Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, November 23, 2020

When will President Lame Duck L'Orange end his assault on American democracy?


GSA offers to brief lawmakers on Biden transition next week; Emily Murphy won’t host

That so many people were blind to this demented narcissist when he put his ego-centric childishness on display daily throughout the 2016 campaign, is testament to how deeply bigotry and paranoia exists in many Americans, and how easily a charlatan can appeal to their hatred and fears. 

Even after four years of daily lies, rantings, personal vendettas and abject incompetence, 70 million refused to confront the damage he has wrought on our great nation. Like a pied piper, he played their tune of self-martyrdom and blame of others. It demonstrates how easily fascism can spread within an ignorant society -- even one that is considered free and advanced. 

There is no dealing with Trump, and his base, and bringing some sense of sanity to our government without full transparency and open examination of the crimes and misdemeanors of Trump's administration. 

This must include how Jared got financing from Qatar, Elliot Broidy selling influence, Bill Barr corrupting Justice, why Trump did not use a secure phone, the accounting for all his self-dealing with his hotels and golf courses (why hasn't there been a simple story about how much money would have been saved and spent on say, vaccine research, mask distribution, VA Health care, border control, etc., if Trump had played golf at Camp David? 

Trump must be exposed to light, it's the thing he's feared his entire life. He's a fraud, has been a fraud, and will continue to be a fraud without a total reckoning with our country.


Washington Post:

 “ 'President Trump’s refusal to permit the presidential transition poses significant risks to our national security, at a time when the U.S. confronts a global pandemic and faces serious threats from global adversaries, terrorist groups, and other forces,' said a statement signed by more than 100 GOP luminaries. 

The signers included Ridge, the former Pennsylvania governor who served as homeland security secretary under President George W. Bush, former CIA director Michael Hayden and John D. Negroponte, who served as director of national intelligence.

The message called on “Republican leaders — especially those in Congress — to publicly demand that President Trump cease his anti-democratic assault on the integrity of the presidential election.” --WaPo


Dave Miller said...

Of course the Trumpistas will not care about the following facts...

On the day after the elections, Candidate Hillary Clinton called President Trump, even as vote counting continued, and conceded.

President Obama welcomed both Trump, Pence and their wives a few days after, pledging a smooth transition, even though their "team" was defeated in a vet close election.

The Obama administration went out of their way during the weeks between the election and Jan 20, 2016, to ensure a smooth transition.

But in the world of Trumpista lore, none of that happened.

Now, being fair, Congress did hold a number of Bi-Partisan hearings to determine Russian involvement in the 2016 election. Both the House Committee, led by Dems, and the Senate Committee, led by the GOP, found that in fact, there was Russian influence in our electoral process.

And with that, Trump and his followers determined that he never had a chance to enact his agenda, because the Dems chose not to work with him.

Lost in all of that was another fact, for 2 years the GOP controlled the House, Senate and White House. They had time, passed no major legislation, save for a tax break for millionaires and basically issued a series of Executive Actions.

President Trump lost. Pure and simple. His Administration said so in calling the 2020 election the cleanest in American history. His lawyers have lost or withdrawn over 30 lawsuits challenging the election results and trying to disenfranchise millions of American voters. Judges have thrown them out of court for lack of seriousness and lack of evidence.

It is past time for the transition to begin, for President Trump to give access to government to President Elect Joe Biden and for Trump, unless he is a traitor, to do all he can to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power to the winner of the 2020 election.

Anything else is further evidence of his narcissism.

Les Carpenter said...

Unfortunately it is very unlikely djt or any of his accomplices will ever face justice for their abject corruption. The system will however likely find a way to reward them.

Repairing the damage the Giant Orange Turd and his lackeys have inflicted our once great nation with will NOT be easy and it WILL likely take years. If ever.

Republican Karen said...

Look, I don’t believe he lost….Honestly, I believe he probably won and that it was close….just not enough to be able to overcome the fraud.

I heard the Dominion CEO say how “non partison people were the vote counters” and then I knew something was up. HOW THE HELL DOES HE KNOW that 50 Black folks in Detroit (you saw it on TV, not just me) ALL BLACK, were NON PARTISAN? SINCE FRIGGIN” WHEN?????
And something clicked in me “He’s BSing SO big time…’s HE know they’re NO PARTISAN? Did they fill out a form and checked NON PARTISAN?” Of course not. Why did he say that?
To cover their tracks.

As I said just above your comment, KID…I am angry at Powell because she, and others, got our hopes up, but she sank LOW today…..and my friend thinks it’s a PLOY. And I’m counting on that to be true.

I WANT TRUMP TO WIN in spite of the fact our cities will be nearly destroyed if it happens. I want the LEFT IN JAIL, I WANT THE WORLD HATERS TO SAY “OH S*IT, HE’S B ACK” and I want Joe Biden in a home.


Les Carpenter said...

With all the respect you deserve... STFU trumtard.

