Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, March 28, 2025



The most dishonest, felon-saturated regime in American history.

Lost in the firehose of dumb and illegal actions the Trump/Musk regime is splattering all over our country is this: 

Trump pardoned Trevor Milton, the founder of bankrupt electric and hydrogen-powered truck maker Nikola, who was convicted of fraud after a jury found him guilty of lying to investors about the company's technology. 

"Retail investors lost millions from the fraud perpetrated by Trevor Milton, according to prosecutors in court documents from just two weeks ago. 

Milton late Thursday said he was pardoned by President Donald Trump, an assertion the White House has yet to confirm. 

Milton in 2023 was convicted for lying about the technological breakthroughs Nikola made when he was chief executive. Most infamously, a prototype electric truck was rolled down a hill, a fact first identified by the short-selling research firm Hindenburg Research. Matthew Podolsky, the acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, submitted a filing earlier this month asking the court to order Milton to pay $661 million in restitution to retail investors."


This is illegal:   "Musk announced in an overnight post on X that he’ll hand out million-dollar checks at a Sunday night event in Wisconsin—but only to those who voted in the state’s Supreme Court election. 

Why is Elon so invested in this race? Tesla is facing legal challenges in Wisconsin."


Anonymous said...

It will never a good day when the grim reaper comes calling for the Cheeto "Man"

Anonymous said...

Is AI monitoring the internet? Changing words that the fscists find disagreeable?

First sentence above read when typed It will be a good day when...

Right wing fascist censorship?

skudrunner said...

It will never be a good day until we have a political system that works for the people. This is not the first battery car company that has ripped people off because the market was not ready for a limited range vehicle be it a van or a school bus. How much has the taxpayer been ripped off from shady operators of solar and battery car companies. Did you express outrage about Solyndra, didn't think so.
Politicians should not be allowed to step into our legal system

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... does anything Trump does surprise us? For me, absolutely nothing.

But what can we do?

The struggle is epitomized in the story of Bradley Bartell. Bartell went to Puerto Rico to celebrate his honeymoon with his wife, a woman who was stranded here, overstaying her VISA, during the pandemic. She worked with the US Government and got a green card in the process.

As they were returning to the US, bartell's wife was arrested and deported. Her crime? Overstaying her VISA during that pandemic, because the only other choice was walking or swimming back to Peru. Thus the Trump Admin judged her green card as illegal because she was her illegally.

Her husband, a Trump voter, does not regret his vote and hope it leads to "real change".

How do we deal with that?

But here's another example from here at PE. Yesterday Skud posted the following...

"David has some independent leanings on occasion but I wouldn't go so far as to categorize him as an independent, no offense Dave. He is not a rabid leftist but bends sharply left."

I wonder what someone must do in our country for people who support and vote for MAGA enabling politicians to see them as independents?

Seriously, Skud... give me a list, or heck, just two or three progressive/liberal/Dem politicians you've voted for or supported over the years.

I've supported Nixon, Ford, Bush I, Clinton, Nader, None of the above, Obama and yes, Biden. I called for Clinton to resign after "l'affaire Monica". I've voted for GOP Governors and Senators in my state of Nevada. I've repeatedly supported some variation of term limits, a balanced budget, immigration reform and more. I've traveled to and worked alongside some pretty mega MAGA ppl and count them as dear friends, as they do me.

And yet, to a guy like you, the sailors on the HMS Mothership and other MAGA supporters, I don't qualify as an "independent" voter.

A MAGA guy sees his wife deported and does not regret his vote. MAGA can't see ppl like me as a moderate and/or an independent.

Somebody help me! Please. Because THIS is our problem.

Please explain what someone must do, what votes they must support, what views they must have to be considered independent.

Skud, you call yourself independent. I disagree based on your support, not for conservative policies, but for MAGA enabling leaders. To me an independent votes across party lines occasionally.

Have you ever done that? Have you ever supported a Dem president, Senator or Congressman in a local election?

Dave Miller said...

Speaking of pardons Shaw... now the Trump Admin is considering government reparation payments to the J6 criminals who were pardoned.

What is the principle behind this? If a POTUS thinks rioters/invaders/criminals should be given reparations for their time in jail, after being found guilty by a jury of their peers, or having pled guilty themselves, I think that's a noteworthy, maybe even earth shaking policy idea.

