Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Imagin if...

President Biden wrote this for his Christmas message on social media:

(Brian Krassenstein on "X" rewrote, above, what Trump posted on Christmas Day to make it look like Pres. Biden wrote it, just so we could imagine how shocked and disgusted Americans would have been to read such malevolence and hatred as a Christmas message.) 



Trump actually posted this on his failing "Truth Social" platform, and millions of Americans want this maniac to be POTUS again!

What happened to Americans that made so many otherwise normal people become attracted and loyal to such a despicably unhinged and hateful creature?


Mike said...

tRUMP, dirtbag.

Anonymous said...

It's the desire for a return to white supremacy, white nationalism, sanctioned racism, power concentrated in the few, or in short, a return to their ideal, colonialism. Or maybe more accurately stated a strengthening of modern American corporatism and greed. Where 99% of the population are wage slaves.

Infidel753 said...

Of course no one would ever believe Biden would write such a thing. He's not a deranged lunatic. Trump seems to be sinking into madness under the weight of his legal problems and his all-consuming lust for revenge.

skudrunner said...

"What happened to Americans that made so many otherwise normal people become attracted and loyal to such a despicably unhinged and hateful creature?" It is amazing that trump has the following he has. This does point out how disgusted people are with joey b. If 99% of workers are wage slaves they are fighting a loosing battle. Inflation over the last two years is up 20+% while all you hear from the administration is how it is coming down. We need to combat climate change while they fly around the world to accomplish nothing. How many presidents have been in office while three wars are going on.

Thousands are crossing the border every day and joey b heads to St Croix to stay with a wealthy friend, something that has been condemned for thomas, because he doesn't have time to go to the US border. The mayor of NYC says the taxpayer is spending millions on housing illegals and no having the money to handle the homeless in the city.

Granted joey b would not go to trump or -H- (ie deplorable's) level because he is not allowed to say much that is not written and read.

We should do better!

Anonymous said...

We are doing better.

The simple reality that the majority of Americans do not agree with you skud means that we are doing better. Much better.

Trump is becoming an unhinged raving maniac that most likely will end up institutionalized in an asylum somewhere if he contnues to unravel. And the republican party, well, it produced and continues to support the insurrectionist and world's biggest liar, so, that party is already nothing more than just a delusional cult of whining whittle cry babies. A cult that whether YOU are already a part of skud.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The only ONLY thing that matter at this moment in time is the fact that the current Republican Party will soon nominate Trump again to seek the office of the presidency.

Donald J. Trump is facing 91 felony indictments; he's been found liable for sexual assault/rape, and for tax fraud.

Trump has called his fellow Americans of a different political party 'VERMIN," and has declared that people from South America, Africa, and Asia are "poisoning the blood of our country." And he declares he'd be a dictator on Day One of his return presidency.

In his recent Christmas message to his fellow Americans, Trump wished them to "rot in Hell!"

Whining about Joe Biden at this point after what I've documented here on DJT is, to put it mildly, insane.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud whines " Inflation over the last two years is up 20+% while all you hear from the administration is how it is coming down"

Huh. Look what I found

U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021. U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020. U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019.

Pretty sure that's not 20%.

skud carefully ignores the profiteering taking place, casts no blame on their corporate overlords but that would be on point for skud.

Good gravy and all their friends skud. You are comparing a SCOTUS judge who takes bribes from their secret corporate supporters with Joe Biden taking a vacation at a friends house? A known friend all on the up and up?

Are you real skud because no one can be this dense without there being some sort of seismic disturbance in earth's gravity.

You keep saying you want better but you've yet to prove that you can do better. Perhaps 24 will be your year? A grey one can hope.

I concur Shaw - with all the facts you post skud continues to dismiss them as if you are posting opinions, not provable facts. And yes, mildly insane is the correct description wiht an addition of... Actually I am feeling much ruder but you Shaw are the better people (won't call you a human because skud exemplifies my view on humans. You Shaw are the best of people. Goats call you friend. It's all I needed to know)

My wish for the new year is skud gets enlightened. It could happen.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law."--- senior official in Trump Administration, according to Jonathan Karl's book, "Tired of Winning"

Anonymous said...

Really folks, it does not matter which rethuglican candidate might win the presidency. Trump is w/out a doubt the most egregiosly unbalanced, dangerous, and dishonest candidate we've ever seen. However, perhaps just as great a threat is the rethuglican facist party itself.

A party that has been severely influenced by Trump and his authoritarian facist messaging. A party that is beholden to corporate greed, the Military Industrial Complex (so are the dems relative to MIC), a party entertaining over 500 discriminatory laws against the LBGQT community, a party that values guns over life, a party that believes the state has a right to control women's reproductive activity based on antiquated views of a supreme being flying in the sky, just to name a few of the rethuglican party's disregard for individual civil liberties and natural rights.

skudrunner said...

Grey, If you are happy with the state of the country then good for you. Statistics can be a wonderful thing because they can be manipulated to take on the meaning desired. Drop or add a category into the mix and the results are totally different. Housing, energy are up significantly up so lets drop housing and energy. If you are not affected by high inflation then you have no complaints. If you live in a safe small town then crime doesn't matter and if you are a thousand miles away from the southern border then illegal crossings mean nothing.

I do hope your bubble remains safe and happy.

TOM said...

"Donald J. Trump is facing 91 felony indictments; he's been found liable for sexual assault/rape, and for tax fraud.""

