Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The MAGA House Republicans Doing Trump's Bidding


House Set to Approve Biden Impeachment Inquiry as It Hunts for an Offense 

"Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no proof of high crimes or misdemeanors."


"Since winning the majority, House Republicans have been investigating myriad aspects of Mr. Biden’s family and administration, hunting for evidence that could be used to prove he is corrupt and should be impeached. Former President Donald J. Trump, still seething over being impeached twice, has urged on their investigation at every step." 


Typically, an impeachment is pursued after an illegal event, like being on audio tape attempting to extort an allied leader or inciting an insurrection and attempting to actually steal an election. 

For the likes of Jordon, Comer and Mike Johnson to be in search of a reason to impeach is darkly comical and 100% hypocritical. These three liars were instrumental in trying to overturn our election. They should be facing felony charges not running sham investigations. 

Also comical is the fact that all MAGApublicans in the House wholeheartedly support a twice-impeached loser who's been indicted 91 times by various grand juries. 

Criminals always assume everyone else is as shady and dishonest as they are.


Dave Dubya said...

It's not an "impeachment inquiry", but "political retribution theater" to appease their Malevolent Mendacious Messiah.

Dave Miller said...

The MAGA House...

Can anyone show me one piece of legislation that the now GOP controlled House has passed to help the American people?

All I've seen is the wish list of the MAGA crazies who want hot button issues front and center and will do anything to destroy the Biden presidency. Or more accurately, any Dem presidency.

The MAGA people are not pro America at all. They are simply a very vocal anti Democratic Party intent on using all levers of government to attack them, even if that means ignoring the will of or hurting the American people.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The MAGA people don't want Biden impeached. The GOPe neocons need to boost Biden's numbers or Ukraine's failure to win will embarrass them.

Infidel753 said...

Shooting themselves in the foot again. Even an actual impeachment won't endanger Biden (remember, conviction and removal takes two-thirds of the Senate), and this has even less substance behind it than the impeachment of Clinton -- which cost the Republicans a lot of votes in the following election. Everybody knows impeachments are just grandstanding. Voters want Congress to stop messing around with theatrics and get back to doing its real job.

Joe Conservative said...

Everybody knows impeachments are just grandstanding.

Yes, they saw it with Trump in spades.

Shaw Kenawe said...


And you know it, but you're willfully ignoring all the hard evidence brought to the impeachment hearings in both impeachments.

In the second one, the testimonies came from Trump's own aides and officials who worked for him.

But keep pretending. It's what's people who can't face reality do.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Fox Board Member Paul Ryan Slams Trump, Hails Cheney and Kinzinger:

"Trump’s Not a Conservative, He’s an Authoritarian Narcissist"

Shaw Kenawe said...

For Joe Conservative:

Joe Walsh, Republican

You do realize that this whole Hunter Biden thing is to distract from the fact that their cult leader is a criminal/traitor who’s been criminally indicted 4 separate times, is facing 91 felony counts, and who led a violent attempt to overthrow an election.

Les Carpenter said...

Apparently JC realizes little if anything falling outside reactionary consevative BS.

Mike said...

MAGApublicans are doing all they can to distract the press from tRUMP.

Thersites said...

* WheresHunter?

Wasn't he supposed to testify to Congress?

Shaw Kenawe said...


Where’s Jim Jordan? He set a precedent when he ignored a Congressional subpoena, didn’t he.

Hunter Biden is ready to testify IN PUBLIC, but the MAGApublicans want his testimony given in secret. LOL! Can we guess why?

Grey One talks sass said...

First Hunter and some other witnesses were asked to appear, then once Hunter said yep, in public all kinds of conditions were placed on the appearance.

Per the legal blogs I read Comer might have just backed himself into legal jeopardy, meaning crossing the separation of powers. It's not Congresses job to prosecute crimes, it's the DOJ's. I'm looking forward to the gang who shot everyone and thing except for what they were aiming at realizing they are caught in a trap of their own making.

