries they suffered while battling the attackers. Many officers were temporarily blinded and coughing from chemical irritants being sprayed in their faces. Police officers like myself who were Black were verbally assaulted with racial epithets, in addition to the physical blows we endured.

Our scars, both physical and emotional, still run deep and serve as a constant reminder of the fragility of our democratic institutions. The racial undertones of some of the attacks were disturbing, bringing back to light a dark past that so many of us condemn and want to move away from.

As a patriotic American who has defended our Capitol for a decade and a half, I question why all Americans aren’t united in the pursuit of justice and accountability. It has been disheartening to witness the growing support for former President Donald Trump, the instigator of the violence we saw that day.”

And there is Joe Putin's idea of "conservative".

Les Carpenter said...

joe con surely and certainly does live in a world of hyper ego generatef delusions. A very dark and murky world i'm sure. Live a lie, die by a lie.

Shaw Kenawe said...

For the record, I do not believe -FJ, JoeCon, Thersites, etc. are "evil."

He/they do not have enough power to affect national politics, therefore, he's annoying, but not evil -- IMO, misguided and too invested in his/their ideology, but not evil.

He's not stupid, just stubbornly averse to facts. He still does not believe the events of J6 were anti-democratic, just a protest (with a side of threatened homicide for Mike Pence).

I think his ego is too invested in sticking to his conspiracies. Or, probably more truthfully, he's just pulling our chains.

Joe Conservative said...

The poor Capitol police, who fired on peaceful protestors and then whined when the crowd struck back...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

The poor Capitol police, who fired on peaceful protestors and then whined when the crowd
struck back...

Oh, Joe, you're such a card!

Joe Conservative said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Gateway Pundit?

He's known as "The Stupidest Man On The Internet." And his blog is a bunch of malarkey only cultists and half-wits read.

Mike said...

I had a sign out front about tRUMP. STD, Stop The Donald. It got stolen after about a month. Republicans are such "nice" people.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah, Gateway Pundit? He's still around? Can't imagine why.

Oh, wait a minute. That's right, the cultists and gullibles.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Oficialismo para todos! Selective leaks from the Wapo and NYT's for all!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You hate Indie media because.... LOL!

Dave Miller said...

Skud said... "Rev, If trump did what you said he should have done the democrats would have zero chance of winning in 2024."

You see Skud, I don't care as much about winning as you think I do. It's about doing the right thing, and if Trump had done that, he'd be a shoe-in for the presidency. Or at least we'd be talking policy, instead of insurrection.

Which in the end, would be way better for America.

I don't think Biden should run. Like LBJ, he should walk away. But at this point, a tree stump is better for America than Trump.

So what do we do?

Mike said...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gateway Pundit
Type of site - Fake news
Far-right politics
Owner Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Founded by Jim Hoft in 2004, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue. During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day. In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation.

From the internet...

James Hoft(62) 5105 Lindell Blvd, Saint Louis MO 63108 (314)304-0830

Nov 21, 2022 — Jim Hoft, founder of the conspiracy website Gateway Pundit, was added as a plaintiff in Missouri AG Eric Schmitt's social media lawsuit.

Feb 7, 2021 — Jim Hoft, the founder and editor-in-chief of far-right news site Gateway Pundit, was permanently suspended from Twitter

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
You hate Indie media because.... LOL!

No. I dislike fake media like Gateway Pundit. It's stupid media for gullible people who believe in conspiracies, lies, and bosh.

See Mike's post above.

You like and consider it "independent." Wow! What a surprise.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Thanks for posting that.

I'm not surprised in the Age of Trump that so many Americans go to Gateway P. for information. Easily duped, gullible conspiracists eat the bunk he posts up. Pathetic!

Anonymous said...


Going in crowds. Playing fresh air games.

It's SUCH CRIME!!! :-)))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Some Americans have a talent for disregarding the facts.

Foreigner said...

\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

\\ Joe Conservative said...

\\ The poor Capitol police, who fired on peaceful protestors and then whined when the crowd
struck back...

\\ Oh, Joe, you're such a card!

Well... you showed to them similar riots in Egypt, in France, in Ukraine, in Hong Kong... whatever.

While calling it Democratic.

But... when it returned home, now you call it I-N-S-U-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N. :-))))))

Shaw Kenawe said...

