Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Las Vegas police say suspect dead after reports of shooting with multiple victims on University of Nevada campus


Les Carpenter said...

Wait for it. More heart-felt prayers and... once again no positive action to mitigate the gun love insanity of Americans.

Will there be cooycats? Count on it. Conservatives and republicans will insure it.

Grey One talks sass said...

Les, for someone with more broken and bruised parts... well, distraction is a thing that works. I understand the pain you are walking through. I find purposeful breathing helps as when I hurt the most I discover I've been holding my breath, hoping that will help. It doesn't.

In watching the behavior of citizens here in town I can't help observe that the social contract is broken. Traffic laws are suggestions meaning I've watched more than one close call because someone decided they weren't going to obey the traffic light.

I guess bans only work for LGBTQA+ humans, abortion, and books. Weird innit how they don't work for firearms?

Again.. lots of thoughts.

Mike said...

And the Texas shooter. 6 dead.

Dave Miller said...

My niece works on the UNLV campus. She finally got out of lockdown and was able to get to her car at 5pm PST. But it took her another hour or so to navigate around all the police around the university.

In the meantime she spent hours in lockdown, wondering if she would ever see her daughter again.

I get thoughts and prayers. All of you know I'm a Jesus guy. SO let me say this...

All people have struggles. Christianity believes man has fallen and is in need of a savior. Now, just take that and set it on a nearby table.

The great majority of conservatives are somewhat rooted in Christianity. So they see man as fallen. They argue that only God can redeem man and with God, all the laws in the world won't matter. Because... refer back to "man has fallen."

But here's where it gets interesting...

Man in the US is fallen. Also China, Europe, Canada, Mexico and every other country.

So here's my question... if the reason for these events is that man has fallen and our only hope is God, why do these shootings take place at such as higher per capita rate in the US?

If all man is fallen, why does only the US suffer from mass shootings?

I'll wait for anyone to come up with an answer. Because only with an honest answer, can we begin to fashion a solution.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank goodness your niece survived another American tragedy and is safe.

(When my granddaughter was in high school in New York, she went through a lockdown because one of the students had brought a gun to school. I know that feeling of terror.)

As to your question, here's my answer:

America has the most firearms in circulation; America has the most mass murders and the highest firearm casualties. Firearms are the leading cause of deaths in American children.

Other countries have mentally ill citizens, poverty, inequality, poor education, etc.

No other country has the rates of mass shootings that this country has.

Its. The. Guns.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's the guns alright. Not enough of them. Lock downs? LOL! Hunting Season.

Shaw Kenawe said...


What an inane comment.

skudrunner said...

So the 45000 deaths by auto are the car's fault. Using your reason we should ban cars and of course ladders because 300 people are killed falling off them.

You have to pass a test to drive a car but not to own a gun or use a ladder. That would be he first thing that needs to be done but I doubt if it will decrease deaths by either one.

Les Carpenter said...

Y o u' r e a J o k e FJ.

You don't really believe half the stuff you write. Do you?

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud "So the 45000 deaths by auto are the car's fault."

"Gun Deaths Compared to Motor Vehicle Deaths

Gun deaths outpaced motor vehicle deaths in 34 states and the District of Columbia in 2020, the most recent year for which data is available.

That year, gun deaths (including gun suicide, homicide, and fatal unintentional shootings) outpaced motor vehicle deaths (both occupant and pedestrian) in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

In just over a decade, the number of states plus the District of Columbia where gun deaths exceed motor vehicle deaths has increased from just 13 in 2010 to 35 in 2020—a jump of 169 percent."


That argument about eliminating cars or ladders or anything that people misuse or have accidents with is nonsensical.

The purpose of a car is transportation. The purpose of a ladder is to get to something in an out-of-reach position. Neither one of those thing's -- car or ladder -- primary purpose is to kill.

The primary purpose of a gun is to kill. Period.

Joe Conservative said...

@Les... you REALLY don't think I'd rather not pull out my own .41, than hiding in a closet for 12 hours under a "lockdown" intended to keep police from accidentally shooting people for pulling cell-phones out of their back pockets?

Joe Conservative said...

@pShaw... what's the primary purpose of fentanyl?