Ducky's here said...

Republican Karen, it isn't nice to copy/paste the Queen Bee's post.
Leave it on the mothership where it belongs.

They're still holding out for a tRump win.

Ducky's here said...

Powell - too crazy for Ghouliani.

Wrap your mind around that.

Dave Miller said...

Rep Karen... a nice cut and paste from the Captain of the HMS Mothership...

My favorite part is the "non racist" part about the "BLACKS."

Is it any wonder the GOP struggles with minorities with supporters like that?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I figured "Karen" was a copy and paste but thought I'd leave it up because it's a good insight into the Trumpian mind.

Right wingers are always telling us "libtards" that we shouldn't assume ALL AFRICAN-AMERICANS are politically the same, that there are some who "leave the plantation." And here's this "Karen" laughing at the possibility that ALL 50 AFRICAN-AMERICANS in "Detroit are "non-partisan." Because she's sure they couldn't be because all"Black Americans" must be partisan Democrats! Her racism is nakedly there for everyone to see.

Also, Trump has done his job well. She's sure the election was "close" and Biden won only because of fraud. Like the good little sheeple she is, she repeats what her cult leader has been feeding her and her followers since 2016: "The election is rigged and fraudulent ONLY IF TRUMP LOSES! The votes were extremely close in Michigan, Wisconsin and Penn. in 2016, but Trump won those states and never hinted at fraud or the vote having been rigged.

What can be done when 70 million Trump supporters are so easily duped by this conman?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above comment was directed at RN, Dave, and Ducky

I'm working with my brand new H/P Pavilion laptop I purchased Sunday.

My old laptop died after 7 years. I got a great deal on this one. The transfer of all the data from the old H/P was completed in less than a day by the Best Buy Geek Squad. I brought the new one home last night, set it and the new wireless H/P printer/copier/scanner/fax up using my smartphone and my 12 year old grandson didn't have to help me (he couldn't anyway, he lives in New York!)

All of that took less than an hour -- unboxing, unwrapping, reading the instructions, connecting to the internet, and setting up!


Dave Miller said...

Shaw... speaking of progress, here's what was announced yesterday... the official transition web site. With a dot gov designation as reality sinks in to the White House.

Build Back Better Dot Gov!

Anonymous said...

Can we all take a moment this week to give thanks that Stephen Miller will no longer be able to torture Americans any longer.He can't separate children from their parents. He can't turn immigrants into science experiments. And his white power symbol won't be on display any longer

Shaw Kenawe said...


Trump's finally indirectly conceded! Thanks for the link!


Yes and at the same time we should also give thanks that Pence, Kudlow, Mnuchin, Atlas, Jared and Ivanka, Pompeo, Barr, Meadows, Carson, DeVos, and McEnany will all be gone as well!

Dave Miller said...

Anon... don't count the civility chickens before they're hatched.

The Trump Admin is moving fast and furiously to hamstring the Biden Admin's ability to change executive orders and governmental regulations quickly. They want to cement as their legacy policies of hate, division and cruelty in a way that the government will have to backtrack, study and work years to undo.

And they are having success.

The Afghan withdrawal is a great example. Whether one agrees with the policy or not, understand what is happening. The admin has decided on a path forward they want to take, regardless of President Elect Biden's wishes. So they withdraw the troops. Once they are out, you can't just send them back. The system doesn't work like that.

The same will be true for a host of domestic issues, like "border security" and immigration.

Making America Great Again... yessir.

Shaw Kenawe said...

History will remember Trump as a one-term impeached president who TWICE lost the popular vote and who failed dismally to manage the nation’s response to a global pandemic that killed >250,000 Americans in 9 months. Ouch!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, Trump is a vengeful sore loser. All one has to do is either read his ghost-written book, The Art of the Deal or listen to his words. When he gets punched, he punches back and harder. Just recently, didn't he fire a top election official who contradicted Trump's lie about "election fraud" and election "rigging?" The election official, Krebs, I think, said the vote was the "most secure" in US history. And BOOM! Trump threw him out.

That's just one example of Trump booting anyone from his administration who dares to contradict his lies. He turns on anyone who doesn't kiss his prodigious posterior and kicks them to the curb like a dog. Trump has no allegiance to anyone but himself, and possibly his daughter.

Luckily, we have a team of seasoned Washington people who know the ins and outs of government and how to deal with a scoundrel like Trump.

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of an old western movie called "The Magnificent Seven", and specifically,
that sequence where James Coburn plays the knife fighter at a railhead. He was competing
with a man who thought his gun draw was faster than Coburn's character knife draw/throw.
When Coburn's character tells him, "You lost", the idiot wants to do the competition for real,
and ends up with a knife in the heart.

And such it is with Trump cultists, all the way up until Reality plants the knife firmly
in their heart, and as their pathetic life ebbs away....
They'll NEVER accept
reality, even if it kills them.....

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous Good analogy!