Nonsensical comment, Forieigner.

The mobs for Trump tried to stop through violence the electoral vote count and threatened to kill the VPOTUS.

Your comparison is absurd. The countries you name have nothing to do with our election laws. If you like elections settled by riots and killing, move to a third world country.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A reminder of the real events that transpired on J6 '21.

Len Martin said...

Shaw, Foreigner is -FJ and his sock puppets. He saturates other peoples blogs by comment bombing them with idiotic blather. He's a clown.

Dave Dubya said...

Len is correct. They are TROLLS, and not the least interested in good faith discourse.

I stand by my statement about Kremlin Joe. THIS is evil:

"The poor Capitol police, who fired on peaceful protestors and then whined when the crowd struck back..."

It was self-defense and it was their duty to protect Congress.

The Capitol was BROKEN into. The police were ATTACKED. The Congress was ATTACKED. They did NOTHING to provoke it. Trump provoked it. That is evil.

Whatever happened to "Just comply with the police"? The MAGAts rejoice over those cops getting beaten bloody. Like every fascist they want blood. They want power and will kill for it.

MAGAts see themselves and Trump being ABOVE the law. He is their Holy Messiah. January 6, 2021 PROVED to us that Trump has a rabid cult willing KILL and DIE for his LIES.

And he defends and praises those thugs. Just like Kremlin Joe. Their hate is palpable.

How is that NOT evil?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
A reminder of the real events that transpired on J6 '21.

I looked at the link for about 30 seconds. It's all conspiracy hogwash. Not one jot of evidence, as ususal.

When a site says the FBI and DOJ is behind J6, when we saw and heard with our eyes and ears in real time that day, we know you, -FJ, and ALL THE J6 DENIERS AND the 2020 election deniers are not dealing in reality but rather perpetuating Trump's traitorous lies and bullshit.


Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ: "Congress has already determined, as a matter of law, that the Jan 6 Capitol attack was an insurrection.

And the vote was overwhelming: unanimous in the Senate, and 406-21 in the House.

The legal finding was part of a bill passed on August 5, 2021 authorizing Congressional Gold Medals for Capitol Police officers who had protected the Capitol during the insurrection."

"Unanimous in the Senate" Republicans AND Democrats agree.

A majority of the House agreed.

January 6 was an insurrection. They were there that day.

-FJ was not. He parrots all the whacko conspiracists with absolutely no proof. SAD!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,


The Congress finds the following:

(1) Every day, the United States Capitol Police (``Capitol
Police'') protects the U.S. Capitol, Members of Congress,
congressional staff and institutional staff, journalists, and
the visiting public.

(2) On January 6, 2021, a mob of insurrectionists forced its
way into the U.S. Capitol building and congressional office
buildings and engaged in acts of vandalism, looting, and
violently attacked Capitol Police officers.

(3) The sacrifice of heroes including
Capitol Police Officers Brian Sicknick and Howard Liebengood,
Metropolitan Police Department Officer Jeffrey Smith, and those
who sustained injuries, and the courage of Capitol Police
Officer Eugene Goodman, exemplify the patriotism and the
commitment of Capitol Police officers, and those of other law
enforcement agencies, to risk their lives in service of our

(4) Up to seven Americans died following this violent
attack, and more than 140 law enforcement officers suffered
physical injuries, including 15 officers who were hospitalized.

(5) The desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple
of our American Democracy, and the violence targeting Congress
are horrors that will forever stain our Nation's history.

(6) On April 2, 2021

Officer William ``Billy'' Evans was killed while protecting the
North Barricade of the Capitol. Officer Evans was a
distinguished member of the First Responders Unit and an
eighteen-year veteran of the United States Capitol
Police. Also injured in that assault
was Officer Kenneth Shaver. Officer Shaver is a fifteen-year
veteran of the United States Capitol Police.

-FJ go ply your conspiracies and fever dreams on your fellow whackos' blogs. They don't believe in facts and reality either. They're supporting Trump. There's my proof of what I just wrote.

Les Carpenter said...

