Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

When we need a real leader, Trump fails.

His narcissism is a grave danger to our health.

The coronavirus is no longer just a slow-moving public health crisis that may soon turn into a rapid-moving one. It’s a crisis of transparency. It’s a crisis of government legitimacy. So it is in this spirit that we all have to say: enough. Whose side is the Trump administration on? Based on every public appearance we’ve seen so far — whether it’s from a cabinet member or the director of the Centers for Disease Control or the president himself — the answer is clear: not the public’s. President Trump, hellbent on re-election, is focused on massaging numbers and silencing bearers of bad news. That’s what autocrats do. And it’s endangering lives. 

 On Saturday, The Associated Press reported that Trump overruled his own health officials, who wanted to warn older Americans and the fragile against flying on commercial airlines. Our storied C.D.C., now annexed by politicians, continues to insist that only the most floridly symptomatic patients be tested for the virus. Even that remains a challenge: Last week, it refused to test an ailing nurse in Northern California who’d treated a positive patient, prompting the head of National Nurses United to read her story aloud at a news conference. 

 At a Friday news conference at the C.D.C., Trump told reporters that tests for the coronavirus were now available to anyone who needed one. Yet just afterward, we heard from governor after governor and doctor after doctor that this is categorically untrue, with states in dire need of more tests. “We have no local testing available,” Dr. Walter Mills, president of the California Academy of Family Physicians, told The San Jose Mercury News. 



R.D. said...

No one's surprised to know how incompetent Trump is during this health crisis. Trump has announced financial aid to hotels that have suffered financial downturns during this crisis.

Trump owns hotels. He's self-dealing again, looking after his financial well-being not the American people's health.

Dave Miller said...

RD... President Trump is not only incompetent on the current health crises, he's also out of his league regarding the Taliban.

Cutting back troops before the Taliban meets their obligations, releasing over 5000 terrorists directly into Afghanistan, kneecapping Afghani leaders and negotiating with terrorists.

It seems like just the other day the GOP decried candidate Obama even considering meetings with our enemies, said we never negotiated with terrorists, and called the Dems un American surrender monkeys for thinking about releasing 9/11 terrorists after 15 years at GITMO.

This whole bunch is totally bereft of a consistent policy statement, truth and transparency on any level.

100% incompetent.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Frequent comment here at P.E., skudrunner, never misses a chance to sarcastically call President Obama, who set up a rapid response team for future pandemics, the "swell guy." A majority of Americans wish that Swell Guy Barack Obama were president instead of the guy who, during a presser about a global health emergency at the CDC last Friday asked a reporter for Fox News how the ratings were for his last town hall, while wearing a campaign hat that said "Keep America Great." Skud says nothing about that egregious stupidity from the so-called POTUS. Not a word, but he continues to throw shade at the president who cared enough about the American people to set up an agency to respond to EXACTLY what is happening during a global pandemic!

Reported in the Washington Post in May 2018: The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton. The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, on what you wrote above:

It all makes sense when you view the current GOP as a cult. Cultists don't care about whether or not they're consistent on policy or on what they criticized previous Democratic administrations for. Their only focus is the cult leader. And that's Trump. The more he's criticized and exposed as a fraud, the stronger their support.

This isn't, of course, the first time this has happened to a country. We're just stunned to see it happen here.

Anonymous said...

This is from David Von Drehle at the Washington Post:

"“In an effort to cope” with covid-19, “Italy is graduating nurses early and calling medical workers out of retirement,” reporter Loveday Morris wrote in The Post. “Hospitals in the hardest-hit regions are delaying nonessential surgeries and scrambling to add 50 percent more intensive-care beds. ‘This is the worst scenario I’ve seen,’ said Angelo Pan, the head of the infectious-disease unit at the hospital in Cremona.” On Monday, that scenario moved the Italian government to take the astonishing step of shutting down the entire country.

Think about that for a moment. According to the World Health Organization, Italy had three confirmed covid-19 cases three weeks ago. Yes, three — as in, the number of contestants on “Jeopardy!” Now the entire nation of some 60 million people is essentially quarantined, at an untold cost to the economy of a highly developed nation.

That kind of decision is not made in response to overheated media.

As Pan’s remark suggests, a disease does not have to be the worst ever seen to produce a scenario that is the worst ever seen. It only needs to pose additional burdens on health-care resources beyond the capacity of those resources."


Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank you for that, Possumlady. I can't get WaPo articles because they're behind a paywall.

We haven't begun to see the spread of the Covid-19 virus here in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

For Those That Didn't Quite Get It:
Your President Trump, Stable Genius he, disbanded the very agency
that was created for precisely these types of emergencies.

Let me say that again:
We WERE prepared for a pandemic/epidemic until Trump was elected,
and he DID AWAY with the very organization that WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES.
I don't blame Donald Trump for any of this. None. You know why?
Because Donald Trump was honest in at least One Thing: He showed ALL of
America exactly Who He Was.

And a large number of Americans elected him over a skilled, professional woman,
Hillary Clinton. As was said in a popular science-fiction movie,
"You will pay the price for your lack of vision.."

IF you voted for Trump, This is YOURS. ALL OF IT: death, suffering, and widespread
disease. You voted for it, and now, you have it. Your stupidity and willful ignorance
will cost the lives of many Americans. And, in the poetic justice dept., it will cost
YOUR lives, and of those of your family, and others who are going to pay the price
for your idiotic stupidity. THIS IS YOURS.

Harsh? Shouldn't we all pull together in a time of crisis? One America, and all that?

Let's stick to facts.

President Obama led the nation thru the H1N1 flu.
There are some who remember that, and now say that the coronavirus isn't even
as bad as that H1N1. They are correct, except for two things:
1.__When H1N1 hit, there was in office a skilled, wise man as President, with a
skilled and experienced agency of solid professionals who had trained and
prepared and stockpiled for just such an event.
The painful thing is, we WERE ready, until the agencies whose job it is
to respond to these types of events, had their funding severely cut,
and the skilled professionals were let go.

We went from "Prepared" to "Completely Without a Clue".

THAT'S the DIFFERENCE. We are not prepared, and, as a result, a large
number of people are going to die, and yes, from something that isn't even
as bad as the H1N1. In a situation like this, stupidity, ignorance, and outright
being unprepared costs lives. Period.

2.__ There was a vaccine for H1N1. There is no preventative vaccine for this
virus. And we aren't prepared (see above) to respond to a challenge like this.

One more thing: The poorer Southern States...when this thing hits, those
states that DIDN'T WANT OBAMACARE, and Trump allowed the shadow-fake
health plans that are cheap, but dont really cover anything? The poor
trailer-park are slated to learn a hard, bitter lesson, as they try to use
the fake health plans, and discover that...They're useless..

And also: We are seeing an example of just WHY people should have
health care...because of situations like these.

Object lesson: If you wait
to ONLY get health care when you need it, it may be too late...and the other

Hard Lesson: Viruses are not Democratic nor Republican. They cross all lines,
so that the clear lesson is: If someone is sick, they should get health care,
because one sick person can infect other healthy people, and repeat this X 1000..

....another wise man wrote that poor people, who can't afford to hunker down
and separate themselves, will go to work, and work while sick, because
THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE...and by going to work, and working while sick,
they spread their infection....and we call all look forwards to the coronavirus
being spread in the same sick people, working while sick, because
they can't afford time off to get well...

Ray said...

Dr Anthony Fauci - "The Corona virus is 10 times more deadly than the flu." So when Trump tells u it is not a big deal, he is f***ing lying.