Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, December 18, 2023

Exclusive Video...


of MAGA on their way to a Trump rally in New Hampshire: 

At his rally in NH on Saturday, Trump praised dictators Kim and Xi again for their ability to “ruthlessly control” their countries, and has now made Hitler’s “poisoning the blood of our country” rhetoric a standard feature of his rally speeches.

When Trump keeps telling you what he wants to be (dictator), believe him.


Anonymous said...

They believe him. In their abject ignorance they WANT to be lead by a despicable evil tyrant. When they feel the pain of their actions and ignorance it will be too late.

We told you so will be our only satisfaction.

Trump will again attempt to take by force the power he craves should he AGAIN lose.

Dave Miller said...

Trump in Reno was just as bad as he was in NH.

For the life of me, I can't understand the posture of the Dems...

Is this a political imitation of the Rope-a-Dope from Ali/Foreman?

Anonymous said...

My view of democrats is morphing into they are wimps with little fight. Yup, wimps.

Shaw Kenawe said...

wimps? You mean the Democrats that won the presidency and TWO senate seats in RED Georgia in 2020? And held the Trumpublicans' supposed "red tide" to a pink trickle in 2022?

And the Blue women in Red states that help codify abortion rights in Red states? Those wimps?

Or do you mean President Biden who flew into two active war zones?

Or Trump who refused to visit an American cemetery in France when he was POTUS because it was raining, and he didn't want to get his hair wet?

Anonymous said...

I mean the party that treats the lumbering fascist with kid gloves. That's the party i'm talking about. But what the heck, it's gonna be whatever it's gonna be. And when we wake from the national flirtation with pure evil we may very well find ourselves smothered in it.

Anonymous said...

That and a wimpish MSM who calls Trump's Nazi one liners "controversial rhetoric" rather than calling it out for what it actually is. The same adgenda Hitler had.

Believe the tyrant when he tells you what he is.