Popcorn anyone? I have other snacks too - willing to share as this plays out.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Police officer: I’m going to arrest you now.

Suspect: what have I done?

Police officer: well, we’ve had committees looking into you for a year and can’t find anything, so we’re going to indict your traumatized and damaged kid and then keep looking for something to charge you with.

Suspect: but you don’t have anything to actually charge me with?

Police officer: No, but our boss is having a bad year and needs a Christmas pick-me-up. And we’re sure we’ll find something eventually.

Grey One talks sass said...

Where was Hunter?

Speaking in front of the capitol, condemning the political attacks he's faced, the embarrassment of his genitals paraded on the House FLOOR for the love of Pete, and as Hunter says, doing their best to smear a good mans love of his family in general and a child in trouble in specific.

I listened to as much of the speech as I could but when Hunters voice broke as he described what they tried to do to his dad for loving an addict....

NOPE! Can't do any more. The GOP MAGA is everything wrong with our country. Yep, I said it. Compassion, empathy, kindness... when they can manifest those virtues through their actions I will reconsider my stance. Until then, I said what I said, no more, no less.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass "The GOP MAGA is everything wrong with our country."


Let's look at the evidence:

MAGA politicians and judges harassed and terrorized a pregnant woman carrying a doomed fetus; denied her the medical treatment her medical team deemed necessary for her health and well-being, and now those who rescued her from this Texas-caused nightmare may face criminal charges as a result of helping her to save her life.

Hunter Biden who succumbed to addiction and behaved really, really badly and then owned up to everything he did wrong, paid the taxes he failed to file, got into rehab, is taking responsibility for his deplorable actions, and is blessed with a loving, loyal father who stood by him as he got his life back together, was also harassed by the MAGA politicians, while said MAGA politicians displayed photos of his genitals IN THE HOUSE!, just to further humiliate him, all in service to Donald Trump who has ACTUALLY been found, IN A COURT OF LAW, liable for RAPE and tax fraud and is facing 91 felony counts.

MAGA House members have reopened an impeachment inquiry, after spending a year and a half looking for something ANYTHING to impeach Joe Biden, and STILL HAVE FOUND NOTHING! This was done to appease a real crook, Donald J. Trump.

MAGA Republicans supported another crook, George Santos, and among their colleagues is one, Lauren Boebert, (R-CO) who attended a theater production with her escort and proceeded to engage in sexual acts while in the audience where children and their families were present. MAGA!

Rep. Jim Jordan complained about Hunter Biden not willing to appear in a SECRET House inquiry after being subpoenaed by Congress when Jim Jordan himself blew off a subpoena by Congress and suffered no consequences. Hunter Biden asked for a public hearing where he would answer ALL QUESTIONS UNDER OATH. MAGA wants proceedings to be held secretly so that they can twist and control what those secret hearings uncover about Hunter Biden.

Thugs and thuggery at its finest brought to America by MAGA!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Hunter Biden is ready to testify IN PUBLIC, but the MAGApublicans want his testimony given in secret.

Two words.... Adam Schiff

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Hunter Biden is not the president who was accused of crimes against the US.

See the difference?

Dave Dubya said...

"See the difference?"

Yes. Two letters...F and J.

I guess he wasn't happy with just the nude photos of Hunter somehow being in the nation's interest.

FJ works for Putin, so he's just doing his job.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your parasocial relationship with Joe Biden is obviously much stronger than mine to DJT.

...because Adam Schiff never took SECRET testimony from DJT, did he? He took it from "others".

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your parasocial relationship with Joe Biden is obviously much stronger than mine to DJT.

...because Adam Schiff never took SECRET testimony from DJT, did he? He took it from "others"."

Your armchair analysis of me and who I care about in the media is, of course, wrong, as are majority of your assumptions and predictions.

