Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Nikki Haley is okay with a federal law to ban abortions.

So, girls and women like Kate Cox would NOT be able to obtain an abortion to save their lives.


Also, Haley raised her hand when, at one of the MAGApublican debates, the moderator asked who would still vote for Trump should he be found guilty of the felons he is now under indictment for. IOW, she is good with allowing a convicted felon to lead America -- a felon who was also found liable for rape and convicted of tax fraud. 

She's also on record for pardoning Trump should he be convicted of the federal crimes.

Why does ANYONE think this cowardly woman would be good for America?

Which is it, Nikki? What do you REALLY think?

I remember how some "liberals" hailed Haley as a "moderate" when she said on the debate stage a few weeks ago that anyone expecting a federal abortion ban was being unreasonable. I'm glad she's beginning to show her true colors - that she's no different from tRump and DeSantis.


Anonymous said...

Every woman in America who supports ANY republican is supportig EVERYTHING that is AGAINST her own self interests.

IOW, you're supporting STATE authority over your personal life. Believe it or weep later

Dave Miller said...

Call me crazy, but I disagree.

I think there can be principled people, Republicans and even some Democrats, who can hold views that don't line up with the progressive left.

Using this post, I guess abortion is the issue of the day, apart from Haley's penchant to flip flop and say different things to different groups.

I think a Republican and a Dem can say regarding abortion, "safe, legal and rare."

I think there are Dems who will accept some limits on abortion if we can get contraceptives available for all. If there are programs to support young mothers who decide to keep their unplanned children and make adoption affordable and relatively easy, I believe we'll even see more support.

And of course, exceptions for rape, incest, abuse, etc.

But right now our politics favor the bomb throwers and not the ppl really looking for solutions.

David French, on the GOP side is someone who comes to mind for me. He's Pro Life, but wide Pro Life. He supports basically whatever a woman needs to not get pregnant and then if she does, quality care and financial help for the new child.

Will I 100% line up with him? Nope. But to me, he's a moderate Republican, accepts some limits on abortion, some openness too. He's the same on a lot of issues, not all, but a lot.

That's moderate.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

Of course, Dave, you understand that my title quotes the person who posted on Twitter/"X".

I, too, agree that there certainly are moderate Republicans. But the current Republican Party has abandoned them, so there are, in effect, no moderate Republicans running the Republican Party.

To further make my point, the person who is currently leading the race for GOP nominee for POTUS, by a huge margin, is an egregious radical, who quotes and essentially admires HITLER! and brags about admiring other leaders who butcher their own citizens! So, in that case, where it concerns putting Trump back into the presidency, there really are no moderate Republicans.

Moderate Republicans reject Trump and all his madness.

Anonymous said...

It's the conservative republican MAJORITY ideology that is the issue. Until THAT changes there is NO good republican choice. Period.

Dave Dubya said...

Sure, there may be a handful of moderate Republicans, but none of them are in the House and damn few in the Senate.

Even fewer are in state governments.

There is NOTHING moderate about supporting Trump and those who would pardon him.

The unholy convergence and rise of neo-Nazi Christian nationalism and Kleptocratic Trumpism is again topping my list of Festivus grievances this year.

Even if justice prevails in our courts, and voters elect Biden, many in the cult might decide to take up arms for the lost cause of their Martyred Malevolent Mendacious Messiah.

About 3 in 10 of his supporters think that Trump breaking the law for political ends is okay.

That’s the finding of a new Fox News poll this weekend. It phrased the question thusly:

“Some people say things in the U.S. are so far off track that we need a president willing to break some rules and laws to set things right, while others say the president should always follow the rules and laws. Which comes closest to your view?”

And the rest of them think he's done nothing wrong and is being "persecuted" by the DOJ.

The line is clear. US v Donald Trump.

skudrunner said...

It was only a matter of time before Nikki would be the center of attacks by the left. She is gaining in the polls so she needs to be shut down. Her stance on abortion is that republicans need to be honest abortion instead of banning it no matter what. It is not acceptable for anyone to have a personal opinion if it differs with the media which is pro left. She didn't say she supports the ban on abortion which you infer here.

“As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life,” she said. “Let’s find consensus. … We don’t need to divide America over this issue anymore.”

Given the choice of joey b and djt is not an easy one except for the yellow dog crowd.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Did you not read what is posted? Nikki says what she thinks her audience wants to hear where abortion is concerned.