I wonder if he will call on the GOP to pass a law making this idea the "law of the land"?

Mike said...

At least this started out with a good laugh!

BB-Idaho said...

Having grown up and educated in the badger state, I follow the politics there. Originally progressive (Bob La Follett, William Proxmire etc_) the state turned purple with the Reagan landslide. And so it remains - one Senator of each party, Dem governor, and GOP majority state in house and legislature. When the GOP court a few years back, they banned abortions AND background checks for fire arms. So the voters went with a liberal court since then. The Dem candidate is ahead in polls, but then she doesn't hand out $Million bribes. Interesting.

BB-Idaho said...

JD has to hurry from the make up room for important work -
"The order tasks Vice President JD Vance, who serves on the Smithsonian Institution's Board of Regents, with overseeing efforts to "remove improper ideology" from all areas of the institution, including its museums, education and research centers and the National Zoo." Huh? deport the pandas? Rename the Spirit of St. Louis the Angel of Mara Lago? Humorous blog I
vist noted 'You can't make this sh*t up!"

Dave Miller said...

Skud does a good job of recalling all the sins of the past. As if anything we did wrong before, justifies doing wrong today.

It does not. Never has, never will. No parent accepts the logic that two wrong make a right, and neither should we.

But generally Skud, yes, I'll engage, spar and comment on past stuff, the moment you stand up and say at least some of the BS your MAGA supporting friends is BS and Trump and Trump alone is a straight up liar of epic proportions. After you acknowledge, without any comparisons to past politicians, actions and foibles, that stuff like sending admitted innocent people to a prison in El Salvador is unconstitutional. That closing government programs and defunding them from the Executive Branch, without legislative approval, is unconstitutional. That mocking handicapped ppl, calling ppl names, calling for violence, that pardoning J6 people is all unpresidential and harms our country.

When you stand up amigo, we'll take you seriously. But until then, why should we?

Grey One talks sass said...

Dave Miller, you are who you say you are and how absolutely dare someone else try to define you using terms you never consented to using. That's the issue in my view.

I would agree with your assessment of being an independent voter because you vote your values, not your party. Not that my opinion matters but it is what it is.

Felt your anguish because you want to reach the person yelling slogans and propaganda points to a point somewhere behind one's left shoulder. That's how if feels to me when I think skud acknowledges the facts before them but then gets all freaked out and says something so contrary to reality that one wonders if they really see us or the strawman version of whomever they happen to encounter in that very moment.

I won't always agree with you and I'd have it no other way. That said, WeThePeople have got this and although it doesn't appear to be much of a resistance to the FOTUS admin and their Project 2025 punch list but please trust me, it exists.

There are so many atrocities committed by the FOTUS admin that've not made it to the surface because there is just that many atrocities occurring each and every moment of the day.

Shock and awe - it's one hell of a tactic. And once MAGA has dismantled it all and sold off the pieces I do wonder about how it will play out for this years storm season. It's March into April and we've already had death and destruction. Ok then. Guess MAGA picked the wrong day to defund NOAA.

Grey One talks sass said...

I saw that tidbit. I'm hoping the archivists and scientists there are wise enough to hide priceless artifacts in plain sight. And out of sight. They are rewriting our history so it aligns with what they were taught by Dave and Tim Barton of Wallbuilders fame. America 2.0 needs to address the willful misinterpretation of history. Might be one of my pet irritations so I'll stop. didn't mean to hijack your comment.

Anonymous said...

skud is what used to be knowe as a political hack.

The Hackory across America is why the Cheeto "Man" is the Felon in Chief today.

skudrunner said...

Dave, I guess I hit a nerve which I didn't mean to but since I have seen your posts for the last few years it has been leftists. The progressive party was a republican inspired party so that term makes no sense. Yes I have voted democrat for mayor three times, governor, LBJ and Clinton. I wouldn't support obama either time because he was a special interest president and no to biden/harris either time because they are totally incompetent. I chose to watch from the sideline last time.

I am a fiscally conservative independent who doesn't really care who sleeps with or marries who. Neither party is fiscally conservative so I won't identify with either one. I cannot identify with maga because I support abortion as a womens right and support women to have a chance to compete in sports, marry whoever you want and everyone should have basic healthcare. Basically do whatever you want just do it with your own money.
I don't support they way trump is acting but he has a huge task to accomplish in four years given the mess the country is in.