This post is about House MAGAs' pitiful attempt at impeaching Joe Biden, not about Adam Schiff and Trump.

Speaking of "parasocial relationships," you have an inordinate compulsion to defend Trump and his crimes even when a post is NOT about him.

You need to get out more and enjoy nonMAGA relationships and events.

Dave Dubya said...

"Your parasocial relationship with Joe Biden is obviously much stronger than mine to DJT."
Tovarisch "Kremlin" -FJ shills for Trump by denying he shills for Trump.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You brought up the "secret testimony" angle to exculpate Hunter/ Joe. I'm not the one with the "secret testimony" double standard. You had no problem when Adam Schiff did it. :)

Anonymous said...

Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA) in 2019: “You can’t impeach a president because you don’t like him. That’s not how this system works. We’re in a constitutional Republic. You don’t have to the right to do it.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

If This Isn’t An Admission To “Weaponizing Our Government” … I Don’t Know What Is:

GOP Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn) on CNN: "If we don’t go down these impeachment routes, the MAGA base will stop voting for us."

There are no "quiet parts" anymore. All of the MAGAs' schemes and plotting is out in the open.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
You brought up the "secret testimony" angle to exculpate Hunter/ Joe. I'm not the one with the "secret testimony" double standard. You had no problem when Adam Schiff did it. :)"e

Wrong again. Hunter Biden is a private citizen, not seeking to lead the USA. His testimony is unlikely to expose state secrets.

Trump's case was about a POTUS. Two different people; two different cases.

You're being silly when you claim I wanted to exculpate Hunter/Joe. In case you haven't noticed, I don't have that power.

If Hunter Biden broke the law, he needs to face accountability, just like any other private citizen would. Just because his father is POTUS that doesn't shield him from taking responsibility.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump: "He asked me a question, ‘please say you don’t want to be a dictator.’ I said no I won’t say that>"

Is there any reason that a person running to be re-elected as POTUS will not say he doesn't want to be dictator? What is so hard about admitting you DON'T WANT TO BE A DICTATOR?

Trump obviously is mentally deranged.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

His testimony is unlikely to expose state secrets.

Sure it will. It will expose Poppa Joe's function as the agent of several foreign powers.

Tovarich, comrades.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
His testimony is unlikely to expose state secrets.

Sure it will. It will expose Poppa Joe's function as the agent of several foreign powers.

Tovarich, comrades."

You mean "друг." Russians don't use "Tovarich" when speaking with each other.

Anyway, keep your conspiracy freak flag flying, drook!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Aaron Rupar

"Steve Doocy this morning: "I would say that the three people on Capitol Hill who know the most about this deal are James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Chuck Grassley.

Grassley said yesterday he has seen no evidence Joe Biden was involved with Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The great thing about Hunter defying the Congressional subpoena is that the House can now add "obstruction" charges to the Biden Impeachment.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
The great thing about Hunter defying the Congressional subpoena is that the House can now add "obstruction" charges to the Biden Impeachment."

We'll just add that to all the other things on which you've been wrong.

But in what world would Hunter Biden's ignoring a subpoena (exactly like Jim Jordan did) affect the impeachment inquiry on President Biden?

Are you sniffing glue or something? Are you okay?

Joe Conservative said...

Mr. Jordan suggested that false statements the president had made about his son's business interests — such as his claim that Hunter Biden had not received any money from China — could constitute obstruction.

So with Hunter refusing to testify, we definitely have a MUCH stronger obstruction case.

...and I thought we were originally arguing subpoena's against "private citizens...

Stephen K. Bannon, who was ultimately sentenced to four months in prison for his failure to honor a subpoena issued by the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Putin has no understanding of what constitutes obstruction. LYING to the FBI about stolen secret documents is OBSTRUCTION. Sending a mob to overturn our election is OBSTRUCTION.

Hunter said he would testify while Gym Jordan REFUSED a subpoena. If not for double standards the radical Right would have none at all.