Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Saturday, March 15, 2025



REPORTER: Mr. President, Denmark has repeatedly stated Greenland is not for sale. Are you still pursuing this idea? TRUMP: Look, Denmark is very far away. A boat landed there 200 years ago or something, and they say they have rights to it. I don't know if that's true. I don't think it is, actually. REPORTER: So you’re questioning Denmark’s sovereignty over Greenland? TRUMP: I’m just saying, it’s a big piece of land, beautiful land. A lot of ice, a lot of minerals. Very valuable minerals. And quite frankly, we really need it for national security. REPORTER: How does Greenland factor into U.S. national security? TRUMP: Well, it’s in the Arctic. You know who else is in the Arctic? Russia, China—bad guys. You don’t want bad guys in the Arctic, believe me. And we could do some great things there. Maybe you'll see more and more soldiers go there. We’d be protecting it. REPORTER: So are you proposing to station U.S. troops in Greenland? TRUMP: Well, you know, soldiers love cold weather. You ever see the movie Fargo? They wear those nice hats with the flaps. It’d be perfect. REPORTER: That’s…not how this works. TRUMP: Look, the people of Greenland love me. They would love to be part of America. We could make it great. Maybe call it “Greenland Trump Tower,” I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.

Greenland’s prime minister says island isn’t for sale as Trump seeks control ‘one way or the other’


Anonymous said...

A flaming narcissistic a-hole without a clue. An idiot on steriods.

Dave Miller said...

Is this from The Onion?

BB-Idaho said...

"The people of Green land love me!". Latest polls say yes, 6% do. Probably been eating dog team mush. The current Dr. Strangelove.

Mike said...

🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️