Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, November 9, 2020



because the trump cultists are all over social media trying to give trump credit.

Never forget that the trump administration  lied, lied, and lied again. 

Trump lied to the American people about the pandemic, knowing how lethal it was (it's on the Woodward tapes!). 

Trump is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. 

Covid is his biggest and most devasting FAILURE! Now he and his minions are trying to take credit for something they had no hand in!

Don't believe the Trump lies. Believe Pfizer!



Dervish Z Sanders said...

From the GeeeZ blog...

Bob says: President Trump did a great job with the virus pandemic given the horrible advice from Drs Fauci and Redfield of the CDC.

geeez2014 says: I, too, believe NO PRESIDENT COULD HAVE HANDLED IT BETTER.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Lockhart on Twitter:

We all need to stop wasting energy on what Trump is doing or saying, whether he's fighting or conceding. What his mood is today and who he's listening to. He lost, he's history. Let's focus all our energy in turning around the country and not waste another thought on Trump.

The world has already moved on, leaders have congratulated President-elect Biden, even some Republicans (President GWBush, Senators Romney and Murkowski).

Only the malignant narcissist Trump is still having a tantrum. He's going to have more rallies to stir up his mobs and cause trouble.

Trump feared the label "LOSER" all his life, and used it against his enemies.

Now he's one!

Ray said...

Shaw, here are the people on AOW's blog, y'know the "Xtians" who love Jesus:

"Until the intermittent moron, quid-pro-Joe, mysteriously disappears from the White House and the Marxist concubine wiggles her seditious butt into the power position, just remember – you own it.

And when Sundowner Joe is in ICU at Walter Reed after a massive cerebral artery clog and Horizontal Harris begins issuing EOs in end-runs around the Senate, just remember – you own it."

The person who wrote that probably is a fine Xtian white guy who secretly has a "thing" for Kamala. Read his words and understand why he'd write something as sordid and pornographic about her as he did. If he's married, I feel sorry for his wife.

They're really taking this defeat hard. *snort*

Shaw Kenawe said...

Derv: Bob says: President Trump did a great job with the virus pandemic given the horrible advice from Drs Fauci and Redfield of the CDC.

Yeah. Trump took advice from the My Pillow guy and ignored the world's expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci! And Dr. Redfield.

Yeah. That's what really intelligent people do. LOL!

Seriously, THEY'RE IN A CULT! DAMMIT! That's how cultists behave! They believe their leader is unassailable in EVERYTHING, even in areas where he has no freaking knowledge. So long as the cult leader says it's true, that's good enough for his/her cultists.

There's no rationality behind it.

Just read that again! Trump is smarter on the pandemic than the certified world-renowned experts! Anywhere else on the planet, if one heard or read that from anyone, we'd back away and make sure all sharp objects were removed from that person's surroundings. It's that insane!

Anonymous said...

Every news broadcast including Fox should repeat the 60 Minutes piece on election integrity that was aired last night. Especially the interview with the head of the election counting in PA (who happens to be a Republican). There was not one thing different from this election than previous elections, including having both Democrats and Republican observers. The trump campaign insisted they should also be included to watch and PA acquiesced by letting them observe from 6 feet away as opposed to 10 feet away. Since the campaign watchers were not officials, PA officials were not going to let them get close to the ballots (thank God).

It is so insane, but what else is new. My local animal shelter put up a Facebook post yesterday congratulating the Bidens who were going to be bringing in the first rescued dog into the White House. While the vast majority of responses were positive (around 130), there were a handful of angry people complaining that the rescue should not become political. One person was very respectful but said that media doesn't pick the winner and it was reckless to congratulate the winner before they were certified. I responded if she was spouting the same line four years ago when every one was congratulating trump as president elect before he was certified in January of 2017. I've not gotten a response yet...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Derv This is a description of a cult, and it fits the Trumpers (especially those bloggers you and Ray read and posted here:>"Whether or not a cult is destructive is determined by the morality of the cult leader and the nature of the leader's charismatic dream," said Dr. Cath.

A Cult Defined

Dr. Cath defined a cult as a group of people joined together by a common ideological system fostered by a charismatic leader, where, he said, ''the expectation is that they can transcend the imperfections and finitude of life.''

He said: ''Often they set up a we-they philosophy: We have the truth and you do not.''

This defines, IMO, Trump cultists. No matter what type of evidence you put in front of them, they refuse to see how it applies to their cult leader (Trump). We, who are not in the cult, see how incompetently Trump handled the pandemic here in the US.

The NUMBER of DEATHS are evidence of this. Other western countries have not suffered the number of infections and deaths we have!

Yet, you have the Trump cultists actually believing no one could have done better. They ignore Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and others. Because those successes do not fit their narrative of the almight, all-knowing, unassailable cult leader, Trump.

They're to be pitied. They're not aware of how duped they've been by the malignant narcissist, Trump!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Possumlady: "One person was very respectful but said that media doesn't pick the winner and it was reckless to congratulate the winner before they were certified. I responded if she was spouting the same line four years ago when every one was congratulating trump as president elect before he was certified in January of 2017."

I got the same reaction on a blog as well. The sad truth is that Trumpers don't pay attention to these sorts of things unless it affects THEM! They didn't notice 4 years ago that the election WAS CALLED for Trump before it was certified. And they also didn't seem to mind the fact that Trump is a and makes stuff up to bamboozle them. They've completely forgotten his (and his 3rd wife's) birtherism. He told America that his "people" were finding "amazing things" in Hawaii about President Obama's birth certificate.

