Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, March 23, 2020


Do NOT listen to Trump's pressers on Covid-19. 
He could get you killed!!

BREAKING NBC NEWS.COM A man died after ingesting a substance he thought would protect him from coronavirus 

The man and his wife thought the ingredient, used to treat sick fish, could prevent the disease.

 A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, one of the anti-malaria drugs that Trump has continually mentioned" 

The man's wife told NBC News that she'd watched TV briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. The couple decided to mix a small amount of the substance with a liquid and drink it.

Last week, Trump falsely stated the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus. 

Even after the FDA chief clarified that the drug still needs to be tested, Trump overstaed the drug’s potential upside in containing the virus. Dr. Daniel Brooks, medical director of Banner Poison and Drug Information Center, says the last thing health officials want is for emergency rooms to be swamped by patients who believe they found a vague and risky solution that could potentially jeopardize


Infidel753 said...

Chloroquine phosphate, which is what this person used, is a chemical used for cleaning fish tanks and not the same thing as the drug chloroquine which is currently being tested for possible use against covid-19, though it has the same active ingredient. Ingesting cleaning products of any kind is likely to be a bad idea.

Even is he'd had access to the actual drug, taking it under non-controlled conditions (without a doctor's direction as to the dosage, for example) would be potentially dangerous. And we won't know whether chloroquine is effective against covid-19 or not until the clinical trials now under way are completed. But it's important to get the facts straight.

The Doctor's Wife said...

You, and your insane writing in this POS that you call a blog are the most inflammatory, dangerous thing on the blogosphere.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To Saying...,

You've left comments at P.E. in Comment Moderation at other times, you were here yesterday saying no one cares about what I write here -- words to that effect.

Why are you here again if you don't care? You obviously DO care and are obsessed with what I write on my own blog. No one forces you to come here. You need to examine why you continue to do so, because your constant visits here shows me and others that you are not healthy in the head.

Also you have a real problem in reading comprehension. What I posted today, for example, is a report from an news outlet in Arizona. I comment on news reports written by other outlets and journalists. I'm not surprised you don't understand that simple fact.

Calling my blog "the most inflammatory, dangerous thing on the blogsphere" is not just absurd, but it's on the nutty side. There are approximately 6 or 7 MILLION blogs in the blogsphere. I'm guessing you haven't read them all. Ammirite? If you have, you need to get a life and find a hobby other than coming here and deliberately getting your self worked up in a lather of rage.

Calm down, get a grip on your emotions and rage and sew some face masks for medical workers, for example, or find a book online that explains compulsive behavior that does nothing but enrages people with too much time on their hands.

Stay safe and try to be a decent human being. It's healthier than what you're doing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Infidel753, Yes. Trump's irresponsible comments on a drug that's not approved by the FDA led the Arizona man's death. He doesn't know enough to hold his tongue in matters such as this. That makes him dangerous because he doesn't get the facts straight before he makes statements on therapies for the Covid-19.

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, If you look at the last couple of days you will see that the very drugs said might have promise are going into clinical trials because they may be effective. Trump is more cheerleader than doomsayer but he is taking actions that no other president in history has taken. The man that dies in Arizona has lingering health issues which seems to be a pattern. Did the saint make announcements to stay home in 2009 and how many people died. Granted this is in it's early stage and the actions taken are harsh but will probably be effective.

Now we have your party saying this is the time we can reshape America into what we want it to be. We will hold up a bill to aid workers, companies and investors. We will hold the American people hostage so we can get more money for solar, make the airlines lower their carbon footprint and give more power to unions. That is not in the best interest for the American people and it is politics at its worst.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "Trump is more cheerleader than doomsayer but he is taking actions that no other president in history has taken."

We don't need a "cheerleader" yelling about unproved remedies during a pandemic. We need a president who is sober, who understands the risks involved in promoting an unproved remedy, and a president who listens to the experts, not the voices in his head.

Your obsession with whaat President Obama did 11 years ago is unhealthy. President Obama knew enough to heed the health experts and did what was best for Americans, unlike the present maniac now who talks about vaccines that don't exist.

Now trump tells the American people that he'll be in charge of distributing the billions and billions of taxpayers' dollars. That's from a guy who's a liar, a cheat, and a fraud.

The Democrats were holding out so that people like YOU get your fair share of the funding package instead of the multi-billion dollar companies, y'know like billionaires who own hotels and golf clubs.

