The Captain of the Mother Ship: "BB-IDAHO…….ARE YOU PROUD OF AMERICA? (how’s that for a question?!)"
BB-Idaho answers with wit and dignity:
RE: “BB-IDAHO…….ARE YOU PROUD OF AMERICA? (how’s that for a question?!) Sort of like “are you still beating your wife?” ! I’ve been proud of the US ever since I was born the day Greece surrendered to Nazi Germany. I was proud when Biden was president (gasp!). But I’m a member of the Silent Generation, so I don’t get all puffed up about it. I’m still proud, but pondering Proverbs – Pride Goeth Before A Fall. Naturally, I am proud of our education system, I like teachers, and when I had to fire someone, I felt that somehow I failed. I live in one of the most Republican states in the country – but they talk to me. – and no, I am still not beating my wife
PS. Bravo! Well done, Sir!
Dear BB-Idaho,
We here at P.E. would NEVER question your being proud of America.
What the Captain of the Mother Ship (and her sailors) don't understand, and never will, is that one can love one's country and criticize it when it fails to live up to its ideals and laws. She and her Trumper pals will not tolerate anyone who calls out this country when it fails to live up to its promise and elects a convicted felon/sexual assaulter to represent us. They will never understand what it means to live in a democracy where loyalty should be given to our Constitution NOT TO A PRESIDENT!
Right now, we are being tested by a president who doesn't believe in our ideals and laws, and the Mother Ship sailors and Captain love HIM, not the Constitution.
Mark Twain famously said, "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it," suggesting a distinction between loyalty to one's nation and critical evaluation of its actions.