-FJ, Joe Conservative, Thersites, Foreigner, and Anonymous (the MAGA garble one) are one in the same. They are indeed uninterested in honest or productive discourse as the sole purpose for the stable is to disrupt and sow misinformation, outright lies, and as much confrontational energy as possible. IOW they are dishonest actors through and through. Exactly as their Fuhrer Trump has ordered. MAGA, in all honesty simply means to take this nation back to the days when white supremacy and government sanctioned discrimination was the order of the day.

Trump and MAGA'ts in office must be soundly defeated and replaced with honest actors who have actually demonstrated integrity, something Trump and MAGA's are completely lacking in.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les You're correct.

-FJ and his sock puppets offer no evidence for the conspiracies he promotes.

He's here as nothing more than a disrupter.

When someone offers Gateway Pundit as a reference for ANYTHING, he/she instantly loses credibility. To read Gateway Pundit is to understand the sickness that's taken hold of 1/3 of this country.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I for one am incredibly thankful Joe Biden is president in these times. Nobody can match his temperament judgement and experience facing the issues we endure. That our friends on the right can only come up with nonsense like he's old or his son is bad shows their desperation when facing facts. That so many visit ridiculous propaganda sites like this gateway dude only further exposes their desperation to have their ignorance validated rather than dismissed as the drivel and lies their views are. It's sad they need to look for friendship among those that preach hate and lies. I do pity them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just this week, Joe "Truth 101" Kelly, Trump made fun of Joe Biden's speech impediment and he made a joke about DECEASED John McCain not being able to raise his arm.

I don't know of any decent human being who supports Trump. IMO, you have to be either exceedingly stupid or exceedingly indecent to support Trump. There's no other explanation.

Who on earth thinks it's okay for a man seeking the presidency to mock a dead man who lost the use of his arm because he was tortured while serving his country and to ridicule a man who's overcome a speech impediment?

Only people who themselves are indecent would ever support a creature like Trump. They see themselves in him. *shudder*

Dave Dubya said...


Exactly. They delight in cruelty and in the suffering of people they hate, calling them "vermin" and "communists".

This is why I use the term evil for such sociopaths. They chose that path and refuse to consider any fact that Trump doesn't want them to know.

1/6 proved that many of them would KILL and DIE for Trump and his lies.

It truly is a cult of evil, and they ARE the greatest domestic threat to our democratic republic. They scorn empathy and compassion as "woke" and "weakness". They hate and fear any educator who teaches the history of slavery and racism. They despise their fellow Americans in the LGBTQ community. We their unrestrained rabid hate and mockery for progressives and democrats. We need to look no further than to the racists and bigots at WYD, and in our comment threads.

Nazis are evil. Fascists are evil. MAGAts are evil. They are all in the same club that is hostile to democracy, decency and equality.

Yes, many are just dupes, too stupid and gullible to know better, but they still MADE their choice to close their hearts and minds to the truth. And they vote.

A Nazi is a Nazi, no matter the IQ. The same goes for MAGAts, many of whom ARE racist white nationalists and neo-Nazis. They all surrendered their conscience and mind to Trump.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's no wonder so many that describe themselves as evangelicals or "saved" venerate Trump. For followers of the Prince of Peace they all revel in the thought of someone burning in hell for eternity.

Foreigner said...

\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

\\ Nonsensical comment, Forieigner.

\\ The mobs for Trump tried to stop through violence the electoral vote count and threatened to kill the VPOTUS.
The Orange Revolution (Ukrainian: Помаранчева революція, romanized: Pomarancheva revoliutsiia) was a series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine from late November 2004 to January 2005, in the immediate aftermath of the run-off vote of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election,

The 2011 Egyptian revolution, also known as the 25 January Revolution (Arabic: ثورة ٢٥ يناير; Thawrat khamsa wa-ʿišrūn yanāyir),[20] began on 25 January 2011 and spread across Egypt. The date was set by various youth groups to coincide with the annual Egyptian "Police holiday" as a statement against increasing police brutality during the last few years of Hosni Mubarak's presidency.

The 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests[22] (also known by other names) were a series of demonstrations against the Hong Kong government's introduction of a bill to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in regard to extradition. It was the largest series of demonstrations in the history of Hong Kong.[23][24]
In the United States, the House of Representatives, with one dissenting vote, and the Senate unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in light of the extradition bill and protests.[634][635][636][637] President Donald Trump signed the bill on 27 November, alongside a companion bill restricting US exports of crowd control devices to the Hong Kong police forces.[638]

So? When it in Hong Kong -- means, directed at China -- main economical and geopolitical rival -- that's "Human Rights and Democracy".

