Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, March 13, 2023

Here's the list...


of Democratic and Republican Congresscritters who voted to REDUCE the regulatory oversight of the Silicone Valley Bank (SVB) in 2018, during the Trump administration:


Les Carpenter said...

Business isn't the solution. It is the problem.

Ignorance, greed, abd dishonesty.

skudrunner said...

Did they vote against all bank regulations or just SVB. If congress had any input into banking regulations it just shows we are being managed my idiots because all they are concerned about is their personal wealth. If congress was not part of the elected elite they would have a difficult time feeding their family and mistresses.

Dave Dubya said...

We have the best congress money can buy. - Will Rogers

bluzdude said...

I saw a segment last night on one of the Sinclair channels, blaming this collapse on the bank pursuing a "woke" agenda, by looking for a variety of demographics of candidates to manage the business.

When in doubt, misdirect. Whenever Republican practices blow up, there's always a liberal boogieman to blame.

Mike said...

How many more tRUMP miscues are waiting to jump up and bite us in the ass.

skudrunner said...

Of course this is trumps fault who else could it be. Seven directors of the bank and not one of them had any banking experience. They are far more concerned about politically correct hirings than experience. This is what happens when you rely on government bureaucrats to oversee anything. Where were the banking regulators, apparently not doing their job.

Now we have yellin saying the federalist are not going to bail them out and two hours later joey b says they are. Another to big to fail only this time when 92% of political donations in silicon valley go to democrats it does seem political, but I guess you will disagree.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud The SVB failure had worldwide consequences. Just lookat the stock markets. It would have been irresponsible if President Biden did NOT act on this.

You make EVERYTHING political!

skudrunner said...

Again it is trumps fault just ask joey b and mike and leslie. joey b can shut down a pipeline firing thousands the first day in office but he cannot overturn a banking regulation in 2 1/2 years. He only makes changes when it appeals to his minority base and has nothing to do with protecting and serving the majority of the American people.

Bailing them out is in line with paying collage tuition for people who signed a contract and mismanaging a business to the point of failure as long as you are socially correct. Banks have FDIC which pays up to 250K so depositors are protected. If they have more than 250k in the bank then they are rich and careless and probably didn't earn it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To skudrunner

Where did you read that President Biden is "bailing out" SVB?

"President Biden on Monday stressed that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) will not get a government bailout after regulators seized the assets of the failed bank. “No losses will be — and this is an important for point — no losses will be borne by the taxpayers."