Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston
Monday, March 30, 2020
Trump: A Malignant Narcissist and Liar in a National Crisis
In a national crisis, when thousands of Americans are in danger of losing their lives, America has the misfortune of having a malignant narcissist and liar as POTUS.
Either Trump is demented and can't remember what he says from one day to the next or he's lying to cover his massive ignorance of what the facts are. I think it's both.
Recently, Trump told America that he'd like to see the quarantine over by Easter so that the churches would be "packed." Then he said well, no, the quarantine will continue at least until April 30.
Recently Trump said he (the feds) would force state quarantines on New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Then he said well, no, he'll leave that up to the governors.
Recently Trump told America that he "feels" there is no need for 30,000 ventilators. His feelings are as dependable as his statements noted above. They're useless. Like him.
At a recent presser, Trump bragged about how highly rated his daily televised updates on the Covid-19 are. Let that sink in: THE POTUS IS BRAGGING ABOUT HIS DAILY UPDATING RATINGS WHERE HE TALKS ABOUT DYING AMERICANS:
Trump should STFU and leave this to the infectious disease experts and the governors of the states. They're doing a better job of informing Americans and finding ways to get equipment to hospitals and medical personnel.
All Trump is doing is holding "I Love Me!" rallies disguised as pressers to show off his malignant narcissism and incompetence.
Here are some examples of the Malignant Narcissist and Liar-in-Chief:
"On two occasions during Sunday's coronavirus briefing, President Donald Trump falsely denied he had said words he had said publicly last week. When PBS's Yamiche Alcindor noted that the President had said he did not believe that governors actually need all the equipment they claimed they did, Trump said, "I didn't say that" — even though he said precisely that on Fox News on Thursday.
Later, when CNN White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond noted that Trump had said he wanted governors to be "appreciative" of him, and that "if they don't treat you right, I don't call," Trump said, "But I didn't say that" — even though he said precisely that at the Friday briefing.
Trump falsely denied that he claimed governors from certain states are asking for equipment they don't need. At Sunday's briefing, PBS Newshour's White House Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor asked the President whether he felt his comments and belief "that some of the equipment that governors are requesting they don't actually need" would have an impact on the federal distribution of ventilators and other medical resources. As Alcindor attempted to finish her question, the President interjected, "I didn't say that," before going on to say it wouldn't have an impact.
★What Trump said about governors and equipment★
🥊 Facts First: He did say that. On March 26 during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, Trump said, "a lot of equipment's being asked for that I don't think they'll need" specifically in reference to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and following a tirade against Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Trump later said he felt Cuomo was requesting an unnecessary number of ventilators. "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they are going to be," Trump said. "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators."
When Alcindor noted that she was quoting from the President's interview with Hannity, Trump said: "Take a look at my interview. What I want to do is if there is something wrong, we have to get to the bottom of it."
★What Trump said about his dealings with governors★
CNN's Jeremy Diamond began a question to Trump as follows: "I'd also like to ask you about some comments you made on Friday. You were talking about governors of different states and you said, 'I want them to be appreciative.' You also said, 'if they don't treat you right, I don't call.'" After Diamond said the words "if they don't treat you right," Trump said, "But I didn't say that."
When Diamond finished the sentence, Trump said "I didn't say that" once more.
🥊 Facts First:
Trump did say what he claimed he didn't. As Diamond told Trump, Diamond was reading direct quotes from Trump's Friday briefing. Trump went on to argue Sunday that he was being taken out of context, noting that on Friday he had also said of his "I want them to be appreciative" comment, that he was talking about people other than himself.
Trump had said Friday: "I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about Mike Pence, the task force; I'm talking about FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers." Trump is within his rights to urge media outlets to play the full clip, but those additional comments do not change the fact that he had said exactly what Diamond said he did.
Trump also said Sunday: "I don't call the governor of Washington now, but Mike Pence calls, and the head of FEMA calls; I don't stop them. Did I ever ask you to do anything negative, Mike, to Washington?"
We don't know for sure what Trump might have told Pence in private, but Trump explicitly said Friday that he had indeed tried to get Pence not to call the governors of Washington and Michigan.
Trump said Friday: "He calls all the governors. I tell him — I mean, I'm a different type of person — I say, 'Mike, don't call the governor of Washington. You're wasting your time with him. Don't call the woman in Michigan.'"
When a reporter pressed Trump on Friday about whether he really doesn't want Pence to call the governor of Washington, Trump confirmed — but said that Pence, a "different type of person," will "call quietly anyway."
Trump also repeated an exaggeration that he's made in the past on a topic unrelated to the pandemic.
Trump said, "I'll never forget the day when a general came and said, 'Sir' -- my first week in office -- 'we have no ammunition.' " He repeated this claim later in the briefing without citing the general, claiming that the US had "no ammunition" before he had taken action.
🥊 Facts First: Trump was exaggerating.
We don't know what a general might have told him in private, but it's not true that the US had "no ammunition" at the beginning of his presidency. Rather, according to the public comments of military leaders, there was a shortfall in certain kinds of munitions, particularly precision-guided bombs, late in the Obama presidency and early in the Trump presidency."
By Daniel Dale and Tara Subramaniam
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The man is unfit for office. He cannot react to any crisis except as opportunity for self-promotion. What a monumental pos trump is!
America defaults to wanting to believe our presidents. Especially in a crisis. But we expect truth and an honest accounting.
We've received neither from President Trump,
Let us never forget Pres Trump's response when asked about the virus in January...
“ ...we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.”
This untruth/error/lie/obfuscation from a man who rates his response to the Covid-19 outbreak a 10.
