Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, October 10, 2024

There's no hope for a country with this level of stupidity!


I don't need to tell you who she supports, do I.


Shaw Kenawe said...

This is a direct result of Trump's culture of lies and conspiracies:

Meteorologists Get Death Threats as Hurricane Milton Conspiracy Theories Thrive

It's their job to warn residents about destructive storms — but political polarization has made them targets online

Shaw Kenawe said...

“People are just so far gone, it’s honestly making me lose all faith in humanity,” says Washington D.C.-based meteorologist Matthew Cappucci, in a phone interview conducted while he was traveling down to Florida for the storm. “There’s so much bad information floating around out there that the good information has become obscured.”

Cappucci says that he’s noticed an enormous change on social media in the last three months: “Seemingly overnight, ideas that once would have been ridiculed as very fringe, outlandish viewpoints are suddenly becoming mainstream and it’s making my job much more difficult.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

Example of outrageous conspiracy theories promoted by the Lying Liar, Trump:

At one of his rallies, he claimed a young boy leaves his home in the morning for school and comes back three days later as a girl, after receiving sexual reassignment surgery in that school And his cultists CHEERED this stupid lie! They believe all the garbage he spews.

When we say Trump's cultists are stupid, that's not an insult, that's a verifiable fact, because not one of his cultists got up and left the rally after that absurd lie. They cheered!

Les Carpenter said...

Believe nothing not supported by your actual experiential knowledge or by verification gleaned from verifiable AND trusted sources.

Les Carpenter said...

Off topic, but, just caught you know who calling VP Kamala Harris the stupidest. Had to laugh as the moron doesn't realize he's simply projecting the TRUTH about himself.

BB-Idaho said...

Meteorologists now getting death threats. Kill the messenger.
US society is screwed up. Hmm, wonder who started it?