Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

"Sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States?"


Steve Bannon, Kash Patel Say Reelected Trump Would 'Come After' The Media (Huff Post) 

Steve Bannon and Kash Patel, two of former President Donald Trump’s staunchest allies, said another term in office for the Republican frontrunner would see him target “conspirators” in the media. 

Patel, who served as a chief of staff in the Pentagon and worked in the Justice Department, made the comments in an interview on Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. 

“We’re going to come after you,” Patel continued. “Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll figure that out.


The only instances where we've heard that sort of talk is when fascist or totalitarian goons take over a country. 

Did anyone EVER think they'd hear a US presidential candidate and his aides promise this sort of thuggery? 

When they tell you what they are, BELIEVE THEM!

These Never Trump Republicans do:

Opinion:  A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.

"Let’s stop the wishful thinking and face the stark reality: There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. In 13 weeks, Donald Trump will have locked up the Republican nomination."

"Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is warning that the United States is “sleepwalking into dictatorship,” saying that if former President Trump is reelected, it could mean the end of the republic. 

“One of the things we see today is sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States,”


This is not fear mongering. It is attempting to get Americans to take Trump and the current Republican Party seriously as people who plan to destroy democracy. 

Will we finally be fearful when Trump is elected and turns the US into a police state, as he has already promised? He has said he will invoke the Insurrection Act on day one and use the US military to put down any protests against him, and control the populace as he forces millions of the undocumented who have lived here for decades to leave the country—the very people who keep our farms and food supplies stable. 

Only one party supports democracy. It is not the Republicans. 


Mike said...

The MAGAts would follow him into hell.

Les Carpenter said...

It's difficult to remain civil when talking about thugs and narcissist authoritarians. How so many millions see Trump as a savior o f anything or a path to a better future completely escapes rational thought and logic. Unless you're an authoritarian or a narcissitic control freak yourself.

If Trump succeeds self rule will become a thing o f the past. And those who supported him will be treated as a traitor the moment they disagree with their Furher Messiah.

Put simply, if Trump is again seated rheme future of our children and grandchildren will not be that of truly free people. They WILL be slaves to the state and the Furher.

Dave Dubya said...

The tragedy is the radical Right propaganda machine and Trump have convinced too many low information Americans that the press is the enemy of the people.

The vast rural swaths of the country have only far Right Republican owned media as local news. FOX(R) OAN(Q) NewsMax, etc. are the only national outlets they see. The rest is Youtube propaganda like Prager U, and white trash/neo-Nazi hate sites.

The fascists are winning the propaganda war. The people who we need to read editorials like Kagan's are the ones who will either ignore it or react with indoctrinated rage and hate.

Hitler said, “What good fortune for those in power that people do not think”. Trump said, "I love the poorly educated".

Words to be chiseled into the republic's gravestone.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...just surrender your guns to the Government...

Ray Cranston said...

OT, but related to Trumpers:

Every hear the saying "the truth hurts?" Bwahahaha! this poor Trumper is in pain because she read the truth!

"Norman Lear said this……….no surprise, but….

Posted on December 7, 2023 by geeez2014

“For all his faults, Archie loved his country and he loved his family, even when they called him out on his ignorance and bigotries. If Archie had been around 50 years later, he probably would have watched Fox News. He probably would have been a Trump voter.
“But I think that the sight of the American flag being used to attack Capitol Police would have sickened him,” Lear wrote in an editorial published in The New York Times in July 2022, referring to the Jan. 6 riot.

Isn’t that big of Lear? Ya, he died yesterday…….at 101, I’m sure that’s quite sad. And, I did love most of his shows, particularly ALL IN THE FAMILY……..but it’s crap like that statement above that’s ALL OVER TV and we can thank Norman Lear for that.



Shaw Kenawe said...

Les wrote: "How so many millions see Trump as a savior o f anything or a path to a better future completely escapes rational thought and logic."

Trump appeals to people's fears and hatreds. Most of the interviews with his MAGAs I've watched are heartbreakingly sad. They cannot articulate why they think he's heroic or how he's been good for America. All they do is repeat talking points from FAUX NOOZ, OAN, and Newsmax. There is no independent thought behind their support, just slogans and lies they've internalized from Trump and his goons.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
...just surrender your guns to the Government..."


Shaw Kenawe said...


I saw that too.

Funny AND sad.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.

"Hitler said, 'What good fortune for those in power that people do not think'. Trump said, 'I love the poorly educated'.

Words to be chiseled into the republic's gravestone.

"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." -- PJ O'Rourke

Edgetho said...

President Joe Biden told donors in Boston on Tuesday that he might not be running for reelection had Donald Trump not entered the race.

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden said, according to reporters present at the event. “But we cannot let him win.”

Biden didn’t immediately elaborate on that thought process, but the admission shouldn’t come as much of a shock.

Going back to 2020, Biden’s campaign pitched him to voters as the party’s best chance at stopping Trump from securing another term in office, arguing that an establishment Democrat would do better in swing states than his progressive rivals for the nomination.

When he succeeded in nabbing the nomination and winning the general election, Trump seemed unlikely to be a formidable opponent in 2024.
He’d lost the popular vote by a sizable margin, squandered support in the Republican Party over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol and declared that the American election system had been rigged against him in the 2020 election.

