Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, March 3, 2025

Trump pleased the international war criminal, Putin, with his performance on Friday, and attacked the president of the country Putin invaded!


Under Trump, America has become one of the most hated countries in the world by pro-democracy allies.

Putin’s Mouthpiece Gloats Over Trump Falling in Line With Russia’s ‘Vision’ 

"The Kremlin celebrated President Donald Trump‘s radical overhaul of U.S. foreign policy, stating that America’s view of global affairs now 'largely coincides with our vision.' ”

Because of the Felon of the United States, we are now partners with an international war criminal, Putin, and an enemy of democracies around the world.

Trump has broken America into pieces and pleased our enemies.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Jon Cooper‬:

I’m sick and tired of Trump taking Putin’s side at every opportunity, at the expense of America’s longtime allies in Europe. “America First” my ass — Traitor Trump is all about putting Moscow first!

Anonymous said...

Life will go on. Albeit with greater danger and much less honesty and integrity from the federal government.

It is now up to individuals resisting in every way possible the malignancy now rapidly taking over this country.

We (patriotic Americans) must vocalize our strong support for Zelensky, Ukraine, and Democracy. We must not let the voices of authoritatianism and rule by the narcissistic personality of the Felon of the United States win.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Traitor Trump. America's great DISGRACE .

Shaw Kenawe said...

Conservative David Brooks on the Friday Trump attack on our ally, Zelensky:

“I was nauseated, just nauseated. All my life, I have had a certain idea of about America, that we're a flawed country, but we're fundamentally a force for good in the world, that we defeated Soviet Union, we defeated fascism, we did the Marshall Plan, we did PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) to help people live in Africa. And we make mistakes, Iraq, Vietnam, but they're usually mistakes out of stupidity, naivete and arrogance."
“They're not because we're ill-intentioned.

What I have seen over the last six weeks is the United States behaving vilely, vilely to our friends in Canada and Mexico, vilely to our friends in Europe. And today was the bottom of the barrel, vilely to a man who is defending Western values, at great personal risk to him and his countrymen."

“Donald Trump believes in one thing. He believes that might makes right. And, in that, he agrees with Vladimir Putin that they are birds of a feather. And he and Vladimir Putin together are trying to create a world that's safe for gangsters, where ruthless people can thrive. And we saw the product of that effort today in the Oval Office."

“And I have — I first started thinking, is it — am I feeling grief? Am I feeling shock, like I'm in a hallucination? But I just think shame, moral shame. It's a moral injury to see the country you love behave in this way.”

BB-Idaho said...

Only another 3.8 years to go. I'm saving up to buy an egg and pondering Steve Bannon as Pope.

Anonymous said...

That is precisely what happens when the supposed leader of the country has zero ethical core beliefs and views everthing as transactional with the benefits accruing largely to himself.