Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Massachusetts Named Healthiest State in America

2017 State RankingsMassachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Utah, and Connecticut rank as the five healthiest states,while West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi rank the least healthy.

(CNN)Despite years of efforts to even out health disparities across the United States, some states are dramatically healthier than others, according to a new report. Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Utah and Connecticut rank as the five healthiest states, while West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi rank the least healthy in America's Health Rankings, according to the report by the United Health Foundation.

The rankings take into account a variety of health factors, such as rates of infectious diseases, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and infant mortality, as well as air pollution levels and the availability of health care providers.

This is the first time Massachusetts has been named the healthiest state, ending Hawaii's five-year reign

The Bay State won the honor in part due to having the lowest percentage of uninsured residents at just 2.7% of the population, plus a low prevalence of obesity and a high number of mental health providers.

Mississippi and Louisiana, ranked 49th and 50th, have major health challenges, according to the report, including a high prevalence of smoking, obesity and children in poverty.

Image result for stickers about health

It is sad to look at the maps in the above link and understand that the states with the worst health ratings are states that are governed by Republican governors and where voters continue to vote against their self interest.

Massachusetts is not just the healthiest state, it is also the best educated. I believe that being intelligent voters in making quality of life choices produces a healthy population. We have the lowest uninsured population in America. Perhaps there's a link between giving people access to quality health care and having a healthy population. It's just plain smart.

It's a shame so many Gooper Americans don't understand that basic fact.

BTW, it is also noteworthy that Massachusetts has had more Republican governors than Democratic governors to balance the always heavily Democratic state legislature. Also, our Republican governors are not insane, like the present people who have taken over the GOP.  

Massachusetts is smart, we would NEVER vote for the sort of Republicans that have infected and ruined the Party of Lincoln.


Kevin Robbins said...

Congratulations, Shaw. The Northeast does pretty well with half of the top ten. I'm surprised that California and Oregon don't rank higher.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I had nothing to do with the honor, except voting for the sort of people who have the best interest of all Massachusetts people instead of just a religious few.