Trump had no "people" investigating in Hawaii. And no "amazing things" were ever found.

Trump will not be able to bullshit his way to another term.

Bye DON!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Also this:

Joe Lockhart: "It's not an accident or coincidence that a large number of people around Trump have been infected with the virus but not those around Joe Biden. I hope America is paying attention."

Les Carpenter said...

Give em hell Shaw! It is my belief that as the nation continues its evolution to a better more just society fewer and fewer folks will give this group of complete incompetents, liars, cheats, and racists even so much as a moments worth of their consideration.

BTW, trump is not going to go away. He is already telling staff he is thinking about 2024. So, I for one plan to keep reminding folks of his egregious failures.

If the numbskull would just go away gracefully like most normal people do when they lose bigly everyone would simply forget him and get on with it. But it looks like this cancer called trump and Trumpism isn't going away quietly. WE must gird ourselves for more reminding and fighting should it become necessary.

Les Carpenter said...

Miscow Mitch the Bitch McConnell is all in with trump's ballot fraud canard. While there is absolutely zero evidence of voter (ballot) fraud there is evidence of republican voter supression efforts. That is WHAT they should be working to eliminate.

skudrunner said...

PL, "There was not one thing different from this election than previous elections"
You really believe that. When was the last election where millions of unsolicited ballots were sent out. I know you are partisan but even you cannot believe your statement.

We need to come together as a nation and give harris/biden the same respect the democrats gave trump/pierce.

Anonymous said...

Skud, I know YOU are partisan, but even YOU cannot believe your statement on “unsolicited ballots”, but I guess you MUST parrot herr trump in all things...

From Reuters: Voting by mail has a long history of reliability in the United States, serving as the primary method of voting in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii, which automatically send registered voters mail-in ballots. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, California, Nevada, New Jersey, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. have introduced the same procedure for the 2020 vote ( here ) . Measures to counter voter fraud include hand-marked paper ballots, signature verification, examining and processing ballots ahead of election day to allow for more verification time, up-to-date address information, security cameras during storage, and many more (see Security Features of Voting by Absentee/Mailed Ballots section here ).

Further information on security measures to ensure ballot integrity can be found here .

Commissioner Hovland told Reuters these sort of unfounded claims “ignore the repeated calls of elections professionals, both Democrat and Republican, that say this is a safe, normal process with procedures in place to ensure the process upholds the integrity of an election.”

The Reuters Fact Check team has previously debunked several viral claims linking the use of mail-in ballots to voter fraud: here , here , and here .


Dave Miller said...

Folks, you lost focus and gave Skud his opening.

Skud, like a lot of partisan wing nuts simply will not deal directly with any specific issue raised by anyone.

Today we have the Vice President saying Pfizer, who came up with a reportedly very effective vaccine for the Coronavirus, was working as part of President Trump's Warp Speed project. Sadly, and most knew it was coming, the Pres of Pfizer said they have had nothing to do with Project Warp Speed.

Was Pence wrong, or lying. If he was lying, how bad was that? Another purposeful attempt by the Admin to deceive the American people. If he was simply wrong, or mistaken, as the head of the committee empowering Warp Speed, think about it... the Vice President, the titular head of the Warp Speed effort, doesn't know who is involved in it.

Do any of those scenarios bother people like Skud? Probably not because they seem to love lying and incompetence.

More likely is that Pfizer never threw their lot in with the Trump Admin so as not to sully the public view of the quality of their vaccine. After all, who wants to consort with a group of lying incompetent people who only care about themselves? I mean besides the current iteration of the GOP...

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Michael Cohen (on MSNBC) was asked if he thought Dotard would run again in 2024. He said NO, Dotard would be to busy with legal problems to run. God, I hope so. email received today: SHOULD TRUMP BE PROSECUTED FOR HIS CRIMES WHEN HE LEAVES OFFICE?. click link to answer YES.

Skud, there was nothing different re this election vs previous elections in regards to how the results are tallied and when a winner was declared. NOTHING at all different, yet the predisent and his boot lickers say the media is calling the election. FALSE. The media is looking at the results and stating the inevitable.

BTW, we SHOULD come together and give Biden/Harris the respect they have earned. SAME as Dotard/Albino were given the respect they earned.

skudrunner said...

Anon, if you read what I said it was unsolicited ballots. Yes absentee ballots have been used for decades and I have voted absentee but I had to request a ballot not just have one sent to me. Several rural areas have sent unsolicited ballots to people who are far from a place to vote. Somehow I find few places in cali, NJ, DC where voting would be unacceptable. NV possibly.

Rev, You missed part of the Pfizer story, they did not accept advance money but did participate in the warp speed program which included easier access to testing so your assumption is not correct. This program has taken a process that takes years to months which is impressive regardless who gets credit.

Derv, Trump should be held responsible for anything he did as a citizen not a president. Will that happen, I doubt it because politicians protect politicians because they may be in the hot seat some day. Either party has the right to question the results. It will do no good but they have the right to question and any one can sue any one for anything, the way our law works.

Derv, I do not support starting impeachment investigations the day after inauguration and harassing harris workers while they ate so I do not think we should treat harris/biden with the same respect trump got. We need to do better

Les Carpenter said...

Sorry skud, you're LYING
I read the full article and I just now went back and REREAD IT. Pfizer was not a part of Watp Speed. Yup, you're lying. Not at all suprising you being a trumper and all.

Anonymous said...

Skud, so did you suspect fraud in 2016 from all the “unsolicited” ballots mailed to registered voters in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii?
