Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, January 11, 2024

The man who lost the 2020 election brags about taking Chinese money while POTUS:


Imagine if this were Barack Obama or Joe Biden bragging about profiting from the Chinese while they were POTUS:

 Also, the looks on these two FAUX NOOZ talkers as they realize that Trump is giving credit to Barack Obama, who was POTUS in 2016:


Shaw Kenawe said...

This is Trump's legacy -- his thugs reacting to justice:

BREAKING: Police have responded to a BOMB THREAT at the home of Judge Engoron.

- The bomb threat was made at 5am ET and described the judge's Long Island, NY home.

- Judge Engoron was set to hear closing arguments in the business fraud trial of former President Trump later this morning.

- A bomb squad was at Engoron’s home.

- Nassau County Police confirmed their presence at the Long Island home of Judge Arthur Engoron after CNBC asked about a Daily Beast report that a bomb threat was made at that location early Thursday.

Trump's lies and words have an impact. There is a reason why Engoron gagged him and refused him the chance to issue closing remarks.

Anonymous said...

Here we go... WILFULLY blind MAGAt's without any sense of decency or respect for anything they personally disagree with or dislike acting like vigilantes and making anonymous bomb threats on behalf of their MAGA Fuhrer.

We've seen enough. It's time these blockheaded imbeciles and their MAGA Fuhrer face the FULL FORCE AND WEIGHT OF THE LAW.


Try em. Convict em. Then see if Russia or North Korea will accept their sorry asses.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

On a related note, it does make me wonder how so many of these swatters and death threat nuts are not getting caught. They're not smart people. You can't hide anywhere from practically anyone with a decent grasp of computers. You're fingerprints are everywhere on the web. I would think even the burner phones are traceable. Fear and paranoia seem to be all rage these days. Where are the republicans demanding harsher penalties for this? My state senator grabs a headline every couple years filing a bill demanding harsher penalties for all sorts of things. Never heard a word out of the republican secretary of state in Missouri till a fellow republican in Missouri got swatted.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They like Russia and North Korea now anonymous guy. Better send them to China. I think they still hate China. If you want to make them cry tell them they hate America. I had one local righty in tears so bad years ago his wife called me.

Shaw Kenawe said...

How did you make that local Righty cry? Tell him the truth? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Well Joe "Truth 101" Kelly, i really don't care if they suffer or not. That's ENTIRELY up to their choices. What i wish for is their sorry deluded authoritarian as*es out of my democratic republican country.

They need to experience their desires for tyranny elsewhere. Not in OUR country.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If I remember I quoted something Thomas Jefferson said then I asked why he hated America. At the time I felt kind of bad for the guy. Worse after his wife talked to me cause she seemed like a real nice person. Just wanted us to get along and be civil. Our friend Pamela smacked me down once for bad behavior. Probably had it coming. Classy lady.

Anonymous said...

How is Pamela Joe? A real classy women. Wish i had as much class as her. Working on it. But the MAGA'ts make it damn hard.