Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, October 7, 2024

This is happening in America.


BREAKING: The Charlotte Observer, the second largest newspaper in North Carolina, is BLASTING Trump for spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the federal response to Hurricane Helene. Make sure all Americans see this and hold Trump accountable for his lies.

Never in my lifetime was I, or anyone I know, afraid to put a political sign on my front lawn for fear that the opposition would harm me.

But we are in the Era of Trump, and that is now a possibility because of him and his extreme, vicious thuggish rhetoric.



Dave Miller said...

Besides his statements about US FEMA aid in response to Helene, which all governors and senators in the area, Dem and Republican, have called lies. it gets worse.

Various news organizations are reporting this weekend, that DJT, his allies and spokespeople, have moved beyond merely falsely claiming the rhetoric of the left caused ppl to want to kill the former president.

Trump and his people directly blamed progressives and said the left actually tried to kill him.

Tim Walz saying he was in a wrong place, or time, matters about as much as Trump saying he was at the towers on 9/11 or saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New York or New Jersey after those attacks.

The flip flops of Harris are about as important as those of Vance. useful for political fodder, but not much else.

Those are the exaggerations of political campaigns. We can wish they did not happen, but people get excited and say stupid stuff. They get caught in past wrong statements and look for a way out, instead of admitting error. They get in office and learn a little more making past stances untenable.

But the latest in the truth wars from Trump are beyond that, and him simply claiming they, like his election denial, are deeply held, does not excuse him.

Trump knows what he is spewing are lies, or he is too stupid to know better.

Either way, it should, but sadly will not, disqualify him from the presidency.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump know that what he spews are lies, but he also knows his marks, MAGA. If you make the lie big enough and repeat it often enough, people with no critical thinking skills will believe it. That is what Trump is doing.

He's a monster.

skudrunner said...

The concern rhe administration is showing is inspiring. The president is on the beach and the VP is trying to get her teleprompter to work so she knows what to say.

Relief to Lebanon which should go to US citizens slammed by a hurricane, good move

Les Carpenter said...

The pathetic sick nature of DJT's existence is eating him alive from within. He is but a petrified weakling afraid of his own shadow. A complete waste of H2O as NOTHING this scum does has any redeeming value whatsoever .

I have a Harris bumper sticker on my vehicle. I now must get one for outdoors. Perhaps a VERY big colorful one. The orange trash can go SIHH as nobody frightens one who knows his being.

Trump, you're one sick SOB.

BB-Idaho said...

It has been noted that Trump has earned a place in Dante's 9th Circle of Hell.
Mostly because, he would be banned from most landfills. Sadly, his followers share his cruel dark outlook. The First Amendment is springing leaks.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud is MAGA all the way. He HATES Democrats, deflects from Trump's lies, and has no respect for the truth or anyone who tells it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Shame on you, skud, for repeating a stupid and easily provable LIE! Every governor in each state that was hit by Hurricane Helene has said the Biden Administration's response was excellent, and it gave them all what they needed, and they were promised more help should those governors find they need more.

You're lie is an abomination because it sows distrust, hatred, and seeds of insurrection against the US government. You realize you're doing the work of agents of unrest and worse, a criminal -- Donald Trump.

If you had taken the time to see what the governors of the affected states ACTUALLY, TRUTHFULLY said about the Biden administration's response, you would NEVER HAVE POSTED WHAT YOU DID.

I chose to publish you shameful comment so that we can see how damaging it is for people to mindlessly repeat lies.

What is there about this headline in the North Carolina Charlotte Observer that you do not believe?:

The Charlotte Observer, the second largest newspaper in North Carolina, is BLASTING Trump for spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the federal response to Hurricane Helene. Make sure all Americans see this and hold Trump accountable for his lies.

You're not helping the people who are suffering from the hurricane's devastation. You're helping the Liar, Cheat, Fraud, convicted FELON, adjudicated RAPIST, and tax FRAUD -- Trump, a convicted criminal! Why?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The tragedy of what Trump is doing is that he has infected otherwise decent people, like our frequent commenter, skudrunner, who has decided to repeat and spread Trump's horrendous lies about the government's response to Hurricane Helene.

Any Circle of Hell is too good for Trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From the Charlotte Observer:

Emergency officials responding to the Hurricane Helene disaster in Western North Carolina say false rumors on social media are impeding their efforts to help tens of thousands of people in need. “False information is being widely shared on social media channels, including AI-generated content and images,” N.C. Department of Public Safety officials said in a statement. ”Nefarious actors and those with ill intent may be taking advantage of this situation by spreading false information.”