Dave Miller said...

Meanwhile back on Earth 2.0... inflation and tariffs are ups... stocks and retirement accounts are down. Egg prices however hit a 5 month low.

Let's see... Trump used to say the stock market was a key indicator of how good the economy was. Until the Biden market soared to record levels. He also said during the campaign that he'd have prices down on "Day 1". But then he also said we'd only be deporting violent criminals.

Am I glad it's Friday? Yes and no. Yes because we get a Trump news break. But no because he will have lots of free time between his million dollar golf shots to dream up more economic mayhem for the average American.

Oh and Canada, a strong ally and neighbor since almost forever, has said the trusted relationship with the US is over. Because we can't be trusted.

It's so nice to be respected around the world again after Obama and Biden.

It's maddening.

Anonymous said...

It is ignorance and a total lack of self awareness by the Narcissistic Orange Cheetos Felon Fuhrer and his loyal minions of ass kissing sheeple.

skudrunner said...

Dave, Trying to follow your rant about me taking an oath to denounce everything maga but it seems to go off the rails. I haven't read where in the constitution says anything about el salvador. It was fine for carter to create the DoE but not for someone to close it when they are ineffective and a waste of money. I never said anything about crokett mocking Abbott nor do I support burning cars so you are incorrect on those.
Do you support not taking action on individuals who commit a crime. Do you support the reckless spending of money collected from 51% of Americans.

I am still looking for the films on trump leading people to the capital to riot but have yet to find them, perhaps you have a copy. Your outrage seems to be misdirected.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... I too have skipped a few presidential elections when I did not like either candidate. So there's that.

But you say you don't "really care who sleeps with or marries who". That issue is a people issue. And I truly want to believe my conservative friends who say that, but then they vote for ppl who legislate against that very principle.

There's not more than a handful of federal elected GOP officials who believe as you do on that issue, yet you still support them. How do you work through that? I get it, voting and issues sometimes require tough, or even rotten compromises, but the GOP won't even play nice. They're happy to say anyone can do what they want and then that night at the bar spew gay jokes and asides all night.

You obviously don't like the Dems or a lot of the left, I get that. But on this issue, they fully support your view. A view that believes, as the Loving decision stated years ago and enabled my marriage to be valid in all 50 states, that you can sleep with and love whoever you want.

And the Dems back it up with legislation whenever they can.

What big issue does the GOP push and back up with legislation and action that you support?

Dave Miller said...

Skud... I'll leave it at El Salvador. While not specifically stated in the US Constitution, the presumption of innocence, as opposed to in Napoleonic Law, is a bedrock tenant of the US legal system.

The Trump Admin sent, by their own words, "around" 260 people, who were already under detention by the US Government, to a prison in El Salvador.

Many of them had not been found guilty of a crime. Not. A. One. The numbers are fuzzy because the Trump Admin does not know, by their own admission, exactly how many ppl they sent.

When asked about the guilt or innocence of these ppl, the Trump Admin admitted the above fact but then said it did not matter. Why? Because they said, "those" people had not been in the country long enough to commit a crime.

That statement is in the court documents Skud. The US Government, under Trump, has decided it is okay to put people in jail, in another country even before they commit a crime. Just in case they might!

I've always been a fan of the opening theme song of Baretta... "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". But many of the prisoners who were shipped out, were here legally awaiting their ICE appointments, had done nothing wrong, had legal status and yet were adjudicated by the Executive Branch of the US Government, under Trump, to be guilty of some unsaid crime and summarily imprisoned and sent to a gulag in El Salvador.

IMHO, there simply is no more important matter before the US Courts right now than this. None. And no one who supports the rule of law, our system of checks and balances, our three co-equal branches of government, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be supporting the Trump Admin in this.

And for me, anyone who turns a blind eye to it and continues to support the Trump Admin view on this, is not worthy of much respect.

My outrage is fully and completely directed at the Trump Admin and the ppl in the US who have enabled his presidency either through a direct vote for him, and/or direct votes for GOP leaders who refuse to honor their oath and tell him enough is enough.

If that includes you, and I hope it does not, ni modo.