Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, May 11, 2022



For skudrunner:


skudrunner said...

Not a bad idea but it will be difficult to enforce. The government has made fathers unnecessary with the welfare program set up to incentivize single parenthood. Can't see anything wrong with his article.

Anonymous said...

Fine, put men against the wall and force them to take responsibility for the children they produce. But then remove the bias towards women in child custody cases, divorce, and other family court matters. A guy should have a right to not leave his estate to his children if he does not want to. Maybe his child turns out to be a criminal and he does not want to finance criminal activity with his estate money.

Grey One talks sass said...

If women have no choice then neither do men. Anonymous 3:37 wants an option to not leave their estate to their offspring. So where is the option for the female? Watch out Anon, you betray your misogynistic thoughts.

This clipping has made the rounds of the blogs I frequent, both as a post and in the comments. Lots of additions like - if life begins at fertilization as many states are pushing then having sex means a male must place a specific amount of money in an escrow account before any hanky panky takes place.

Banks and lawyers are going to love this brave new world.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass,

I had the same thought when I read Anonymous's comment. How quickly they become incensed when they think someone, other than a girl or a woman, is being unjustly forced to do something against their will and in violation of their autonomy.

R.D. said...

All I will say, is the fact that anti-choice supporters do not engage with argument but instead eagerly change the subject is strong evidence for the truth of it. I’ve also heard many who in the interest of “plain speaking” actually come out and say, in effect, “women just need to keep their legs together, or put an aspirin between their knees."

I’m not saying that they don’t imagine in their mind a quarter-sized mass of tissue as a fully formed and sentient baby, they do. But most people don’t think that way, and rightly so.

Religious fervor of a minority is a bad rationale for use of government power.

Paula said...

Yep. IUD's will be outlawed next because the religious-political right thinks preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg is an abortion.

If you don't believe they will go that far, fact check. Overturning Roe is about taking power away from women, but also about taking power away from any human who participates in any sexual or asexual act that can lead to conception.

It's about giving the control of the means of reproduction over to the state, whether the means occurs in a uterus or in a petri dish. And it's also about controlling the sexual behavior of all of us, whether we desire procreation or not.

BluebullAmerica said...

the right wing has always been about curtailing rights and the left has always been about expanding rights. I'll stick with expanding the rights of our people. The fascists on the right have no idea what a hornets nest they've poked this time.

Anonymous said...

Instead of "Dems fail to pass abortion bill," shouldn't the headline be something like: "Senate Republicans kill abortion rights that nearly 70% of Americans say in polls they want"?

Anonymous said...

As the exercise in isanity continues ad nauseum. Compliments of the rougue SCOTUS, the Vatican, and US conservatives and republicans.