"I do think that there's a place for a federal law," she said after talking about federally banning abortion.

Previous to that, she said "anyone expecting a federal law banning abortion is unreasonable."

And YES, her words are being examined for WHAT THEY MEAN. She wants to be POTUS. It's reasonable to look at what she says and what she means.

Right now, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth, just like every politician does. That's not attacking her. We're publishing exactly what she says: She'd pardon Trump if he were found guilty of federal crimes, and she'd vote for him, A FELON, if he won the nomination. Both possibilities are heading toward certainty at this point.

You call looking at what she says and quoting her words as "attacks?"

I'm guessing her flip-flopping makes you uncomfortable, so you blame the Left for exposing it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.

Trump's been softening up his cultists for years now to accept his breaking laws and installing himself as a dictator.

What really frightens me are the Americans who are so eager to end our democracy in service to a Liar, Cheat, Fraud, and Rapist.

Anonymous said...

She's lying. But Trump made lying fashionable in con rethug party. So, no big deal for the liars.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... the problem with Nikki is three-fold.

1. She has shown herself to literally change her message on abortion depending on the audience. She has been both for and against a national ban. So she is not principled on either view.

2. She has flip flopped on Trump Here's what she said in the immediate of Jan 6...

Trump “was badly wrong with his words yesterday. And it wasn’t just his words. His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history.”

“He [Trump] went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”

She has refused to echo those words now, even as she is trying to draw a distinction between Trump and herself.

3. Even if Trump, who she said we can never follow again, is convicted of a felony and wins the GOP nomination, a very likely possibility, Haley has said she will still vote for him.

That's not a moderate position. I'm sorry, but any vote for Trump is a vote for extremism.

So of course she's being attacked. She deserves it.

skudrunner said...

Now Rev, I have heard it called maturing of opinions when it comes to politicians. The current supreme leader said he was not supportive of the green new deal and would be a one term president he also said he is a moderate. He called for strong military presence in Afghanistan and employers should be fined for hiring illegals and criminals should be taken off the street. Somehow his change is OK but Nikki is not. In his past he was against clinton stuck his finger in the air to see which way to go and that was OK. Now Nikki has changing opinions and she is bad.

Anonymous said...

Nice word salad skud. No receipts as usual.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's the difference, skud:

Joe Biden has changed his positions OVER THE YEARS as new information became available.

Nikki changes her position on abortion day-to-day, depending on which audience she's talking to, and that's happened during this primary season, not OVER THE YEARS.

Also, in 2016, she was appalled at Trump and his behavior, but then that bad behavior was good enough for her to support him for POTUS, which she did. Why would she support a man whose behavior was so horrible that it appalled her? Why would anyone decide that same appalling man would make a great POTUS? Well, Nikki did!

And why would she say that she'd support a convicted felon who was held liable for RAPE as POTUS should HE and not her be the nominee for 2024?

Trump's miserable behaviors and personality are NOT matters of changing positions on policies, (as you claim Biden has done), they are a symptom of a damaged and mentally unstable human being, and Nikki Haley is okay with putting this deeply damaged man in charge of this country.

When you hear Joe Biden refer to Conservatives (or ANY human being) as "vermin, or saying that people from Africa and Asia (or any immigrant) is "poisoning the blood of our country," I will agree that he's not fit to hold any elective office.

Nikki Haley has no moral compass, IMO, because she supports Donald Trump for the presidency even after hearing Trump say those vile, unAmerican and anti-democratic words.

There isn't anyone I know and care about who would want that creature to lead America.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud has just admitted it's not "bad" to revise an opinion to say she will support a felon for president.

I think Skud agrees with her.

Skud seems to think Trump declaring his intentions to be DICTATOR isn't really "bad".

At least not as "bad" as Biden.

I predict Skud WILL vote for Trump or at the least NOT for Biden. And I know he will not admit I am correct on this.

After all, Skud has sound judgment on what is really "bad".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya, I guess we're expected to believe what the Trumpers believe: That when Trump declared he'd be dictator for just one day, he was only joking.

After all, how many people running for the presidency say that as a joke, eh? Har. Har.

How many people running for the presidency have threatened the sitting POTUS? Har. Har.

"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."

Anonymous said...

The real issue is dualistic thinking which leads to ego generated and supported positions. Not positions that have positive benefits for the greatest number.