But... when such things happen in USA -- it's I-N-S-U-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N.

Anonymous said...

Their foolish and chattering ways are illustrated by their slogan: We are great. We are free. We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true. Bandar-log communicate almost entirely through the repetition of other animals' speech.[3]

Shaw Kenawe said...

To "Foreigner"

The United States is NOT Egypt, Iran, or Hong Kong, where those countries are ruled by strongmen authoritarians.

EGYPT: In 2021, Freedom House ranked Egypt as "Not Free" in its annual Freedom in the World report. It gave Egypt a "Political Rights" score of 6/40 and a "Civil Liberties" score of 12/60, with a total score of 18/100.

IRAN: For over a century, the Iranian people have struggled toward democracy. During the last 40 years, however, after the ousting of the Shah, the Iranian people have been subjugated by an oppressive theocracy called the “Islamic Republic,” with a religious “Supreme Leader” overseeing all aspects of Iranian life.

HONG KONG: In recent years, Beijing has cracked down on Hong Kong's freedoms, stoking mass protests in the city and drawing international criticism. Beijing imposed a national security law in 2020 that gave it broad new powers to punish critics and silence dissenters, which has fundamentally altered life for Hong Kongers.

You are incorrect and again absurd to compare what happened in those countries -- trying to democratize their nations THROUGH PROTEST, and the mobs on January 6 to tried TO STOP DEMOCRACY through mob violence.

I stand by my opinion: You and your posts are absurd.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...

"It's no wonder so many that describe themselves as evangelicals or "saved" venerate Trump. For followers of the Prince of Peace they all revel in the thought of someone burning in hell for eternity."

I don't consider the self-named Evangelicals for Trump as "Christians." They idolize the most corrupt, unChristian, man who epitomizes the seven deadly sins.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Andrew Lawrence

"It's really is pretty wild that “overthrow the government if we lose an election” is just a standard GOP policy position at this point.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's something "Foreigner" would never read. He's too marinated in his delusional world that tells him the J6 insurrection was just a little "protest."

Foreigner is dishonest and deluded.

Mike Pence refutes Trump on Jan. 6, urges GOP voters to pick different candidate in 2024

"Former Vice President Mike Pence, who said his life was threatened during the violent U.S. Capitol attack three years ago, is refuting the unsubstantiated claims of former President Donald Trump and encouraging Republicans to choose another candidate in 2024.

Pence, once fiercely loyal to his old boss, dismantled Trump's recent description in Iowa that Jan. 6, 2021, was "peaceful" and the work of "patriots." Trump also describes more than 1,000 people, who were convicted in connection with crimes on Jan. 6, as political "hostages." And the former president has made unsubstantiated claims that the Jan. 6 attack was the work of the FBI. "The truth is that this was a riot that should never have happened," Pence said Sunday morning during an interview on CNN's State of the Union.

He also emphasized what he has said before ? Trump's words were reckless on Jan. 6 and Pence did his duty in certifying the will of voters who elected President Joe Biden in 2020. Pence, who was at the Capitol on Jan. 6, said he saw people breaking windows, ransacking the Capitol. "It just infuriated me," Pence said. "I remember thinking, you know, 'Not this, not here, not at the United States Capitol.'"

He thanked the FBI for bringing criminals to justice and countered Trump's false claims. "I've heard the many repeated assurances from the FBI that they were not involved and I take them at their word," Pence said."

Read more:

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... is this the same Mike Pence who MAGA backers think is less "religious" and Christian than Trump?

At least according to a recent poll showing the GOP believes Trump is not only more religious than Pence, but Biden and Romney as well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M."Shaw... is this the same Mike Pence who MAGA backers think is less "religious" and Christian than Trump?

At least according to a recent poll showing the GOP believes Trump is not only more religious than Pence, but Biden and Romney as well."

That just adds to the mountain of evidence that show how detached from reality Trumpers are.

To read that MAGAs believe Trump is more religious than Romney, Pence, or Biden is, is to understand how easily duped and tricked millions of people can be when they observe evidence with their emotions and not their intellect.

Trump has exposed the fact that millions of Americans do not value truth and decency.