How you keep defending the Liar-in-Chief and believing a pathological liar like trump is an astonishment to me.

Shaw Kenawe said...

BTW, skud. You deliberately fail to mention that during the ebola crisis, NOT ONE AMERICAN who contracted the disease in the US DIED. 2 nurses got the virus and recovered.

The ebola virus was a deadly outbreak.


During that time we had a POTUS who actually knew what the hell he was doing.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... Saying is probably running short on his meds...

skudrunner said...

Ebola was a very contained virus where the mediavirus is not. The fact that the man in Arizona mixed fishbowl cleaner and died from it says a lot about the mentality of some people. That is like drinking antifreeze to keep from freezing.

You do realize that most people make a living working for corporations. We can deny assistance from corporations as you suggest and let the well run ones survive. No matter what the government does there will be businesses closing and high unemployment and with your plan it will be significant.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud, stop calling the Covid-19 the "mediavirus." That diminishes its lethality. You live in a rightwing bubble and apparently like to repeat what you read and hear there.

I read and listen to epidemiologists, infectious disease doctors, and people who are writing about this pandemic who are experts on what this is about. I do not listen to Obama bashers. They have nothing to add to these discussions except more anger and misinformation, even lies.

I wish you would stop putting words in my mouth. I never suggested corporations get no help. I only hope that the billionaires who run them should make sure their workers, who do not make millions in salary and stock options, are taken care of before they stick their fingers in the cookie jar of government bailout, and that includes the billionaire Liar-in-Chief.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, "Saying..." is an escapee from WYD blog. For reasons I am unable to understand, Lisa's commenters come here every day and leave stupid, and sometimes sexually menacing comments, which I delete.

There's something desperately wrong with people like "Saying..." who copy and paste my comments at that blog and even lie about what I've written here -- according to R.C.

I don't comment there or at any of those toxic blogs. I truly believe they're suffering from brain-eating syndrome and they can't help themselves. A week or so ago, Franco/Free held a "Bash Shaw" festival at his blog, pretending to defend me, but his motives were nakedly exposed for what he is and what his followers are.

Sick and mentally compromised.

That's all I'll say. And count on this: Some nitwit will copy and paste it into that forum.

Poor devils. This comes to mind about them whenever one of them visits here with their lewd and menacing comments:

They obviously lead lives that are "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

Shaw Kenawe said...

This could help skudrunner understand my comments on corporations:

“Start with the airlines. Rather than using their profits from the past five years to pay off debts and save for a rainy day, the big four — American, United, Delta and Southwest — instead grew their combined liabilities to $166 billion, all while spending $39 billion on share repurchases. That number, which is only from the big four, is almost 80% of what they’re asking for now from U.S. taxpayers. Similarly, the three largest Cruise companies — Carnival, Norwegian, and Royal Caribbean — have liabilities of $47.5 billion and engaged in share repurchases of $8 billion.

Had these companies paid down liabilities instead of using stock repurchases to bid up their stock prices, they would have been far better prepared to weather this emergency. Of course, higher share prices made their stock options more valuable. This allowed top airlines executives to pay themselves $666 million in compensation over the five-year period. The top cruise executives managed to haul in $448 million. Now, taxpayers are unwillingly being called upon to bail out their profligate behavior.”

The Doctor's Wife said...

That is not going to hold any water when it comes to help our Fellow Americans who desperately need help, and Nancy And Her I’ll won’t give it to them unless they FUND ABORTIONS, etc.

Shaw Kenawe said...


That is a lie. If you want to continue to be published here, don't pass on lies.


A viral Facebook post falsely claims that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “wouldn’t release 8.5 billion for Coronavirus without abortion funding.” A House bill providing $8.3 billion in relief was already signed into law. The “abortion funding” claim is a distortion of a separate debate over a different bill.

The Doctor's Wife said...

46 AM
Written by Steven Ertelt
Published in The Hill

For the second time in as many weeks, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is attempting to exploit the coronavirus crisis to push her abortion agenda on the American people.

During the development of the first stimulus bill to tackle the coronavirus situation, White House officials caught Pelosi trying to force Americans to fund abortions because she put funding in the bill under a section of HHS where the provisions of the Hyde Amendment would not apply.

Now, Pelosi is trying to include funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion company in the bill to provide economic relief for small businesses, even though Planned Parenthood is a profitable abortion corporation that technically is a nonprofit.

