Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Steven Beschloss:

“Speaker Mike Johnson’s violation of our judicial system with his attacks against a witness in an American courtroom and his condemnation of a legitimate judicial proceeding is chilling. Remember this day. If his party expands its power and criminal defendant Trump gets back into the White House, this day will have been a notable harbinger of their commitment to destroy our democracy.

 The support for criminality and against justice and the rule of law by this Republican Party and its House speaker is beyond appalling.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Aren't the Democrats the ones who gave him all his current powers as Speaker?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Typical. Blame the Democrats for Johnson’s appalling sycophantic behavior and interference in a judicial proceeding.


Dave Miller said...

No -FJ, the GOP elected Mike Johnson and the majority of the majority still support him.

Dave Miller said...

“Speaker Mike Johnson’s... condemnation of a legitimate judicial proceeding is chilling..."

Yes, Shaw, it is.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who choose to see the trial, as brought by the state of New York, not the federal judiciary, as illegitimate, so the criticisms of Beschloss won't matter one whit.


Shaw Kenawe said...

On Trump’s orders, the spineless senators and reps showed up to defend their favorite rapist and tax fraudster who’s in criminal court for election interference by paying of his two mistresses, a porn star and a former playmate, so the voting public would not learn about his cheating on his 3rd wife who had just given birth to his 5 th child.

This is the creep the current Republicans support. This should tell us all what sort of moral compass these people have.

HINT: none. Power is all that matters to them. Morality and the 10 Commandments they want in the classroom be damned!

Sam said...

Strange how the GOP leadership changes but their criminality does not.

Les Carpenter said...

We are reaping the inevitable results of eons of ignorance, obsurations, delusions, desires and attachments, and aversions. IOW's, the fighting against the natural energy flow of life and the universe.

It's time to listen to the messages the universe is attempting to send us. Hopefully we become wise enough to listen while understanding.

Joe Conservative said...

Saved from the diabolical machinations of MTG by a majority of House Democrats... *tsk-tsk*

Must be "buyer's remorse"... like the whole of Biden's presidency.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Buyers’ remorse happened in 2020 when America kicked Trump’s prodigious orange posterior out of the WH.

MT Greene is what happens when the ventriloquist dies and the dummy keeps talking.

Les Carpenter said...

MT Greene is what happens when the ventriloquist dies and the dummy keeps talking.

Priceless statement of the day!

Mike said...

Come on Johnson, pick a side! You did something right and now you're messing up your win.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pathetic republicans have deluded themselves to think that they are a modern day Samurai in that their devotion to blind loyalty and obedience makes them somehow honorable. How history judges these fools is of no consequence to them as virtually all of them will never read a history book.