Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 22, 2024


He was once known as "America's Mayor."

He's now lost his reputation and his fortune, and will live out the rest of his life in the ignominy he so richly deserves.

#ETTD! (Everything Trump Touches Dies)

"Rudy Giuliani has been court-ordered to surrender his Manhattan penthouse, luxury watches, a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey, a 1980 Mercedes, and other valuable items to election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss after a court found he had defamed them." 

"Tuesday, Judge Lewis Liman of the federal court in Manhattan made his ruling, and it’s a huge loss for Giuliani. He ordered Donald Trump’s former attorney to put most of his personal property into a receivership controlled by Freeman and Moss within seven days, along with cash and various luxury items. This includes his New York apartment, many watches, sports memorabilia, furniture, and even his television. Giuliani’s team had argued that the legal fees Trump and his campaign allegedly owe their client for his efforts to overturn the election should be off-limits until after the election, but that money must go to the election workers too. 

Giuliani tried to declare bankruptcy earlier this year to avoid paying the damages. He was already in major financial trouble before the 2023 defamation verdict, and he said he could not afford to pay the colossal sum a jury awarded Freeman and Moss. But the former mayor’s bankruptcy case was dismissed in July and since then the mother and daughter have been attempting to make Giuliani turn over the money they are owed, asking a federal judge in New York to make him turn over various assets."--Intelligencer

"The arc of moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." --MLK

(Take heed, Donald J. Trump)


Dave Dubya said...

Shaye and Ruby have just as strong a case against Trump.
We can't let these racist neo-Nazis have their way, or they will punch down on more innocent Americans.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lady Ruby and Shaye Moss are moving on up. To the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

And they deserve this compensation for all the death threats and hellish nightmare that Giuliani's lies put them through.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Ron Filipkowski

Rudy filed dozens of lawsuits filled with lies for Trump in 2020.

Trump never paid him.

He lost every case.

He got fired from his firm.

Fired from radio show.




$148 million judgment against him.

Lost apartment, furniture & jewelry.

qui cum canibus concumbunt cum pulicibus surgent.

Shaw Kenawe said...


BB-Idaho said...

ETTD - a long long trail of used victims. 'When will they ever learn?'
Pete Seeger- still relevant.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A ridiculous judgement by a corrupt judicial system. This is exactly why Democrats will be crushed in the election come November.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I wondered how long it would take for you to come here and whine about the justice system that you claim is "corrupt" only when your preferred crooks and liar and defamers are brought to justice.

As is your usual habit, you give absolutely no evidence for your claim of corruption. You just can't abide law breakers like Giuliani and Trump being held accountable for their crimes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Giuliani lost his law license in both DC AND New York. Are the Bar associations in on this "corrupt" justice system too? I'll answer that. Giuliani is responsible for what happened to him because he's a liar and a terrible human being that is facing accountability for his illegal actions.

"Giuliani, previously a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, was suspended from the bar in D.C. in July 2021, and two boards had previously recommended that his law license be permanently revoked over his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Both panels had pointed to Giuliani trying to get thousands of votes for President Joe Biden tossed out in the battleground state of Pennsylvania that year.

The D.C. Bar's Board on Professional Responsibility said in a report in June that there was "clear and convincing evidence" that Giuliani "violated Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct" and therefore "should be disbarred." A disciplinary board for the D.C. Bar Association made a similar argument in a lengthy decision last year, writing that Giuliani "claimed massive election fraud but had no evidence of it." The board said, “His utter disregard for facts denigrates the legal profession.

Giuliani also lost his law license in New York state in July over his actions to disseminate lies about voter fraud in the 2020 election. Separately, he faces charges in Arizona and Georgia over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in those states.”