But within two years, Trump had announced his candidacy. AND HE IS RUNNING. SO WHY IS THIS STUPID COMMENT BEING SHOWED NOW? AND He’s currently polling as the front-runner for the GOP nomination by massive margins. Is Bidumb that DUMB that he's doesn't even know that Trumps running and winning?

Les Carpenter said...

Truth, integrity, honor, decency, compassion, and wisdom are of no concern to MAGA rethuglicans. Absosolute Power and Control is the game and Trump will pull no punches and will pull all stos the secure the absolute power he seeks. Trump carries Hitler within himself and he is going a bit more naked each day.

skudrunner said...

When he comes out and says he would secure the border and drill for oil he will get votes because people are tired of the open border, at least those who live close to it. It is having an affect on those in distant lands because they have to house a few of them and that make it inconvenient for the elite and costly for others. On the other side you have joey b saying if it weren't for trump running he may not continue. What he fails to recognize is because he is running trump has a chance and if some sane democrat ran they would have a chance, if you could find a sane democrat.

We need to get past trump and nominate a sane person to run on both sides because if joey b stays in trump stands a chance and we don't need another four years of his antics and can't afford another four years of biden incompetence.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud "...if you could find a sane democrat."

You give it all away with that comment, skud.

Dave Miller said...

Ray... yes, that was quite a column. Here's a typical comment, one that I've heard personally from many people, including some of my relatives...

"I didn’t see any videos of demonstrators attacking Capitol Police with an American flag."

How is this, a person not seeing any videos of Capitol protestors attacking protestors with American flags, even possible?

Only, as Shaw would say, because of willful ignorance.

It's like this...

I've never seen slavery personally, so it must not have happened.

I've never experienced being stopped for no reason by the cops, so it must not happen.

I've never seen anyone discriminate against a POC, so it must not happen.

If we can only imagine, or accept, that what we see with our own eyes, where are we?

Dave Miller said...

Skud... you are correct in that Trump HAS zeroed in on Americans anger that Congress cannot, or will not deal with the US Immigration system and its flaws. And Biden and his team have not helped things.

But let's be clear...

Trump will do nothing to solve the problem. Nor will, or can any other president. They can only treat the symptoms. The problem will need a solution on Congress can bring.

BTW, Trump the One Day Dictator also called on the USA to "Drill, Drill, Drill" to make the US Number 1 in oil production. Left unsaid is that we are already Number 1 in oil production.

According to the world numbers, the US pumps about 13.25 million barrels a day, while the current number 2, Saudi Arabia, pumps about 12.4 million barrels a day.

The problem is the US also uses more oil than anyone else in the world. And, some in Congress and some administrations see little or no need to improve our numbers on that side of the ledger.

Dave Dubya said...


"Is Bidumb that DUMB that he's doesn't even know that Trumps running and winning?"

To support him and say Trump is "winning" shows us who's the dumb one.

skudrunner said...

Rev, We can't expect politicians to solve anything especially republicans who have not solved a problem for decades. Politicians do not have the skill or desire to solve problems that affect the American people because they are far to busy seeking punishment on someone who pulled a fire alarm than solving issue the country faces.

Illegal immigration is simple. All they need to do is enact the same immigration policies that Mexico has.

The attack on the oil industry has resulted in the battery car which has made china richer because they don't export oil but do export batteries. Now we have manufacturers closing plants and dealers finding somewhere to park all their battery cars because they are not selling. Another stupid decision made by our elected elite because they are clueless about most things.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud has a point, but doesn't look deeper into WHY there's a surplus of EVs. One reason is dealers may have less economic incentive to sell electric vehicles and won't make as much money on maintenance and repairs.

Electric vehicles are hitting a road block: Car dealers
Some customers say auto dealers have steered them away from buying electric cars and trucks

Les Carpenter said...

Forget the global impact to our environment due to fossil fuel consumption and let things just unfold as we ignore science.

Sounds like a plan the oil barons love.

skudrunner said...

Dube, The problem with electric vehicles is that the infrastructure is not ready for them. 20% of the American population live in rural areas where electric vehicles do not work for their travel needs. Another 17% live in apartments where you park on the street and cannot plug in to charge overnight. In the future we will transition to electric but gas will remain the choice for decades because it works for most people. Why doesn't the government offer tax incentives for a hybrid which is a great solution.

Auto dealers will sell anything they have including electric. They try to satisfy the customers needs and it is only a few where electric meets customer needs.

Leslie, Science says if you need to drive on a 500 mile trip electric won't work and if it winter 200 miles is a stretch.

Les Carpenter said...

Well skud, over time, now shorter due to human ignorance, smart folks adapt to changing circumstances. Had this greedy nation responded wisely back in the mid 70's to evidence of environmental change we'd be in a better place today. But instead we find ourselves still ignoring the evidence (many on primariy the right) and trying to kick the can down the road further.

skudrunner said...

Leslie, Hindsight is always 20/20 but you can't fix the past you just have to be reasonable about the future. Believe the science when it comes to the covid scare but don't pay attention to the science when it comes to battery technology. Kick the can down the road is what our elected elite have done for decades about many issues. The debt, climate, regressive tax system, and now the national football championship. They have no idea how to fix anything so now they concentrate on censoring a fire alarm puller and debating on NCAAF championship selection.

Yes the two mentioned needless obsessions are caused by republicans and they are fast catching up with the antics of the democrats. Third party sounds like a viable solution to elect competent people because it is obvious neither major party represents anyone but themselves.