Click here to subscribe to The Hill

As The Hill reports, Pelosi wanted to include Planned Parenthood in the mix with small businesses so it could get taxpayer dollars over the objections of pro-life Americans:

The Doctor's Wife said...

Would you l to retract your comment that accused me of Lying?

Shaw Kenawe said...

To Saying...

That. Is. A. Lie. I don't care where you got it from. IT. IS. A. LIE. Steven Ertelt publishes "Life News."

PolitiFact: "This is false. There’s no evidence that Pelosi was sneaking any funding toward abortion services in the bill.

A March 12 story by anti-abortion website "Life News" makes the claim. Its headline says: "Speaker Nancy Pelosi Caught Trying to Include Abortion Funding in Bill to Combat Coronavirus." We saw many other examples of the same basic headline.

The story was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.

It cites a report by the Daily Caller, which also makes the claim and cites multiple unnamed "senior White House officials." It says:

"Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for ‘several’ provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment."

The Hyde Amendment, which was enacted in 1997, is a budgetary rider that prohibits the federal government from covering the costs of abortions except in very rare cases. The issue was that the bill’s original draft didn’t explicitly include Hyde Amendment language that would make sure that reimbursement of laboratory claims couldn’t apply to abortion services.

The concern raised in the Daily Caller story was that the lack of language would create a loophole that abortion service providers could try to use in the future to get reimbursed with federal funds.

That’s certainly more hypothetical than the matter-of-fact headline, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi Caught Trying to Include Abortion Funding in Bill to Combat Coronavirus."

House Democrats submitted a "manager’s amendment" on March 12 that says reimbursement funds could only be used for COVID-19 related costs.

"Claims reimbursed under this section would be limited to those for uninsured individuals not eligible for other COVID-19 testing and services assistance included in the bill," a summary of the amendment says.

Our ruling
A website claims Pelosi was "caught trying to include abortion funding" in the bill.

This is inaccurate. A section in the bill seeks to reimburse insurers for COVID-19 related laboratory claims. Concerns were raised that the bill’s language could inadvertently open up federal funds for abortion services, but it’s unclear exactly how. No draft of the legislation had funding for abortion in it.

We rate this claim False.

To "Saying..." You will not get published here if you spread that lie here again.

Dave Miller said...

The skinny on Life News...

From Media Bias Fact which is also critical of far left "news" sites...

"... primarily reports on anti-abortion news with the use of loaded language such as this: Bishop Slams Andrew Cuomo for Signing Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth: You’re No Catholic. Sourcing for this article comes from the factually mixed Daily Caller. also covers political news with a strong right wing bias such as this: Seven Times the Liberal Media Swooned Over Their Liberal Heroes This Year. This story is also poorly sourced to the factually mixed NewsBusters.

In general, all stories on favors a far right Christian perspective and routinely denigrate liberal ideology.

A factual search several failed fact checks. LifeNews has also been accused of fabricating news."

Shaw Kenawe said...

To "Saying..."

I said that what you posted was a lie. You found it on some far right website, and THAT website published A LIE.

But I just had to delete another one of your comments that contains more of Mr. Ertelt's lies.

Also, see Dave Miller's comment above. It's not just me who is calling that information false.

The Doctor's Wife said...

Well maybe what you read is a Lie, and please don’t use Dave Miller as the Gospel, he only knows what he reads!

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, I happen to agree with you about not bailing out large corporations. Boeing has been their worst enemy and should be held accountable for the fraud that promoted. Change the way a aircraft is flown and do not inform those flying them because of the cost of retraining. Auto companies keep building monuments to themselves and need to run their business as a business and if not sell them to a foreign owned automaker. Pharma has ripped off the American consumer for decades and hospitals are nothing but means to produce cash and places to build monuments to themselves. They have to use donations to build marble lobbies and fountains instead of paying nurses and providing for their community.

Will that mean a significant number of companies will close, yes but if they run their businesses correctly they will prosper and there will be fewer competitors.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Saying...wrote: "Well maybe what you read is a Lie,"

Yes. I read what you posted, and that information is a lie.

Saying...wrote: "and please don’t use Dave Miller as the Gospel,"

I believe Dave. He's not an idealogue.

Saying... wrote: "he only knows what he reads!"

And you posted what you read from "Life News." How else would you have known that false information?