Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, March 14, 2025

Even neutral Switzerland despises him!


How universally detestable one must be to have the Swiss demonstrate their hatred of the US Felon-in-Chief:


Anonymous said...


The Felon of the USA will be the most reviled "man" the world over. With the possible exception of Russia, North Korea, and Hungary.

Guess he'll be first in something.

BB-Idaho said...

My wive's cousins there certainly do! Swiss are big on orderly, prompt and stable as well as civil. Musk probably wants to invade them.

possumlady said...

Where can we get those FU headdresses?? I want one!!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

It takes a lot of incompetence and stupidity to get the Swiss to hate you. We are now the world's most hated country, thanks to the world's stupidest man, Trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I know. Right?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Correction: Not the MOST hated country in the world, THE SECOND MOST HATED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD in 2025. China is #1, followed by USA, then Russia, North Korea, and Israel.

Trump has succeeded in trashing America to the point where our friends and allies HATE US! And he managed that in under 3 months. Let's give him credit where credit is due!