"The public should find and share information from trusted sources and discourage others from spreading information from unverified sources, NCDPS officials said.

Here are rumors being spread on social media and the facts offered in response by government agencies: RUMOR: FEMA IS NOT RESPONDING TO SWANNANOA.

Fact: FEMA has sent more than 1,200 urban search-and-rescue personnel to Western North Carolina."

Shaw Kenawe said...


Facts: The N.C. State Emergency Response Team includes local, state, federal and military units; power and cell phone companies and other businesses; and volunteer organizations.


skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw. You responded to what you wish I had said not what I said. I didn’t say the government didn’t provide relief but optics matter and for the greatest VP in history to not be all over this is a mistake because she might be asked a non prepared question.
Much of what being a leader is showing concern. Neither of them are going to do anything but showing they care is important.
I am excited to see Kamala is going to appear on those hard hitting shows like Colbert, view and howie stern. I’m sure they will pepper her with hard questions.

possumlady said...

As I've said before, trump is a cornered rat and Skud seems to be in the same corner.

possumlady said...

I need to add that I always knew trump was a rat, but honestly, even I didn't think he would spread false rumors about the hurricane recovery to score political points. He is basically kicking Americans who are already down and giving them no hope and undue worry as to when or if help will arrive. Okay, I take that back, rats do have some redeeming qualities and they can make sweet pets. There is absolutely no redeeming quality to trump and his cult followers. I abhor them all.

Mike said...

Lots of posts on Nextdoor about signs being stolen out of front yards. I've had one stolen. MAGA thieves. Go figure.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... Skud has repeated lied about many of us here, twisted our words and outright ascribed words and views to us we've never espoused.

This has been shown over and over to him. We have repeatedly asked him to stop and yet, he is unable to do that. much less apologize.

Others, myself included, have acknowledged when we have been wrong, corrected the record and have even highlighted when he has been correcrt in some of his criticisms of us and progressive thought and Dem candidates.

But from Skud? Nothing. No remorse, no acknowledgement, no acceptance of his numerous lies. Nothing.

He may not like Trump, but he's adopted the Trump way, say what you want, demonize your enemies and never, under any circumstances, admit wrong doing, regardless of the evidence.

Skud has no use for compromise, finding common ground and no evident capacity to grow, change and improve.

Why? I have no idea.

Shaw Kenawe said...

All I know, skud, is that you post nothing but negatives about ALL Democrats, no matter what they accomplish. You don't know what VP Harris is doing about the recovery, except what you read in or hear from media outlets. And aren't you the one who constantly tells us not to believe what the media say?

Having VP Harris travel to the devastated areas is stupid. The governors of the states affected have said they have to provide precious resources to protect the POTUS and VPOTUS should they decide to visit. I think they should NOT visit, but Biden is going to, I don't recall if VP Harris is.

Both VP Harris and Pres. Biden HAVE shown concern! You know that. But no matter what they say or do will NEVER be enough for you.


We get it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump is transactional. He doesn't care about anyone or anything unless it benefits him. He's a malignant narcissist.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Bryan Adams

No one in western NC is saying the Biden response is slow and irresponsible. My friends in Swannanoa say FEMA and other support organizations are doing a great job and the locals appreciate them dearly.

Grey One talks sass said...

There goes skudster, moving those goal posts with their claim Shaw didn't address their comment with all the pomp and circumstance it deserves. She is correct, we needed to see the crap you believe skud.

While skud says Harris isn't sitting for interviews with traditional media (but neither is his lard and hero so both sides somehow???) they ignore the metric ton of interviews she gave to the new generation of media - the podcasts, tiktokers, and blogers. And honestly why should she trust traditional media? Most of their questions aren't about policy but asking for a reaction about the latest horrible thing to spring fully formed from the former presidents mouth (or their spokescritters - can't slide a piece of paper between them).

From the podcasts I've listened to volunteers followed the links and financially or with physical presence showed up where and when they were needed. Missed by skud was Harris showing up to work a food line and speak with a few families who lost everything. As Shaw stated, having that high profile of a human in an area where resources are massively stressed makes no sense. But hey, we know what is important to skud - not the real work but the photo op. How two dimensional of them especially since Harris did exactly what skud claims they did not do.

skud, no matter how much they may protest, is now joined at the hip with both MAGA and the loser, felon, sexual assaulter former president of the USA. skud and Trump sitting in a tree... whoopsie daisy, here comes Milton.

Les Carpenter said...

Trump is certainly very good at one thing. The ability to keep the spotlight on himself. Which includes insuring people are talking about him all the time.

He's in heaven when he's the center of attention. Yet we all seem obligatory to his desires.