Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Trump cntinues to tell a really unbelievably stupid lie while campaigning.


Why does he do this when parents of public school children know that public schools cannot give a student even an aspirin without the parents' permission.

Trump is saying, again, that children go to school as a male or female; the school then performs complicated surgery on them without the parents knowing; and those children return home days later as a different sex! 

(Has this been reported by any American parent of public school children? Anyone?)

No one listening to Trump's ludicrous lie bursts out laughing at such an imbecilic idea -- DEMENTED idea. For surely, these are the twisted ravings of a deteriorating mind. And yet MAGA listen to this maniac as though he were a sane person. Trump clearly is not.


Trump knows that his cultists are so gullible and stupid that they will believe his impossibly asinine story and vote for him anyway, because they are as mentally unwell as he is?

How do we reckon with a man, Trump, who hopes to be POTUS telling his people this? And no one challenges him on the absurdity of what he's saying?

Do his cultists think that he's suffering with early stages of dementia, and they don't want to laugh in his face? 

I don't know the dynamics in this: Trump is feeding his gullibles stupid stories, and they sit there and pretend (or not?) to believe him? What's going on?

What country am I living in that is seriously considering this crackpot for the presidency, and what country has the sort of people living in it who think this clearly mentally unstable weirdo would be a great POTUS?

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