You neglected to use the word ACCUSED!

Dave Miller said...

Not gonna do it Skud.

This is a post about how the people right of center would respond to a tweet from Joe Biden that, as Trump's Christmas post did, said he wanted Americans to "ROT IN HELL".

So stay on point amigo.

I get it, when you voted for the guy, it's hard. I'm sorry about that. But it's a reality. Trump, who may have some good policy ideas, is just a bad man. A man who should never be let anywhere near the White House again.

And you can bet the current GOP would be screaming from the roof tops if Biden had expressed a desire to see his political opponents languishing in Dante's Inferno for eternity.

That message was so bad, even the Capitana of the HMS Mothership found it over the top. Sadly of course, it won't change her vote if he's the candidate.

Shaw Kenawe said...

TOM: "You neglected to use the word ACCUSED!"

Oh. Sorry.

Will this do?:

"Federal prosecutors, led by special counsel Jack Smith, have accused Trump of taking highly sensitive national security documents when he left the White House in January 2021."

Grand juries are made up of ordinary American citizens from all walks of life: liberals, conservatives, blue collar, white collar, professional and working classes. Normal, everyday Americans.

The evidence presented to the Grand Juries in the 4 felony cases were apparently so overwhelming and compelling that they agreed on 91 felony charges against the ex-president.

Grand Juries rarely, if ever, bring felony charges on flimsy and questionable evidence.

This is serious.

Donald J. Trump is the first ex-president in U.S. history to be criminally charged by a Grand Jury. And he is the first person seeking the presidency of the U.S. while facing criminal trials.

skudrunner said...

Rev, I know everything is about the evil one but it is you who brought him up. I was pointing out the incompetence and lies of joey b but if you admitted that you may lose focus.

Dave Miller said...


Skud... you're either wrong again, or lying. Take your pick.

Where did I mention Biden prior to your comments posted at

December 27, 2023 at 10:19 PM regarding "joey b" and...

Your December 28, 2023 at 10:13 AM response to Grey?

Heck, where did I even comment prior to those posts?

Go ahead, I'll wait.

Anonymous said...

You are the one void of actual focus abd are completely detached from reality skud. Hopeless. But if your happy what the hell. It's your life.

Anonymous said...

Actually skud this post is about Trump and those who carry water for him, something you do with every word you write.

Side note: it's funny, you telling me I'm the one in a bubble. But ok, you do you boo. As for housing cost increases, well, look no further than our corporate overlords and their preference for price gouging. Here where I live over the past year every empty house on the market was and has been snapped up by developers. They gussy them up a bit before throwing them back into the market with a sizable price hike - gotta keep those investors, shareholders, and CEO's happy dontcha know.

Back to the topic - which is you skud, carrying water for Trump. There is nothing President Biden can do that will satisfy his critics. His economic policies are working. Even though the polls say people "feel" the economy is awful the numbers - not statistics - but actual year to year comparisons of the same data points - show that people are better off now than before.

So - that leaves me with questions skud. As a representative for a set of humans I'll never be in contact face to face with because they want to kill me and those who are like me, let's talk about exactly what President Biden has done that is so horrible? The border has been an issue forever, even under Trump who said he built the wall but didn't. Can't remember you ever calling the former guy out for that little lie so what exactly is it and bring the receipts skud. Your word on anything is worthless right now.

Shaws' post is accurate. If President Biden had said what the former guy had said people like you skud would be on every site they could reach to talk about how never ever in their whole life were they so insulted... and the pearl clutching continues with skud talking trash because yeah, trump said that but what about biden and the fact he's living and takes a vacation and he's old and and and....

I'm taking another breath. The anniversary of my late husbands death is tomorrow, hence my active and abiding dislike for this time of year. I get the need for celebration but what I don't get is the hypocrisy of lets celebrate joy and brotherhood this short time every year and kill each other the rest. It makes no sense and I need to come to terms with how I want to approach this issue, because as things stand here/now? No. Just nope.

I have this last bit to contribute before the end of the year (I'll be back for 2024. You kidding me? We've a war to win and I'm just the Valkyrie to cause some mischief):

I'm not in a bubble skud. I'm as big as the universe and as tiny as the smallest strange particle. If that's a bubble well, ok. If you say so. I call it the Big Picture myself, but again, you do you boo.

To the rest of my friends on PE - hug your loved ones tight. We never know how much time we have, do we? Hope you felt my hugs to you.

R.D. said...

Trump has always had the support of the white supremacists and religious bigots mostly in small towns and rural areas, and of course the selfish rich.

Everyone else is part of a culture of education, science, math, engineering, diversity and looking to the future rather than the past. There are few new supporters, and most of his old ones are slowly dying off.

This is truly an epic evolutionary struggle for survival of two diametrically opposed cultures. Trump may have a lot of nuts with AR15's, but the people who influence much of society can never live with such a nut job dictator and are quite aware of the stakes of this civil conflict.

Anonymous said...

The white supremacists and racists in the good ole US still apparently live by the code (beliefs) of those white European colonial marauders who terrorized, murdered, and enslaved human beings for the sole purpose of power and to enrich themselves and their own. Horrific inhuman bastards whose igorance and greed we continue to suffer yet today.

May the SOB's who continue to believe this way rot in hell with Donald J. Trump, failed president and filthy insurrectionist. Also, one of the planets greatest lying bastards.