Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, November 14, 2020


 How America and the world will remember Donald J. Trump:


The Conservative's Revenge said...

Put this in your pipe and smoke it!
Despite what the establishment media and Democratic Party might be saying, Joe Biden has not won the 2020 presidential election.

While many on the left would likely scoff at that statement, one poll revealed more than half of registered voters polled believed Biden was not the legitimate winner of the presidency.

Les Carpenter said...

Much too kind.

Shaw Kenawe said...


A poll doesn’t decide the winner of presidential elections, electoral votes do.

Biden won with 306 electoral votes, the same amount Trump won in 2016.

Smarter trolls please.

Les Carpenter said...

But, but, but... MAGATURD Dotard donnie and his sycophants and cultists live the that alternative univere known as Trumplandia. An alternate reality in which Dd is the Lord and Savior of all things delusional.

Dave Miller said...

Malcontent, please mark your calendar if you are brave enough. It would be nice to see you eating crow come December 13th.

That's the day the Electoral College will certify the US Election of Joe Biden as President-Elect of the United States of America. That's the day when America will officially say to President Trump, no! There was no fraud. Just as his own Department of Homeland Security said this week, just as judges across the country said this week, just as every single Secretary of State in the land said this week and just as his lawyers admitted in court this week.

There was no fraud. President Trump lost. Fair and square. Whether you or your myriad minions accept that, matters not. Facts are facts and they do not depend on people accepting them. They are inherently true, verifiable and accurate.

Something you and many other extremist conservatives, who used to embrace truth, honor and family values in a president, simply for some reason, cannot understand.

Les Carpenter said...

This nation IS at peril. 72+ million plus voted for Dd. 80 percent of those folks believe the election was rigged and stolen from them. When 57 or 58 million people believe a lying power hungry wanabe tyrant and start takng to the streets in protests supporting the conspiracy theory we ARE at peril. Dd and his sycophants in the congress, senate, and the illegitimate conspiracy theorists in rightwing media are throwing gas on the growing flames and encouraging continued division and unrest.

Brace for violence. Believing a coup attempt being staged by these delusional people is NOT outside the realm of possibily. Dd learned well from his study of Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Patricia said...

My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

If by any means Biden should be certified as being the President, snd may I add that he shouldn’t, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?

Shaw Kenawe said...

To "Patricia:"

This appears to be something that was copied, cut, and pasted from a far right blog because the last two sentences are the giveaway.

This "Patricia" obviously doesn't read my blog. Otherwise "Patricia" wouldn't ask that question.

But it's interesting to read what lies the far right bloggers are telling each other.

And it's disheartening to read about the deluded world they continue to live in.