Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, March 10, 2024




Les Carpenter said...

The best, and perhaps the only path to realizing the truth of Dostoevsky's words is through meditation and contemplation. For in these modes of being it is very difficult, if not next to impossible to lie to oneself.

Of course it does require an honest desire to "know oneself" and the intention and motivation to effect positive changes within oneself and ones behaviors, specifically body, speech, and mind.

In other words, it requires work. And, the work ain't easy. Sometimes it carrys a stinging bite.

Dave Dubya said...

There are homo sapiens and homo semi-sapiens. ALL Trumpists fit that latter. They FEEL threatened by information they don't want to know, and are incapable of questioning their thoughts, ideas, beliefs or their leaders.