Joe Conservative said...

We need to outlaw all the agricultural equipment that supply the meat industry. Their only purpose if to kill...

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
We need to outlaw all the agricultural equipment that supply the meat industry. Their only purpose if to kill..."

...animals for food to feed human beings to keep them alive.

Your comment is inane.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... Objectively, gun deaths are 100% preventable without any negative impact on the necessities of life.

Cars, as some might argue, not so much.

Take away cars, people are unable to move around, get to work, etc. Those are necessities.

Take away guns, all guns... and? What necessity am I lacking?

Now before the reading challenged people here get all, Dave, Rev, or whatever said he favored taking away all guns, or my solution requires taking away all guns, I am saying nothing of the sort.

I'm just pointing something out, with no statement of bias intended.

Les... of course -FJ is a joke. But his view is not a voice in the wilderness. Twitter, oops, X, was full of people who argued that if UNLV was not a gun free zone, this would not have happened.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
@Les... you REALLY don't think I'd rather not pull out my own .41, than hiding in a closet for 12 hours under a "lockdown" intended to keep police from accidentally shooting people for pulling cell-phones out of their back pockets?"

Yeah. Sure. Because when you pull out your own .41 during a shooting massacre, law enforcement will instantly know you're a good guy with a gun and not one of the shooters causing mayhem? LOL! They'd blow your head off and ask questions later.

Smarter commenters, please.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
@pShaw... what's the primary purpose of fentanyl?"

"Pharmaceutical fentanyl is a synthetic opioid approved for treating severe pain, typically advanced cancer pain. It is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is prescribed in the form of transdermal patches or lozenges and can be diverted for misuse and abuse in the United States."

What's the primary use of glue? To stick things together.

(Glue sniffing refers to the deliberate inhalation of volatile solvents, commonly found in adhesives, for the purpose of intoxication. The increasing prevalence of inhalant use suggests that many physicians will encounter a glue-sniffing patient at some time during their practice.)

Human beings always seek ways to get high, whether through sniffing glue or abusing a pharmaceutical whose primary purpose is to relieve horrendous pain in cancer patients or anyone recovering from difficult surgery.

Thank you for allowing me to help you understand this.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

"With 120.5 civilian-owned firearms per 100 people, the United States has the highest rate of civilian gun ownership in the world—nearly double that of the second-place country, in fact.

Civilians owned an estimated 393,347,000 total firearms in the United States in 2017 (measured against a 2017 population of 326,474,000). While many U.S. residents own no guns at all, many others own multiple guns—the end result of which is that the U.S. is home to more guns than people."


Does any rational thinking person NOT understand that having that many firearms in the general population where mental illnesses and paranoia/hatred against certain races, religions, and the government exist would not be a tinderbox for anyone with a grievance to ignite?

ABC News: "There have been more mass shootings than days in 2023, database shows

The United States has experienced 627 mass shootings so far this year.
ByKiara Alfonseca
December 4, 2023, 11:04 AM"

It's. The. Guns.

Les Carpenter said...

Of course he is not just a voice in the wilderness Dave M. There are many. A truly unfortunate reality. I used to own guns, hunt, and target practice. Until the points you made occurred to me. That was a long time ago.

America's insane fixation on guns, guns, and more guns is a true national illness as well as a disgrace.

Joe Conservative said...

Yeah. Sure. Because when you pull out your own .41 during a shooting massacre, law enforcement will instantly know you're a good guy with a gun and not one of the shooters causing mayhem? LOL! They'd blow your head off and ask questions later.

If the cops want to exchange lead with me, that's on them. They'll lose.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"If the cops want to exchange lead with me, that's on them. They'll lose."

Yeah. Whatever you say, tough guy.

Les Carpenter said...

Tough guy?

It's safe being an anonymous tough guy. Usually is hiding in your basement tying on a notepad or smart phone. LOL!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Les Carpenter said...
Y o u' r e a J o k e FJ.

You don't really believe half the stuff you write. Do you?"

No one believes he does. His primary purposes on blogs are as a disrupter, jokester, contrarian, and trickster.

Joe said...

...disrupter, jokester, contrarian, and trickster.

Like something bad. :-)