Finally, with apologies to Joe, Mr. Truth also said this, on March 6...
“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
Was Trump lying to the American people when he said that? Because to this day, it is still not true.
The most important aspect of the presidential bully pulpit is a president's character and his or her ability to level with the American people. Trump is struggling with those metrics.
The progressive left is angry with Trump because he lies, and as such, they won't believe anything he says.
The Tea Party driven right loves Trump because he speaks the truth to the left.
What a mess...
That bloated bag of stinkin fumes actually blamed the doctors and nurses for the shortage of ventilators and masks! HE EFFING BLAMED THE DOCTORS AND NURSES FOR STEALING MASKS AND SELLING THEM FOR PROFIT!
"How do you go from 10-to-20-to-300,000...even though this is different. Something's going on...Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door?" Trump said at a White House press conference on Sunday.
The president later added: "I want the people in New York to check—Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio—that when a hospital that's getting 10,000 masks goes to 300,000 masks during the same period, people should check that because there's something going on.
"I don't think it's hoarding, I think it's maybe worse than hoarding, but check it out. Check it out. I don't know, I don't know. I think that's for other people to figure out."
2020 is the Chinese Year of The Rat. As was 1912 when the Titanic sank, 1924 when
bootleggers discovered the Thompson machine gun, 1936-the Great Depression, 1948 and Joseph McCarthy, 1960 when Gary Powers and the CIA went down over Russia,
1984 was Orwell's prescient favorite and 1996 when FoxNews was founded. So, I Ching
aside, The Rat seems appropriate for the juvenile bundle of arrogance, to play his
flute and march his rapt rats to his tune of self praise, while his negligence and
ineptitude permit a simple RNA virus to decimate both his detractors and followers.
Titanic looking pretty good....
WKW, Dave, and Ray
All good comments.
A note to Dave and Ray,
Why do you suppose people like Rusty and other WYD trolls keep coming here? I've deleted several more comments by them, lots more from Rusty. They know they cannot be published here, yet they come here, read my posts, and try to get published.
It's Albert Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I've often said that the WYD trolls have some mental problems. Rusty's continual visits here as well as the other trolls is evidence that my speculation is correct.
In a way, though, it's flattering that they're such big fans of my blog. It's a big part of their lives, apparently. LOL!
BB-Idaho I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.
What did we expect from a man who's messed up everything he's touch in his life and who knows little to nothing about how government works. Also, the worst person to have in a pandemic and leading the 3rd most populous country in the world is a malignant narcissist whose only concern is how the pandemic will affect his ratings and chances for re-election.
Trump is exactly what is NOT wanted in perilous times. But he's what a minority of American voters gave us.
From saying this would go away very soon and not to be feared to his saying this is very serious.
On March 26 he said he didn't think 30 to 40,000 ventilators were needed, and when asked that by a PBS reporter he asked her to "be nice." He cannot deal with hard questions and takes them personally. He's a disaster.
The year of the Rat. How appropriate. And depressing.
Shaw... to your question...
Who knows? There are ppl on the left who go to Lisa's "False Facts" WYD and FT's site, even though it is clear they are not wanted there. Ducky continues, as do I occasionally, to send comments to the Mother Ship, perhaps wondering if they will ever admit, or see their bias.
I guess in the end, the answer is...Who Knows?
What kind of person calls 100,000-plus dead a ‘very good job’?
Maybe this will teach us a lesson that giving our manufacturing to China was not a good idea. As we face shortages of many item we have come to realize that the lowest bidder is not always best.
This has been a trend for years if not decades to become a buyer instead of a producer. China is a major producer of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and parts including those needed for ventilators and other medical equipment.
Everyone stay safe and remain vigilant. Many parents are coming to the realization that a teachers job is not easy and they can actually bond as a family so there is a positive side of isolation.
Reading the trumper blogs recently I found that 100K dead isn't a big deal. The "best" course of action would have been to let the virus rage so that the survivors develop herd immunity. We also need to keep in mind that virologists (like the climatologists) are lying so as to secure future funding. Most importantly, whatever happens this isn't Dotard's fault. Or his responsibility. The blame lies with the governors.
btw, Dotard likely thinks doctors and nurses are stealing PPE because that is what he would do if he were in that situation. It's what he did as a (failed) businessman, an operator of a (fake) charity and what he's doing as president.
skudrunner Stay safe and well.
Derv, those same bloggers, I assume, are devout pro-lifers who, when push comes to shove, show themselves to actually be anti-life during a crisis where the government has to step in and become their "sochalist" life-saver. They'd rather see people (a hundred thousand and more) die than have the government perform what it was instituted to do.
You have to remember, Derv, that those people on those blogs are the fringe. The thinking conservatives left the GOP a long time ago. They're what's left of the hollowed-out Republican Party -- The Trumpublican Party, which has NOTHING to do with classic conservatism. They're the Tea Party on meth.
My cousin posted a meme on her Facebook page comparing the deaths due to coronavirus to "deaths" from abortion. She added that we need to "keep things in perspective". She also posted a meme that asserts "babies lives matter". Maybe she was referring to the problem in the US we have of police officers shooting unarmed babies?
I think trumpers are in denial about the 100k possible deaths (even though Dotard currently makes that prediction). At least Minus FJ must be. He still claims that the flu will kill more people this year. Maybe he thinks 34k (2018-19 flu season deaths) is a larger number than 100k?
Derv you might want to remind that cousin of the babies and children who were ripped away from their parents at the border and may never see them again. Also the babies/children who died in US custody.
The Trumpanzees are pushing that inane comparison to take people's attention away from Trump's incompetent handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ignore them. And Minus is one of them as well.
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